
Top 3 people you hate and love the most. Categories can be anything (nationaliies, political, sexual views etc etc)

1. Antifa
2. Jews
3. Anglos (mostly Brits)

1. Catholics
2. ???
3. ???

Also for anyone who wants. World rate thread.
Red - countries you have negative feelings about
Green - positive
White - you cant decide/dont care
would appreciate better template

Other urls found in this thread:


1. Lowland Scots
2. Niggers/Muzzies
3. Fags
1. Uncucked celts
2. Americans from Dixie/texas
3. Uncucked nova scotians/newfies.

Can't be arsed doing a map

>Australia is a majority Anglo country
>So is New Zealand, well it used to be

Also, why do you hate your own country?

1) Redditfags
2) leftists (all kinds)
3) Heretics

1) Traditionalist Catholics
2) Poland
3) Falangists

Evil people of all human groups
The rest

Rates open to debate.


yeah, but I really love your countryside, nature and you guys are chill

because its corrupted hellhole filled with low iq barbarians
Same goes for the rest of the Balkans

This is kinda gay, but nice answer tbqh

Figures that the stupid fucking pineapple would worship Catholic niggers.

just angry your women fantasize about black dicks. I'm a liberal. Black people never do anything bad. They are incapable. So when they get arrested it's because of systemic racism. You need to check your white privilege.

2.Antifa/Political lefties
1.Traditionalist/conservative folks

I'd go and fight for any catholic thats being opressed and killed in this world
even if that means Black Catholics vs White Heretics


Memes aside. I had really great exp. with Catholics from Africa. They are really nice poeple

Are you Polish?
I heard that Lithuanians dont like Poles much from one girl I fucked from there

139 English men, not counting Scottish Irish Welsh Rhodesian etc, went to Croatia and fought for it in its war of independence. Very few of those were Catholic, or did so for religious reasons. They were more numerous than any other international volunteer, more than your neighbours, more than France and Germany combined.

If you had to rely on Catholic volunteers you'd be part of Serbia still.

t. assblasted balt nigger.

1. Foreigners, especially if they live in my country
2. Everyone not mentioned above
3. Myself

1. Cute anime girls
2. Cute anthro girls
3. Cute ponies

Nah, my hometown is up north close to Latvia. I just like Poland because the seem like a neighbour we can have pretty good relations with, you are correct on the fact that most Lithuanians don't like Poles(Or the other way around). But I've met and hung out with some Poles and they seemed pretty cool. Besides, gotta love Poland for being one of the most uncucked countries in Europe.

1. Mudslimes
1. Antifa
1. Gypsies
1. Jews
2. Niggers



Genghis khan pls

good one. made me chuckle

Glory to them. Never said there are no "good" English people. The name of this thread is "Prejudice".
War is a horrible thing. I dont blame anyone (besides Croats) who didnt had and want to participate


You are our rightful clay, whether you like it or not


>1- Most of the Anglosphere
>2- Countries that fight against hoardes of immigrants (Japan, Australia, Hungary)

>1- Islam
>2- Countries with too high of a birthrate
>3- Countries that hate whites

Whats the deal with white people in Zimbabwe now?

1)American niggers
2)African niggers
3)Niggers that don't apply applying to 1 or 2

Not even rightful, and not even yours.

1. Americans.
2. Leftists too lazy to think by themselves.
3. Other people who fuck with you because you don't have the same religion or ideology.

1. Intelligent leftists (too rare but golden)
2. Most people in my life (luckily)
3. People who hates the united states.

-Regressives, especially antifa
-Religious cucks, Islamist 1st. Buddhist and rastas last
-Authoritarians, lefties and rigjties alike

-Europe and America (western culture)
-people that like science
-based news like Einstein and Sacha Baron Cohen

So, you love niggers then ?


Croat OP cuck likes sweden KEK

1. Commies
2. Pakis
3. Slavs
1. Anglosphere
2. Uncucked Western Europeans

You want to concede land to a fucking sand nigger horde?


1. Leftists for paving the way for shitskins to destroy everything
2. Spics for destroying the US.
3. Arabs for destroying Europe.
4. Blacks for their constant crime and violence.

Can't think of any.

I dont care about their fucking politics when they have girls like that kek
They are always welcomed in Croatia during summer my friend ;D

1 Antifa
2 3rd wave feminism
3 Muslims

1 Weebs
2 Traps
3 Lolis

>Hates French, English and Americans
>Likes Canadians

doubt they want your croat bosnian hairy ass

But, burger, they are the sand nigger horde.

yeah, Canadians are pretty chill people and I like comfy, colder, northern countries
also "hate" is such a strong word

Oh but they do, and not only that but they are so easy/degenerate
Ultra in Croatia was such a fuckfest

>checks flag
>prepares for impact
>Brazil eats it instead

How do you like us after the cod wars, the Icesave dispute and our volcano erupting making your flights unavailable for a while?
Thanks though. We've changed a lot since the financial collapse.

Why would anyone hate Iceland?
seriously, you are so adorable :3

this template is racist to small countries :(

we don't hate you we only hate argentina

1. Communists
2. Anarchists
3. Hardcore Capitalists
4. Russian diaspora
5. Disrespectful tourists
6. Muslims
7. nu/pol/
1. My fatherland
2. Lithuania

I just hate the french.. with their creamy sauces and proteinous wines.. fuck you froggy!

1 by any means necessary B.A.M.N (fuck them)
2 antifa
3 all the other sjw scum
1 hating the people i hate
2 laughing at shit Normie memes
3 the book roadside picnic (cant think of anything else)

I like iceland.... sure you eaten rotten shark.. but you seem reasonably cool nonetheless

I'm an English Catholic so where do I fit in?

yeah, well fuck you too, you croat faggot!



I love your comments - aaaand I also hate THIS Germany. So have an upvoat or whatever.

1.gays(pedophiles same thing) any degenerate
2.communists+liberal lefties
3.leftist/globalists jews who support them
All of the above need to be killed.
1.Christians( actual christians not fake)
2.Romanians(not all of them)

Why do you have negative feelings about Ghana?

Wait im confused... did you really think Malawi was a lake or did you just forget to turn it red?

1. Modern Leftists and all their related cancers.
2. Immigrant Muslims who come to Europe, America etc but think we should adapt to them, and the rapey ones I hate most of all. Leave your cult back home, thanks.
3. Globalist, corporate wankers who want open borders and push the multicultural agenda.

1. Europeans and our diaspora.
2. Anyone who is fighting the globalist agenda, even in their own small ways.