Is it because you can't get laid?
>inb4 b-but I do get laid!
Then you're not a Christian if you're into pre-marital sex.
Is it because you can't get laid?
>inb4 b-but I do get laid!
Then you're not a Christian if you're into pre-marital sex.
Other urls found in this thread:
christians are islamophobic for rejecting Allah.
>Why is this board so overwhelmingly Christian
It's not though you retard.
Because being white is racist
This board is literally triggered when you point out there's 0 evidence for any god. Most of you are 20-somethings I presume and most people my age that I've talked to don't take religion nearly as seriously.
I mean, I don't get laid either, but I don't suddenly pretend I'm chaste out of choice and turn to religion to cope. That's just fucking sad.
Nah it's mostly because they associate atheism with lefty reddit fedora shite and like to get (you)s out of it.
It's because Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
this board is overwhelmingly atheist/agnostic though. we just pretend to be christians sometimes while fantasizing about slaying muslims.
Reminder that atheism is a Jew meme created to undermine the west.
Nice digits, but I can also associate Christianity with pedophilia and faggotry just as many high-level priests have been caught participating in.
The Pope is the one trying to subvert normal Christian societies. A lot of churches in Sweden also perform gay marriages. I mean you act like atheists are the cause of your problems when they aren't even a large percent of the population.
Just remember to sage, folks.
>overwhelmingly Christian
>40% christians
>40% atheists
>20% kekists or some other stupid memeshit
because being Christian shows intelligence.
believing in the Bible is intelligent and reading it will make you intelligent.
Stop posting pornography. It dulls your mind and makes all you think about is sex.
I'm not arguing against you I'm just saying people here like to be completely contrary to the mainstream left. They arent religious/are less so so people here become evangelical Christians. It's just how it goes.
>Christianity was literally started by a Jew
>love thy neighbor and other horseshit leftists use to guilt trip Christians
People like Stefan Molyneux are atheists but firmly believe in most of the things peddled out by the alt-right, including the stupid shit. He even admits many atheists are leftists, but that isn't because atheism "is" leftism.
>did something that Christians can't do
>haha now your not a christian
sounds like someone never payed attention in church
Church is the rock upon which communities are built.
I'd still defile that girl in the OP though. Don't have to be a believer to be active in church.
I'm working on becoming a real deal Buddhist.
Because this board is overwhelmingly populated by westerners.
Westerners are thought to think that Capitalism and Christianity are the best things ever since day one.
There could be one Christian on here and he would think Christians dominate the board. Its an aspect of their mass psychosis mania.
There's no reason to pretend religion has any basis in reality today. At best it can be used to brainwash people into believing certain societal norms (no gay marriage/premarital sex, women are lesser than men) but these don't depend on a God.
The reality is a moral society and religion is never coming back. The advent of the Internet killed it all. Pretty sure the Unibomber talked about this in his manifesto. The only way religion could make a comeback is if inbred Arabs keep multiplying.
user, I .......
If you can be forgiven for anything then what kind of religion is that? If it's not works-based then it's obviously trash.
Yet no amount of forgiveness will get rid off your original sin.
Basically being Christian is accepting you are a % shit. You have to sign up to believing part of you is inextricably filth.
You walk around believing that you will do a lot of things that require forgiveness.
It makes no sense unless you are trying to control a populace.
I'm an Odinist. As per my life code, I can turn on flawless Christianity if it gets me what I want. A pagan LARPer using pagan ideology to LARP as a Christian.
Christianity is not Catholicism you dumb jews.
Atheism will die in our lifetime because Atheists do not have enough children to replace themselves.
>thinks being a christian means your able to follow everything in the bible perfectly without having any faults or sins, or else your not a Christian
thanks for proving how ignorant you are of the faith user
Because the world was better before atheism, communism, feminism, liberalism, Marxism, socialism.
>Thinking Francis is Christian
I like christian cultere, although I'm not that religious.
People aren't robots you idiot.
>This board is literally triggered when you point out there's 0 evidence for any god.
People who usually get triggered by that are fucking burgers.
You should ask your country, why the majority of it believes in angels.
>Why is this board so overwhelmingly Christian
It isn't.
Majority of religious threads are the usual pro-Muslim "It's muh Alpha redpill religion hurhur" bullshit.
Sup Forums is a "religious board" in the same way it's apparently a "Milo fanclub" or a "Richard Spencer fanclub" or whatever - it isn't, but boring cunt SJW shills forever post b8 threads about these guys.
>not believing in angels
See, here's the thing, you don't have to discard your culture just because you no longer believe in God. Religion is an important part of culture. Even Richard Dawkins says to teach religion, just not as science i.e. evolution.
Atheism isn't a sect or a cult, it's just not being religious. Anyone can do it at any time. They're not a demographic any more than "not collecting stamps" is a hobby.
Her foot fetish is pretty intense.
Christianity survived because saying you did not believe in God inside Christiandom was identical to saying you did not believe in communism inside a communist state. Someone would shoot you in the back of the head.
All the people who never fell for it can't expect to keep pretending they did.
>durr buzzwords
Maybe try understanding that atheism doesn't overlap with any of those. Those are all political viewpoints which you can be against while being atheist. Weird huh? You can logically deduce certain things like mass migration or premarital sex are bad for society without believing in God.
>why are people Christian?
Um, pretty sure it's because they believe that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is sufficient for the forgiveness of their sins.
>can't get laid
I have a wife, two male children and another child on the way.
You are the most worthless type of person
> Universe is causal
> Matter is contingent
> Therefore... the Universe was made in and of itself
Atheists are retarded
It's rather the importance of preventing Christian ethics, but some tards fall for the "no whiteness without Christ" meme, and other such shit you shills are posting here.s
Because it's funny to trigger fags like you
Angels are little less than flying dicks with feathers. The only one I would respect is an Azrael and he is Jewish/Muslim angel of death.
Never claimed any of that, I just denounced your God because I don't think He created shit. I don't claim to know the origin of the universe, and your "god of the gaps" argument is so unoriginal.
>changing your values and behaviors for simple pleasure
Eastern Orthodoxy and gnosticism provide more satisfaction than random sexual encounters.
Guess i am not a christian since i get laid,but i still like to larp at the church and participate in christian celebrations....
It's not, most are atheists or at least agnostic. Do you really think Sup Forums are the type of people to go to church every sunday?
Try again retard.
atheism is a marxist ideology, so kill yourself.
How do you know that?