ITT We act like sheeple


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I think it is important to protect the environment so I'm a vegaOH LOOKY A NEW iFONE

At least I'm not a racist!

we can trust the bible because it is the word of God and we know it's the word of God because God says so in the bible and my mama and grammama also told me so so I know it's the truth and I know I need to behave like a good goy so I'll get into heaven!

we can trust the quran because it is the word of Allah and we know it's the word of Allah because Allah says so in the quran and my mama and grammama also told me so so I know it's the truth and I know I need to kill as many infidels as I can in the holy war so I can get my 72 virgins in the afterlife!

I'm going to do what everyone says I should do despite the fact that it hasn't worked out very well for any of them baaahh

People who don't think exactly like I do are sheep

Ohh a porn thread!

1488 gas the kikes race war now

White people cause more violent crimes than minorities.
Per capita statistics are racist.
Math is racist.
Race is just a social construct.
Men should pee sitting down.

"Goverment is god"

I can't even tell if pol is acting or being serious.

Yes, I know the goverment is spying on me but why should I care? It's okay, I'm not doing anything illegal, you are paranoic.

anime is sexist

communist works

black lives matter


Also, without the EU we would be at WAR with Germany and Germany would be full of NAZIS !!!!!!!!

>You can't condemn a whole religion because of a few extremists.
>immigrants commit less crimes than natives

just be yourself!!

Run! the welsh are coming

Come on guys, everyone knows there's a difference between democrats and republicans

I bet you're one of those people who believe they put fluoride in the tap water!

Why do you hate the poor? Everyone should be in a union!

Let's give the government more money and more power over us!

Since I don't believe in baptism, I need to signify my redemption by having gay sex. There's no difference between men and women after all.