Would anyone here be interested in reading a full-length (~300 page) biography of Ted Kaczynski aka The Unabomber?

Would anyone here be interested in reading a full-length (~300 page) biography of Ted Kaczynski aka The Unabomber?

I've researched his life in great detail and there is currently no biography to my knowledge, or at least none that covers his entire life or is well-researched and carefully edited (there are some 30 page self-published ones on Amazon).

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You posted about Kaczynski on KC Sup Forums and Sup Forums many times before. Why are you so fascinated with him?


An user previously did a bio on him:

I would definitely like to read more.

Is it true that he was the victim of a MK Ultra project? How did this affect his life?
What was his favourite anime?

literature who?

Hes a pretty interesting figure. I dont agree with his solution because there is no worthwhile endgame in just living fulfilling lives until something kills our species, but he has the problem nailed down.

>Hes a pretty interesting figure.
Absolutely, but OP is infatuated, kinda.

"Industrial Society and it Future" I thought were a little ramblish but still ahead of its time in a way.
Over-socialization and the psychology of leftism/leftism I thought were generally spot on.

Sup Forums?

That wasn't me. I posted a thread about him on here with a bunch of quotations, though I've done that with a bunch of folk. Kaczynski is interesting to me considering his intelligence, the interesting life he lived between quitting academia and being arrested, and so on. There's a lot of stuff people don't know and I think they would be interested in learning about it.

That was me.

I can't really answer questions right now ITT but yeah he was involved in an MKUltra-era psychological experiment which he later recalled as the "worse experience of my life".