Palestinian Christians

What to do about them?
Israel don't give them Israeli citizenship and don't want them in "their" soil

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there is not a single christian in the entire middle east. so all those "christians" in palestine are just CIA homos and DIA cunts.

There are christians in the entire middle east. And they were the first ones.

Who cares.

Okay okay Poland

nope. by this time in history it's obvious that christianity is just cover for CIA lemon party gestapo, just like any other given institution - doesn't matter if it's governmental or NGO.

How do you prevent muslims to claim they´re christians in order to sneak in?
We´ve done enough.

What you nigger? We have foundation that brings christians from middle east to Poland and first day they arrive, they instantly go to Germany. It's bullshit.

Really? That's lame

dude many Jews that there ancestors were polish get polish citizenship to move to germany

Fuck you ungrateful niggers.
>get kicked out of every european country
>find shelter in Poland thanks to our retarded king
>don't even try to asimilate and try jewry with natives because DUDE FUCK THEY GOYS XD
>fast forward to ww2, Adolf is fed up with jewish bullshit and wants to annihilate all of those subhumans
>poles are retards again and protects them while sacrificing their own lives
>war ends, i*rael accues Poland of antisemitism and selling jews to nazis
Just fuck you, you piece of shit. I wish Hitler finished what he started.

Not to mention, most of soviet commisaries in Poland were jewish.

>Israel don't give them Israeli citizenship and don't want them in "their" soil

That's bullshit dude. The only country in the middle east with a growing Christian population is Israel.

Israel has let in most of the Palestinian Christians over the years and given them citizenship, due to all the persecution from Muslims.

Most of the remaining Christian in Gaza & the West Bank are anti-Israel activists. Hard core leftist Catholic orders.

Still the inbred Muslim imbeciles persecute the remaining Christian even though they are on the Muslims side.


Fuck off Maroc, Sup Forums is a Pro-Israel board

What do we care?
They're shitskins, the brand of semitic sky wizard they worship is irrelevant.

>le israel protector of christians against evil muslims meme

Shut the fuck up.

The process for Palichristians to have Israeli citizenship is extra long and often don't lead to Christians having Israeli citizenship.

Christians in Israel also are 2nd class citizens not to mention their churches aren't respected. Even a priest got attacked by a Jew with a knife in Israel.

Palestinian Christians and Muslims both fight against the apartheid, I'm not for Muslims in the West but saying that Muslims persecute Christians in Palestine is the dumbest thing you could've said. Those who truly persecute Christians are ISIS and are Israeli backed.

>>poles are retards again and protects them while sacrificing their own lives

I don't know, I saw a movie about the Polish resistance and it said that they hated jews aswell and hunted them down.
They were worse than Nazis desu

>I wish Hitler finished what he started.

You would be dead dipshit

>he believes in holywood jewsish propaganda

No, I simply wouldn't been born, that's different.

Not at all.

My ancestors were Germanized Slavs from Eastern Prussia, my grandfather was called Franz Baranowski and was in the SS and got his Aryan certificate.

They just wanted to rule about the land, that's it.

>implying the Armia Krajowa wasn't antisemitic

You guys even continued with progroms against jews after 1945, see Kielce.

These are the grateful non-Whites Christcucks on on here want us to give our lives for.

Jews are prosecuting Caucasian linages all around the world

Nice """"quotes""""

>Caucasian lineages

Maybe some middle easterners are white from Greeks/Romans/Crusaders, but most aren't, and the ones that are white looking are either lucky genetically or have non-white family. Non-White Christian Middle Easterners act like the Muslims, they're just rapey, but they still have no respect for Europe, hate Europeans and act as subversive forces.

They still have non-white culture, non-white family structure, etc, etc.

Sure, but they started out as Caucasians and the jews want them dead.

Nice made up talmud quotes :DD

They are not made up, wtf is it with the german and their ever apologetic nature.

colombia is drunk on vodka again

Why do mideastern Christians always look whiter than the muzzies? Will Christianity always turn its adherents white eventually?


who need quotes whan there are facts

They're literally all made up. This is why your ilk is never taken seriously: you only like fake content with fake sources. You refuse to believe the real documents and hate citations and logic. When your ilk realized the rest of the world is evidence-based, you started poorly citing things -- which directly contradict the statements made.

Jews, Christianity and Islam are all the same -- a bunch of cunts. Flaying alive is too good for em. Eternal hell fire is too good for em. None existence is too good for em.

good goy

Palestinian Christians are based as fuck. Its a shame that the Palestinian Autonomy is taking all their land.

>We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity
>Our movement is Christian

>Himmler, Goebbles, Rosenberg all anti-Christian

Politicians saying one thing and then doing another. What a surprise.

Jews should open their borders take in the refugees, it's their moral responsibility.

they didn't fight christianity though


well if you consider that 90 % of communists in our country were jewish then yes we were antysemitic

Christianity is a disease that has had its day and will be gone completely in 100 years times. An eye for an eye will become the norm and nuclear war is inevitable. Can wait desu.

ok senpai I will pass it up the ranks, I am sure that they will listen when they find out its coming from you. For serious though there is a buuunch of Sudanese migrants here who are doing nigger things its totally ogre.

20% of the fucking Israeli population is Arab 13 out of the 120 members of the Israeli parliament are Arab ffs

I'd wouldn't mind if Canada took them in.

no idiots that spread such "quoted" nonsense are disease

There is no point to reason with those goyim brother. They just want to live in their edgy fairy tale and have no interest in facts.

those sand niggers have a state. It's called Jordan. They took them in then those barbarians tried to rebel. Jordan GAVE israel the land and offered citizenship to the shitskins so as far as I am concerned they can all die.

Do you honestly believe you're the descendants of the Hebrews in the Torah?

then when will there be an arab mayor ?
also considering it's all stolen land, 20% isn't that good is it?

>An eye for an eye
you've unmasked yourself little hebrew

When they will be voted in

waiting for baguette nigger to give france back to Gaul.

>20% of the pop. is arab but only 10% of the knesset is
>goyim we're fair and diversity
>you're the problem here
>and those terrorist children with slingshots

>muh jews did it

Just give the land to Hezbollah.

yall are somethin' else. prove you're a jew. can't. you're a white fucking european. YOU ARE THE GOYS. Those who put their faith in Yeshua HaMashiach are the real Jews.

palestinians who want to be actual productive citizens do it, the ones who rely on uninformed degenerates like you to get their land back are the ones you speak of. the day we give back the land to the mudslimes is when you give your land back to the natives. off yourself burger.

>Arab "Christians"

Repeat after me.

They are on Jewish land.

They need to get the fuck off Jewish land, or Israel needs to give them the gift of gas.

Where will they go? To go suck their father Amalek's cock in hell, that's where.

Multiculturalism sure is nice.

you do realize that completely proves my point?

wouldnt they be christians?

Yes they did, look up kirchenkampf.

From Goebbles' diary

“Reichsleiter Martin Bormann became Rudolf Hess’s successor as Hitler’s deputy in party matters after Hess's sensational flight to England in 1941. He proved to be one of the most radical and uncompromising Nazis, filled with a hated for the Church.”

“It’s a dirty, low thing for the Catholic Church to continue its subversive activity in every way possible… Next to the Jews these politico-divines [politisierenden pfaffen] are about the most loathsome riffraff that we are still sheltering in the Reich. The time will come after the war for an over-all solution of this problem.”

"We will have to deal with Christianity in a tougher way than hitherto. We must settle accounts with this Christianity, this greatest of plagues that could have happened to us in our history, which has weakened us in every conflict. If our generation does not do it, then I believe it would drag on for a long time. We must overcome it within ourselves."
-- Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler; Speech to top leaders of the SS, June 9, 1942 Berlin

“National Socialist and Christian conceptions are incompatible. The Christian churches are build upon men’s ignorance; by contrast [National Socialism] rests upon scientific foundations. When we [National Socialists] speak of belief in God, we do not mean, like the naïve Christians and their spiritual exploiters, a man-like being sitting around somewhere in the universe. The force governed by natural law by which all these countless planets move in the universe, we call omnipotence or God. The assertion that this universal force can trouble itself about the destiny of each individual being, every smallest earthly bacillus, can be influenced by so-called prayers or other surprising things, depends upon a requisite dose of naivety or else upon shameless professional self-interest.”
–Martin Bormann

Nope. "Christians" AKA catholics are gnostic pagans.

you know the mayor wan't voted in just cuz hes muslim right?

Having a nation of your own is the only way to make you more masculine. You can confront threats with courage and expect that your nation survives.
Too bad that you continue doing the feminine route of avoiding all threats altogether. Heck, your politicians want World War 3 to avoid a war with Iran. Simply because you can't deal with threats.

>building a nation in our own image on a mostly-unoccupied continent inhabited by a few handfuls of stone age people is the same as being a rogue nuclear state occupying and developing foreign territory in violation of UNSCR 442
>the golan heights is "palestinian"
Jews have become so comfortable lying they no longer put any effort into it.

so wait that means real jews are gnostic catholics?

wouldn't surprise me. Pagans are pagans. Go ahead and try to explain to me that Abraham practiced Judaism. Or any patriarch for that matter.

the ancient hebrew faith sure as fuck wasn't judaism


Carried away twice and you goys still think you're a descendant of israel AHAHAHAHA

I am a buddhist so I honestly dont care. I do believe that I am a descendant of the European Jews, the Ashkenazi superior master race. I do respect the traditions of my ancestors though and understand the importance of those traditions for my fellow tribesman.

>Pro-Israel board
*hand rubbing intensifies

I actually have no problem with that.

but, the traditions you were taught are a fucking lie. not outright, no "jew" outright lies. they subvert

AIPAC education everyone

the brits gave us a small portion of this land, then the arabs attacked us and we won the rest through war. the place palestinians live is still mainly occupied by them and only retarded religious people live there illegally, theres no hijacking or illegal land because we gained it just like any other country

All I need to know, is y'all won the last few wars and that's all that matters. Adonai promised a gathering back, never said it was going to be on good terms.

true but i don't really believe in the torah, like the other israeli in this thread my ancestors are ashkenazi jews from europe and thats what matters to me

This it's not what the Palestianian community exiled here tells me.

The Brits gave it to you but it wasn't really theirs to give and there was still the indigenous population. The Arabs there knew something was up with a massive wave of Jewish immigrants and they soon realized that they would be displaced which was a fear that was rightfully realized a few years later.

>Israel wanted to give the palestinians land but they refused, as they want the entire country
>Palestinians get a lot of money, aid and support, which they spend all on Hamas and weapons, making the locals poor and blaming the jews

How true are these statements?

from what i know second statement is true, first one is half true as they take the land but still want more (take gaza for example)

Replace the migrant trash in Europe with them. At least they'll assimilate better.

>the brits gave us
>so we replied by torturing and murdering their soldiers
I can't tell if you're dumb enough to believe any of this, or if you're such a fucking kike you presume any opponent will be ignorant of the facts.

There is a significant chance that I am a descendant of the biblical jews though. There have been studies and all jewish high priestry share a common ancestor, presumably Aaron(as featured in the bible).

That said its is not important for me personally.

The first is weird because according to the Palestenians it was all theirs and Brits without Arab permission gave a small part to Jews. Why would you allow a stranger to sell your bathroom to another stranger?

The second part is partially true. Most funding to HAMAS is from indoor dent wahhabists and Iran. The money from UN is mostly used by corrupt Palestenian leaders though and Israel knows and permits it. Israel has successfully turned the Palestenian Liberation Organization into their pets and they can easily replace the leaders if they go against what Israel wants. Palestenians know PLO are zionist dogs so they have no one else to go to but HAMAS

what facts? just because you say it doesn't mean it's a fact

HAMAS was supported and even made by Israel to counter fatah and old PLO.

apply to yourself

>What to do about them?
The same thing we should do with African Christians. The Lord hismelf instructed us to love all Christians the same, regardless of their colour. Racism towards Christians of other races is strictly prohibited by the Bible.

i live here and know people who have lived here since before the country existed. its definitely more than wherever you get your evidence


Yeah but it bit them in the ass and they can't buy the loyalty of HAMAS

Oh, and also:
>sees photgraphic evidence of the torture and murder of british soldiers by kike terrorists
>what broofs i see no broofs

The large influx of Jews moving to Israel was done an entire generation before Israel was founded though.

interesting seeing your opinions guys, im leaving now

I will say, there are many of you who have your lineage traced back and I totally understand that.

I wouldn't say significant chance though...not with the history laid out in the law and the prophets anyways.

I am not a "jew" or anti-jew, nor am I anti-israel. Hell, I'm not even a "christian" But I serve the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob and I yearn for the day the stumbling block is removed.

>I will go and return to my place, till they acknowledge their offence, and seek my face: in their affliction they will seek me early.

He can't go and return unless he was here and left yeah? I remember a time in history that the scepter departed Judah and a day of mourning swept the land. Shiloh came and went. His name is Yeshua. The coming affliction will soften your hearts to Adonai.

Until then,
>The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:
>The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:
>The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
>And they shall put my name upon the children of Israel; and I will bless them.

>oy vey i hate getting blown out so i'm leaving
Good riddance, kike.