Why are memes like this ok and yet if I change it to "go to gas chamber" then everyone loses their mind?

Why are memes like this ok and yet if I change it to "go to gas chamber" then everyone loses their mind?

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Am I missing something here or wasn't it the communists who popularized the gulag in the first place?

Communism Monopoly. Everyone dies, nobody wins.

Yes and millions more died in gulags than in the holocaust yet you can make memes about gulags and people laugh

Everyone is rich and they lived happily ever after

Why is it OK to walk around with a shirt of a book-burning, genocide-commiting commie like Che?

Fucking Jews and their push for Marxism.

Will report Ops pic on the Facebook page.

>communists playing monopoly


Because communism never really died. Commies only changed their strategy.
The same goal of socialist, contralised government and "new" people is now pushed by brainwashing instead of revolutions and terrorist attacks.

because gas chambers rise the price of gas for the entire population

Communism is socially acceptable to modernity because it's in line with a number of core ideas, even if revolutionary and 'extreme'.

Did you forget about the 6 GORILLION? OY vey you fucking anti Semite!

in communism the state has a monopoly of the means of production

Because gulags arn't concentration camps.

in what genocide did the che engage exactly

How are they not?

>The American Heritage Dictionary defines the term concentration camp as: "A camp where persons are confined, usually without hearings and typically under harsh conditions, often as a result of their membership in a group the government has identified as suspect."

Did you forget about the tens of millions that died in gulags? That's not funny my great grandfather died that way


you are supposed to work in a gulag
if you died you died but that wasnt the point of your exile
unlike the concentration camps

why are you polkids so retarded?

You weren't sent to work, you were sent because you were undesirable. The work was incidental.

If we'd follow our laws that were set up to prevent monopolies these commies wouldn't have a reason to bitch in the first place.

SJWs are modern day marxists.
They just changed their rhetoric from "the Bourgeois vs the Proletariat" to the modern "the Oppressors vs the Oppressed".
The identity politics they push is nothing but communistic shit in disguise.

Same goes for anything postmodernistic in general. The whole field of Postmodern thinking is vehemently opposed to the founding principles of western civilization, which are logic, reason and open discourse. That's why these cultural marxist cunts have zero problems with shutting down speech of others. They do not recognize freedom of speech as a human right.

They are subversive elements to their core, and must be eradicated.

>Hypocrisy much?

Because anacaps themselves are always prepared to collaborate with the fascist state if the "free market" gets out of hand.

Point is, none of you libertarians actually believe in your own utopia; a free market, but without blacks who would live off welfare, and jews who would outsmart you in the free market.
That's why so many of ancaps later resort to nazis, they aren't against gibs, they just want them for whites only!

Why in Germany where anything vaguely threatening democracy is purged with fire but:
>Anti-fa is cool
>Neo-nazis absolute haram

Literally two sides of the same antidemocratic coin

wow, that makes a lot of sense

i guess i'm actually a nazi now!

Because Jews have to win the genocide olympics

No one cares about Russians