>4 federal states: Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia
>free market economy, strategic resources however owned by the state and leased to private sector, never sold
>bicameral parliament - Federal Congress elected directly by the general population, Senate elected by state populations seperately, 7 reps per federal state in Senate
>semipresidential system - president of the confederacy elected by the people, prime minister elected by congress (unless vetoed by senate)
>constitutionally guaranteed freedoms of speech, religion and cultural autonomy, this part of the constitution CANNOT EVER be changed (even if every single person in the political system wants to change it), anyone who even tries to subvert it is arrested instantly by Constitutional Defense Agency (thus a potential new Milosevic would just get 50 years of jail instead of getting into power)
>extremely hard line against crime: death penalty for premeditated murder, political corruption, treason, cross border drug smuggling and pedophilia; draconian punishments for other crimes; also give convicts an option between clean prison time or having their sentence reduced to one third but you get sent to a gulag and work your literal ass off for that one third of the time (also provides free workforce for infrastructure projects)
>expulsion of ALL albanians from the territory of the country and a permanent ban on albanian immigration (to soothe serbian rectal pain)
Yugoslav Confederacy
Other urls found in this thread:
No. Fuck off.
nobody wants your unions, Yugoslavija is dead, and it shall stay dead. Fuck off
that is fucking insane. No offense, but this map pictured is your solution, is it not ?
The best solution for Balkans
>posted by a croat
No, he probably wants land of Bosnia as well, but without its own federal state. Split between Croats and Serbs something like
noice, however, why no union for romania and moldova?
The only people against this are degenerate Croatians and BiH mudslimes.
yeah, Serbian majority Kosovo parts should go to Serbia
sure, its up to them
Their maps are terrible.
Albozerg still exit.
kek wew lads please
this one is getting an xd from me
The only people in favor of this are Serbs and Serbs in denial.
What do Croats have to say about this? What's the public reaction like?
Like the croatians would ever cuddle up to the serbs., You spent years killing each other.. which is retarded.. you're the fucking same! My grandad was a serb.. had a picture of Tito in his shed.. my grandmother was a croatian. Tito held it together.. but it aint going back together.
tbqh I would give you the sea access, but not the land you claim with it?.
I really dont know whats the big deal about it
Most Croats dont care about it
>fuck off
>no gibs 4 balkans
>go suck Germany off, like we do
I'm not really sure which land we're claiming as our own either, but after reading some comments on croat news sites I really start to wonder if some of them have brain damage. Although I have to admit, you need to have brain damage as a prerequisite to even post comments on most news sites. We have the same spastic comments on our sites anyway, it's like the whole shit is rigged so we hate each other.
Well, no one ever tried this. I wonder what could possibly go wrong.
>after reading some comments on croat news sites I really start to wonder if some of them have brain damage
yeah, dont base your opinion there kek Those comments can be really fucking retarded. Sometimes I go to read them just for a pure entertainment.
Serbian news portals can also be pretty fucking funny. Give it a try
Maybe it is. Small folk will never know
fuck off niggers
My dear ex-Yugos, is it true that Yugoslavia had 4 nukes and one of them is missing? There are speculations that missing one is here in Macedonia.
Is this tier shit?
>moutain nigger
Mountain nigger > normal nigger
could've been a superpower but muh nationalism
>gibs Trieste
>takes Jezersko
wtf Carinthia is a rightful Slovene clay senpai
Da si napisao Crna Gora pa ajde.
ali Montenigro...
>nobody likes unions
>bosnia AND herzegovina
why no love for best slavia?
Da sam ja pravio napisao bih Цpнa Гopa al posto sam sliku pronasao na net mrzjelo me da ista prepravljam.
Super power fuck off.. they could raise any army of squatting adidas wearing guys maybe. But that's crap.. From where i sit.. you are all very similar and you spent years killing each other.. and that just proves your fucktards.. life is short.. eat fuck and be merry,
If Jugoslavija had any nukes it would still exist.
>giving people the right to vote
another failed state just like the ones we have now
Tonibler detected. Because literally no one in their sane mind would give away Kosovo and Metohija to albozergs without being one himself.
I think he just missed Jezersko with the fill. Seriously, do you really want Trieste?
Yes please then I can finally fuck my croatian gf without feeling bad she isnt serbian!
You are the usurper and our people are not friends as leaders of both nations declare in the press. Fuck off you mountain jews.
Tudi tukaj je Hrvaška
Slovenia & Croatia are the only civilized countries in the region, they should lead the other 3rd world countries like Serbia and Bosnia.
So we become a refugee center for Somali and Afghan "children" like your first world cuckhole Ahmed?
I live as a Uzbek in a Russian safespace in the Ruhr valley, I'm fine :^
...together with dozens of Yugos in colourful skirts.
Sounds comfy.
Not as comfy as your hills.
I have been to Niksic in 2007.
Hello I live near the ruhr valley when and where can I find you slavs
The ruhr valley is huge, I live in a small district in Gelsenkirchen (one of the poorest cities in Germany) where all Ex-UdSSR people settled down.
Stay out of the Ruhrgebiet, you will be disgusted, seriously....
Do you live around Nijmegen or Venlo?
>federal states: Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia
No BiH? No Montenegro?wut?
I live on the farmers land
>Most Croats dont care about it
Bullshit. It is just that we are chiled about this as we know exactly whatever the slovenian arbitrary rule it has 0 influence on the government.
That's great, I have relatives in America, Limburg and visit them from time to time.
But seriously, don't come to the Ruhrgebiet, it's the worst place in Germany.
how about we split the bosnia first and redraw the borders to solve minority issues and we'll see about the confederacy later
Yeah I have some family that moved to the US as settlers a long time ago. The german part of my family all moved here a long time ago so there is no one left in germany. So the only family I have worldwide are here, rest of Frisia, the US and Greece. I just wanted to meet some yugos at the ruhrgebied for fun maybe there are some kebab removers
>wants to have fun with the slav boys
Slavs are more white than canada
what the fuck is your problem chang, from what ive heard they are great people
This is good actually. And its coming from Croat born i Serbia.
Most Yugos over here are just like kebab.
We have Serbians sayin "wallah" to sound tougher amongst Arabs.
Stay in your utopia and enjoy your life, Germans biggest slum is fucked up.
Bringing back Yugoslavia is some top tier EU supporting cuck shit user
Got it
it trully is, farmersland feels like heaven
>The only people against this are degenerate Croatians and BiH mudslimes.
Yes, Croats and Slovenes should enter a union with a bunch of shithole, gypsy infested 3rd world countries where they had to share their income with. you Bulgarian-in-denial.
>each of the ex-yu countries is corrupt as fuck
>hey guys, let's mix all of that corruption together, what could possibly go wrong
You know what, I'd be up for it to see it burn down again. This time hopefully it'd burn into oblivion.
>could've been a superpower
like india? poo in loo superpower by 2020?
Yes please when the next war comes serbs will produce great music again
>Most Yugos over here are just like kebab.
I worked only with Croats so far and I like them. Nevr met a bad one. I was in Slovenia and I liked them too. Very friendly people. I would even dare to say that Croats and Slovenes don't even deserve to be called Yugos. They are the ones who were fed up with that communist shithole.Also they get + points for being part of the German/Austrian empire for centuries and for fighting at our side in WW1 and WW2.
Keep on dreaming, bro.
Implying we want the gypsies in here. The reason they are allowed to stay here is because if we do something to them, NATO goes ballistic on us.
>4 federal states: Slovenia
Stopped reading there; of course it's a Serb who'd post retarded shit like this
You're right. Everything east of Croatia should be genocided.
Working with Balkanites is one thing, meeting them in their setting is another. That's the same as working with gypsies or something. When they drown in general populace they act like normal people, but when you let them form their own societies it looks like the Middle Ages. The same is true for Balkanites. We don't form civil societies, we form tribes. The only way to unite/break tribes is with force.
So many young people have given their lives in order to liberate their lands from Italian rule, from WW1 Isonzo to 1945, only to get spit on first by fascists, then by post-war Tito government that failed to demand the rightful clay returns and ethnic border to be established.
Of course today not much remains of Slovene influence in the city itself, would be nice if you know, they'd acknowledge the shit they did to us, that would be plenty desu
>That's the same as working with gypsies
It's not. Assimilation and acting apropriate for the country you're in is a sign of being civilized. Gypsies fail this test everywhere.
>We don't form civil societies, we form tribes
What the fuck am I reading
Serbs caused enough problems.
Serbia should just be annexed by Croatia and assimilated, then you can have the union of slavs you always wanted.
>Serbia should just be annexed by Croatia and assimilated, then you can have the union of slavs you always wanted.
i actually don't have any problem with that
we do not have a functional country anyways
>i actually don't have any problem with that
I do. We have enough problems as is and Serbia is not our righteous clay. Anexing it would break our founding myths and have negative cultural and economic consequences.
whatever, we won't exist in 50 years if we continue like this
at least that's the case with us
Oh yeah cause it worked sooooo well last time
>last time
Last 3 times :)
Kek, smells like Serbian attempt at creating Greater Serbia to me
fuck off
I see no gas chambers for you balija so it obviously isn't the best solution.
>inb4 the pics of the dead leo which has been posted at least three thousand times
Good luck getting these guys to play nice. The "Ethnic Cleansing" happened only about 26 years ago
you cannot remove bosnia, we will always be independent of serb immigrants
BRAVO!....lol. It's funny bc montenegrins are the only country not trying to take over others.
I have had the same experience.
Nobody over there likes Serbia you fucking dipshit
Actually the Croats who worked with me had a great education behind them and were very fluent in German. If they didn't tell me about their Croatian roots, I've never would have thought that they were not Germans at all.
Like I said, I have a very positive opinion of Croats and Slovenes. P.S. never saw a gypsy work.
Yo, I understand Russia is trying to make moves to retake Montenegro by way of Serbia. What are your thoughts on Serbs & Russia?
Whereabouts in MN are you? I have family in southern region.
>but not the land you claim with it?.
why not? We could demand savudrija as well after all the the last internationally recognized border between slovenia and croatia was on the river Mirna. The same international recognition that gave croatia contact to italy and gave slovenia access to open sea. Luckily for croatia we are bunch of cucks and do not demand what is rightfuly ours.
Back to your ex-yu threads on Sup Forums fucken commies
No thanks just be friends.
>>Yo, I understand Russia is trying to make moves to retake Montenegro
They mostly pulled out of Montenegro, after using it as a playground/money laundering country for more than 15 years.
montenegro has seriously gone to shit
When are you taking it back?
Fate or all meme countries.
Do you know if anyone's actually rebuying all the stuff now and investing in it again (like Chinese or Saudis or whoever) or will everything just collapse/deteriorate?
they're far too cucked now, we can't take them back while they're in NATO and we aren't
i think it will be the latter one, they're already mafia state and the situation down there is much worse than 10 years ago