Why do you hate science pol?
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Show me which chromosome makes you gay or trans. I'll wait...
I don't get it.
op is a fucking retarded cunt with broken pictures
here u go m8, bit of fuckin context
OP is a faggot phone poster, that's why.
phone posters need 2 be banned
huh its almost as if a scientist came to a new conclusion after gaining more information.
like how science works
Sexuality isn't on a spectrum. If you like sucking dick, you're not "just a little gay", you're a fucking homo. If you've sucked dick and regretted it, then you're a fucking idiot who fell for the "sexuality is a spectrum" meme.
People have known that the earth wasn't flat for millennia, it doesn't take an idiot to come to that conclusion.
>gay is a gender
me liking bondage is also a gender?
Does having a chromosomal disorder qualify as a seperate gender? If yes, than Bill Nye is right in his new show.
What has science given us?
This. Biological sex isnt on a spectrum - there are two funtional ones and varying degrees of comprimised disorders.
The spectrum isnt between male and female, its between healthy reproductive funtional people and sterility, and in extreme cases death.
The problem in this debate is the four different versions of the arguments:
> What liberals say
> What conservatives say
> What liberals are pretending conservatives are saying
> What conservatives are pretending liberals are saying
There's so many strawmaning you can't even talk anymore. For instance, Bill Nye is still saying biological sex is determined by chromosomes. What he's saying is sociological gender (how you act or supposed to) isn't so binary, like sex practices are.
Exactly my feelings.
Because pol hates reality.
Wait, wait, wait a sec. So you, ameritards, calling a media character a scientific? Lol, u mad?
Does he mean that sexuality is a spectrum or is he saying that sex is anything other than male and female?
>It's a science and religion can't intermingle in certain situations episode
If gender is a social construct and our biological sex has nothing to do with our gender then why do trans people put so much effort in physically looking like the other sex?
>sociological gender
>Remember when the earth was flat?
Apparently, and I suppose this shouldn't be a surprise, there is some significant cross over between the Flat Earthers and the Transgender community.
...Sex isn't on a spectrum though...
It's also how selling out works though information is replaced with shekels.
Bill Nye isn't a scientist.
There are no scientists who have determined that the behavior of chromosomes have changed since the 1990's.
Please point them out if you know who they are.
>not just turning science into religion
Do you even revolution, comrade?
Do you like bondage + piss? That's the best ever.
>Sup Forums hates reality
Meanwhile, on the left
>You can change into a woman if you wish really, really, really hard!
Apparently, from how they explain it - The opposite sex only looks like the opposite sex because society tells them to look that way.
Otherwise women would be indistinguishable from men.
Seriously. It makes no sense to think of it as a spectrum.
You're either sucking dick or not sucking dick.
What determines your placement on the spectrum?
How many dicks you've sucked?
"I don't understand actual politics or economics, I guess I can default on meme issues."
What ever shred I had of respect for this guy is now gone
Life is like a game of cards. God gives you some and you have to play with them, but these fucks want to fucking replace them. You don't do that
>And castrate yourself. It's totally normal!
Explain the new information.
I'll wait.
Why not just ask a trans person? Or listen to stories about trans people.
No, I mean...it's not a spectrum. He's talking about "Sex". Male or Female.
There aren't semi-Males and half-females or whatever.
I guess it's a spectrum if there are three and you want to count deformities as a gender...?
The Earth was never flat and trannies will never be women.
This person has absolutely nothing to do with science.
>Asking a mentally ill person to explain their illness to you
I'm sure that's helpful.
Any more stupid questions?
Over in the Tranny camp;
>Biology doesn't make you a woman!
>It's about adhering to cultural standards!
Meanwhile, in the feminist camp;
>Cultural standards don't make you a woman!
Which leftist am I meant to be listening to?
>also reality itself is a simulation so nothing matters
I've already had part of my dick cut-off at birth. I'm not really sure what is normal on the whole body modification thing. I think any kind of modification is gross and wrong and yet I see it everywhere.
>exceptions don't count because science
What am I missing here? There is a component to sex involving your brain too. You don't act like a women do you? Unless you're a bottom or gay or someshit.
Neither, they're dumb
So being gay is just a fetish.
Why do we have to make laws over a fetish?
the whole topic is pure comedy.
go read wikipedia about Walter Carlos who did the music for Clockwork Orange before he turned into Wendy Carlos years later. The whole article is about how "she" did this and that.
But then go read about how Bruce Jenner won the decathlon and later became a woman. NOT ONE FUCKING USE OF THE TERM "SHE" WHEN DISCUSSING WHAT HE DID. it would be so fucking hilarious to edit it to say "and then she won the men's decathlon in the olympics".
it's all a huge fucking joke. "she" can do music, so "she" did clockwork orange, but since "she" could hardly win the men's decathlon, it's all "Jenner" this and "Jenner" that, no he or she in that section at all.
Sex is defined by the chromosomes, a biological factor, gender is how society views a sex. There are tasks, duties and behavioral norms placed on both men and women and these tasks, duties and norms are different for the respective sexes. This is what it means to assume a gender role: to either assume the tasks, duties and norms of the one sex, or those of the other. How these roles developed is up to debate. It may be that bits of a role are embedded into biology, it may be that a role is constructed entirely by society. However, if one looks to the turn for gender equality Western society took, one must realize that at least part of the role is constructed by society. Otherwise, such a turn in gender roles wouldn't have been possible. Yet it's at the same time hard to stand up for a view that supposes the entirety of a gender role is consucted by society. If one assumes this, then one must find a starting point from which gender roles developed other than biology. One may turn to economics, the physical features of man and woman or even coincidence to resolve this conflict.
I won't even attempt to find a solution to the problem here.
The point is that people should realize that this issue is more complex than popular opinion - in either of the camps - has made it seem.
It's just definition-creep on the term gender. The Orwellian Left is nothing if not about semantic games.
So the Jews can promote it as an alternative lifestyle, reduce birth rates and import millions of niggers to replace the dying populations.
>1 post by this ID
change the last part to you let in rather than we let in and its perfect.
The call that saved Bill Nye
bestiality is a gender
demanding logical consistency from women is misogynistic, shitlord
you shouldn't listen to either
its illegal to fuck sheeps and children and thats a fetish
it's great, but it could end with civilization devolving into idiocracy because women being attracted to brutish IQ80s.
meaning the year 2017
I love how everyone forgets that in ancient Rome that they'd fuck anything. I mean literally anything. That being siad, sex isn't on a spectrum, it's about what gets people off the most. That being siad though, media needs to stop pushing shit like this and trying to tell people what they should like and to follow their echo chamber cause if you don't, you're a racist just cause you don't agree. Also, if you think bill nye is a actual scientist anymore, you are stupid as fuck. These days he's nothing more than a actor following a script written by people trying to push a agenda just to stay relevant.
Bill Nye the confused guy....
Hey guys Gravity works upwards now, don't question it lol it's new science, remember when Earth was flat
Your people caused this kike
All of the 49 chromosomes you have
SHOW ME THE SCIENCE! Don't Bill Nye me.