Wake up

>wake up
>see this on TV
Wat do?



party with us!

Clap and cheer and get all teary eyed that my dream came true.

Cry tears of hapiness.

Remind Hitler that he killed himself and was cucked by Ava

set Operation Kebab Removal in motion.

Go out and find out where I can enlist to help with the kebab and nig removal.

I heard he was a transgender alien with aids

Join the conversation, bring pepsi


Hit season record for Man in the High Castle.

Turn 360 degrees and join them.

Noice, Man in the High Castle has Season 3.
Too bad it became boring after the first.

Shoot up niggers and jews

burn my physical collection of loli doujins and put all my HDDs and flash drives in the microwave and cook them until the microwave catches on fire.

>unzip pants

shitpost on Sup Forums

be happy

Cry because Antifa was right all along

the fugg is this?

Praise mein fuhrer.


thats not from Man in the High Castle, The Greater Nazi Reich American States have a different flag

Ask what time the parade is commencing.
Buy popcorn wear top hat.

pool party day in america. every summer on the 5th of july.

First I would fly to the US, then I would join the glorious 4th reich as a European spy

It's a freedom roll. Can you read?

Literally the first word that came to my mind.