This is a rhetorical question, right?
Other urls found in this thread:
you allready know.
is that a yes?
is varg's life the most comfortable on youtube? he just sits in his car all day and plays pen and paper rpg with his kids, goes hiking in the forest, pees outside and has a qt wife.
Varg has a lightbulb shaped head. Just like a female to male tranny. They often use fake facial hair to hide their weak jaws and chins.
Well, he's got a point this time. Same scam as May in the UK etc.
That's a no, yes?
I am what he would consider a "civic nationalist"
This means that i believe in democracy, government, taxation and protection.
Basically i believe in civilization, and that trade inevitably leads to it.
Blaming it on democracy just because it does not work in your favor at this exact moment is ludicrous.
If you still believe in a political solution, you are one of the dumb ones.
Fuck off
A civic nationalist would rather have millions of ''culturally european'' niggers than a genetically homogenous country.
if you belong to that group fuck off
He's half right. As usual.
Anti-terrorism is just an excuse to implement exploitative authoritarian powers who will be used against everyone to maintain the current course, and terrorism is not a major threat to the long term survival of Europe. Being out-bred by 'moderates' is the true danger they want to distract us from.
However, voting for the other side is not a preferable outcome. He likes these false dichotomies where he pretends one terrible outcome is someone not as bad as the other, like when he says being conquered by Muslims is better than converting everyone back to Christianity.
I think he likes being a contrarian.
Yes. Him and Reviewbrah are my favourite Youtubers just because their lives look so comfy and I am jealous.
>is varg's life the most comfortable on youtube? he just sits in his car all day and plays pen and paper rpg with his kids, goes hiking in the forest, pees outside and has a qt wife.
Just move to a small inbred town and u can do the same
Daily reminder pagans and atheists will be purged too on the Day of the rope
Daily reminder that your idol is a Hebrew speaking jew.
not even the most backwoods shithole is safe from the inbred muselmänner your kind has imported, jackass.
thanks a lot.
>t. kike rat
he has a point. Fundamentalists are boring as fuck in everyday life. They dont go where normal people go, they live in their own little worlds and are autistic together. The shitskins doing sexual and other major crimes BESIDES JIHADIST CRIMES arent really muslim, they just pretend to be in some cases because they want to feel special and superior.
Fundamentalists only become a real problem if they become Jihadists. Else you wouldnt even notice them most of the time.
What Varg, on the other hand, doesnt get is that the Fundamentalists are part of shitskin societies and they often would cover up the doings of their fellow muslim gang thugs. Some of them also are preaching open hatred in their backyard mosques and of course its them who set up the connections to terrorist organizations worldwide.
In one sentence: They are all dangerous in their own ways and they all need to leave.
>literally a jew
>not a kike rat
>killed by jews for exposing their lies
>is he right?
Sort of. Like Trump or Brexit, I don't expect Le Pen to actually change anything should she win. I see her utility in showing the normies that it's okay to have opinions outside of the ones we're mandated today (relatively fee market economics combined with social ideas from the far left).
With this in mind I would rather she won than the other guy, and I don't share Varg's concern about loss of civil liberties should she win (like I said, I expect her to do nothing).
I agree with Varg that the democratic process is completely useless and the sooner it dies the better.
>implying Jesus was jew
paganfag education
Yes nothings gonna change till we name the Jew and become pro white. Stupid goyim.
Varg used to be an useful idiot. Now he's an useless idiot, but it was bound to happen.
Unfortunately "special snowflakes" and larpers are part of our movement too.
zzzzz........ fell asleep with ten seconds
Might as well be listening to Sargon of Acuck.
Have you notice how ALL of his videos are against his fellow white man?
He is literally working as a fifth column and he is a jewish shill trying to divede Europeans
Why are you all dumber than me? Let's find out!
>*ambient music*
People leave their car/home to go and vote are just plain stupid and brainwashed.
>*drums pounding* Heil Odin! Heil Odin!
If you don't vote, then the Rothschild banker will win. This is a good thing.
>Heil Odin! Heil Odin!
I'm a convicted murderer and arsonist and my wife is autistic so my opinion is valuable.
>Heil Odin! Heil Odin!
Buy my tabletop RPG.
You forgot the disjointed written slide inserted mid-sentence.
you greek nigger are posting the most pathetic christfag memes ive seen for a while. fucking retarded cavekike
it's ok goldenstein.You lies are not working here
kys fucking goatfucker sandnigger
haha please stop proving that you are a nigger. History overstrains your christfag brain, besides you are greek and a literal shitskin so its ok to be a christkike I guess.
I don't think that's what he really meant. He just means the "jihad" problem is overstated, the real problem is they're bringing in endless amounts of "immigrants" but no one is talking about that, they're only talking about bringing more and "integrating" them
>a literally shitskin sperm calling someone else non white
haha did i hit a nerve ahmed?
You will be purged soon you pathetic fedora wearing scrublord
Enjoy ur caliphate mudskin pig
Wait what, are you saying that it is all the brownskinned ppl who rape and not just the jihadi, no way.
So the story that white women are posesion of the right hand and can be raped np is real, you dont say.
fucking hel dude, i hope you are baiting
that's why we love him
That's the way or point of what Varg is saying though, people want to vote for the "nationalist" so they can feel like they're doing something, like the problem is taken care of. That's exactly what happened with Trump and every other president here. People are too shit to lift a finger outside of casting a ballot, it's too much effort for them. They don't want to get outside of their comfort zone and that's the problem
The word racist was made (in to a bad thing) by internationalist globalist jewish commies in order to destabilized a existing nation.
They do this to take over the means of production and gain control over the assets of set nation whilst being foreigners themselves.
In Charles Malato’s Philosophie de l’Anarchie (1897) we find both raciste and racisme:
No doubt that before arriving at complete internationalism, there will be a stage which will be racism; but it must be hoped that the layover will not be too long, that it will be rapidly surpassed. Communism, which appears that it must inevitably be regulated at the beginning of its functioning, especially in regard to international trade, will bring about the establishment of racist federations (Latin, Slavic, Germanic, etc.). Anarchy — which we can glimpse at the end of two or three generations when, as a result of the development of production, any regulations will have become superfluous — will bring the end of racism and the advent of a humanity without borders.
>I'm a convicted murderer and arsonist and my wife is autistic so my opinion is valuable.
erry time
You're probably even less significant than Varg
>merkel has imported
how does he makes a living these days? Is he really just leeching welfare?
who is this nu male cuck? Why do u even waste time for some old ass cuck looser who is making money of ur fears and complexes?
Of course he's right.
Just look at what happened with Trump. Democracy solves absolutely fucking nothing.
If voting could change anything then it would be illegal
>Implying murder and arson(of church ffs) is somehow bad
he's right, I many times heard this line from french le pen ""nationalists"" how their arabs are much more closer to french than other europeans ffs
>how does he makes a living these days? Is he really just leeching welfare?
He has some income (enough to disqualify him from welfare) and his wife probably get gibs from the state. Other then that he has like zero costs, doesn't earn enough to pay taxes and i think he and his wife got financial aid from their families to buy the land they live on.
He basically left the hamster wheel and no longer need to run.
Why does he post the figures for people voting FN climbing every year from 14.3% in 1988 to 21.9% in 2017? What a bizarre argument.
I still think Le Pen winning is the best possible outcome
>and his wife probably get gibs from the state
for being sperg?
Totally agree.
There will be no democracy in Europe without Europeans.
>whites will kill other whites for having different religious beliefs
You're a few centuries too late. We don't care enough about religion to kill anyone over it.
This doesn't apply to Varg. He literally killed a communist and then he tried to smuggle himself to Serbia to fight for the Serbs, while their fellow Christians were bombing them.
"Christkikes" built the country you're currently receiving government subsidies from and are the reason why it's not a backwards muslim shithole like the one you ran away from, well atleast not yet.
christianity has nothing to do with architecture, that would have happened none the less, possibly even better considering the church sperging out on art before renaissance.
>he tried to smuggle himself to Serbia to fight for the Serbs, while their fellow Christians were bombing them.
Wait what, I didn't even know about this, give me details. What was he going to do, throw axes at the stealth bombers?
Good thing he has MY tax money to finance all that.
Worthless leech.
oh w8 that guy is a """""german"""""
nvm my post
>for being sperg?
For being a mother and native french
>taking advice from a mentally deluded murderer
Kikes hate the populist movements, because it subverts globalism. Civic nationalism is a means to an end; to thrust a ethnocentric ideology into the mainstream. Once you achieve an ethnostate, you could keep goverment incredibly small. Internal police need not be invasive in a high IQ homogeneous population.
Varg is mental midget, that should never be taken seriously on large scope issues.
He's right on this. Civic Nationalism is idiotic, it's a meme ideology. Most Civ-Nats are essentially right leaning classical liberals. I would stay away from them many of them are just waiting to stab the right wing in the back to appeal to other classical liberals. If you're not a total newfag you know what I'm talking about.
Income for his books and music, and donations. His living expenses are also low
Fuck off
Its a misconception that there would be hordes of foreigners in a civil nationalist state. Its rather a question of 90% vs 100% white
That being said, I rather have one high-achieveing foreigner with exeptional values and high community contribution, than 10 anime loving mgtow fat fucks. But regarding to the bellcurve high-acheving niggers is higly uncommon, and thus would only a small number be welcome.
Ethnic nationals would therefore still be a majority in a country, and foreginers who dont align to western values will be kicked out.
An immigrant criminal hates FN and advocates for jihad. What a shocker.
Your tax money is used by him and his wife to feed, dress and educate 5 healthy, native European children.
You should be glad that all your money is not being taken by Abdullah and Yusuf and a small part is being collected so that France continues existing for the next six decades.
You should be on bill maher's show
his rpg books look pretty fun desu.