First 100 Days

There are approximately 15 million Jews on the planet after a 2014 census.

Half, or 7.5 million of them, are men.

The average man ejaculates 3-5 cubic centimeters, or one teaspoon, of semen per sexual event.

That means Donald Trump will potentially consume 7.5 million teaspoons of semen per day as POTUS, or 9,766 U.S. liquid gallons.

To truly understand if Trump has done a good job in his first 100 days in office, we must have proof that Trump has consumed at least 976,600 U.S. liquid gallons of Jewish semen.

Thoughts on how we determine this?

>Thoughts on how we determine this?
He surely took a large portion of it yesterday

Yes. I could only stomach about two minutes of his speech before i turned it off. What a fucking pathetics jew ass kisser.

Don't forget, you have to subtract the amount of jew cum OP swallows every day

His consumption is the true holocaust!

There was also 15 million jews pre WW2 and post WW2 up until today. They've consistently maintained 15M population for the last hundred years. Quite amazing they were able to replacement breed 6 million within a decade of the holohoax

Jews in Russia killed far more whites than 6 million. I hate this fucking jew narrative that jews suffered. Its complete bullshit

>Trump always was going to be pro Israel don't forget that guys or goys to Jew lurker's.
>He is a nationalist but he knows he cucks to Israel or cpac and deep state assassinate/disappear him.
> Best advice Trump is our stepping stone if we want a serious reformer I'm sorry but a mediocre deal is better then a shitty deal.
>Best hope is he ties up north Korea sooner then later and we can pull out of Asia sooner then later. Because fuck Kim Jung un he is the exception to the NAP rule. Everyone wins if we remove the bastard in Korea. Right now he is the variable holding East Asia back from reaching it's true human potential. The far East could be our savior's against Islam.

>It actually is true you see Stalin was planning on purging the Trotskyists from his ranks before his death.
> Jews are the enternal useful idiots. In the end if Hitler didn't put them in ovens the stalinists would have.

The communist elite in Hungary was 90% jewish so they did a bad job purging them.

'Oh no, a president of a major country claims people who deny something that most people believe is evil are evil.' Do you honestly expect a president to just come out and say "Oh, the holocaust was fake, Hitler dindunuffin."?

Jew is not a race

Why are people surprised that Trump is pro israel

Reminder that the last person who publically tried to go against Jews commuted suicide.

Is it International Jew Day or something? Why bring it up?

Communists will sell their own people to feed the Lions.
Never trust a Leftist a Jew you can count on his greed. A leftist you can never trust.


At least you admit he is lesser of two evils.

I could give a fuck about gooks.



Cucked beyond belief

Look at your government.
Look at the federal reserve.


it's okay, goy

Isaac & Ismael united when?

i love how he made the kkk believe he was one of them just to get their vote. neonazis are all btfo now

well the sand niggers also hate jews. are you a sand nigger?

Wtf are you green texting your fanfiction for? Trump is going after NK because they supply Iran and Syria with weapons. Trump wants to weaken NK so he can move on Syria and Iran.
Kim won't attack anyone, he knows it will be suicide if he ever does. Destroying NK benefits no one

How much cum do you choke down, fucking jewkraut?

none, thanks for asking. and unlike you i'm not obsessed with other people's cum, you retarted cuck.

Jeez do you guys really deserve all of this hate?