Trey Gowdy's 2 Missing CP Investigators Found Killed

They were found 100 miles from where they're car was found in Arkansas while going to serve a search warrant to the Clintons.

Other urls found in this thread: gowdy investigators found dead found under vince fosters grave&atb=v45-4_s&df=m&ia=web

Notice its just CIA lemon party gestapo soap opera spiced with murder mysteries from the skulls of shit martini stirrers filled with rainbow goo. Probably 2 CIA homos performed their own extraction by substituting bodies of 2 pokemons who bit the dust in uneven battle of hunger games of hot fuzz.

poor bastards

So burgerbro, how are you going to solve this problem?

What a surprise! I'm shocked! I'm literall shaking!

Are you seriously autistic? A quick google search and you can see this is false, I bet you watch infowars and read breitbart articles.

always a fun killer around somewhere.

This is fucking bullshit.

Reverse image search shows the first image is a body farm, used to study human decomposition.

The second image is from the daily mail, and they don't have a store about this.

>"Trey Gowdy Breaks His Silence After 2 Of His Investigators Are Found Tortured And Killed. "

But we won't actually include any quotes or audio of him "breaking his silence", lol.

>Follow OP's link knowing it's probably garbage
>My anti-virus gives me a malware notice when the page opens

Nothing to see here, goys. There is no high-level, international pedo ring. You're just tired and need some sleep. Don't you feel sleepy right now?

actually i dont notice anything that backs that up, are you trying to mislead us?



And im not, the FBI served the warrant. Im betting ~most~ of whatever they were looking for was either moved or destroyed. But they got all electronic devices :)

No one is reporting on this except for shitty clickbait conservative sites, no jews just dumb right wingers falling for fake news

Give me a fucking source, all you have is some shitty unreliable clickbait article.



Trey Gowdy is just CIA homo with fake name and fake identity. He seems to be one of the darlings of CIA lemon party gestapo pervertariat. In similar fashion as the other already departed "hero" - Jason Chaffetz. So try guessing who is the next to go?

This is what Payed Shills" do.

>Im the wrong user, and will embarrass you

Fake as fuck.

almost like someone is trying to keep you from the truth

Which one are you?

Don't comment on my thread. Take your little cuck self to somebody else's thread before shit get really hectic.

>everyone I don't like is a jew


This is fake news, you twits.

If it was real there'd be a huge scandal all over the news or social media.

Funny, I run kaspersky as a viri scanner (The best) Ublock, Uorigins and NoScript and I didn't get an error....

>I wonder why a political operative would come to a thread like this and say retarded shit like that???

Tell you what betafag.....goto the page, take a screener of the supposed notice you get from the page. And then repost here. If not fuck off back to your nigger heaven....with you head held low....knowing that "You can't fuck with us" and "You can't fuck with the truth"

"This is why Hillary has seizures"! She killed "Another" SEAL!!

>Be really careful....the next one is going to sting alot more.
>It seems people focused on the podesta leaks over the Hillary leaks
>I didn't get distracted

>By: Conservative Army
>every article ends in an exclamation point
>every article is either sensational and has no sources or is common sense (Bill Clinton is old! Some say his health may be failing!)

I've been real tempted lately to start an actual fake news company. The National Enquirer is now a relatively legitimate news source compared to half of the shit that people cite here.

I ask myself: How fucking stupid would a person have to be to read something like this and accept it as truth. The only source is a "Trey Gowdy spokeswoman". This is just a fanfic blog.

I guess I need to start domain name shopping for my clickbait news site because this shit is probably potentially profitable. Great, now I'm a jew, thanks alot fuck face.

Sorry nigger fail harder for daddy

Btw you faggots sure are accurate, so let me do it for you as always. gowdy investigators found dead

You were right, a simple google search sure does show alot.

abort thread, OP is pretending to be retarded. I can tell from some of the words and from seeing quite a few people pretend to be retarded in my time.

Yes, look away goy. The jew doesn't want you to see this.

>Clinton kill count keeps rising

>and democrats are ok with it.

>Some literal retard Christian bitch thought it was a good idea to read from a news article when she's barely literate
Post something more credible.

I can't find any single official statement or any evidence, just bullshit stories repeating the same crap.

>DISCLAIMER: The Resistance may include information from sources that may or may not be reliable and facts that don’t necessarily exist. All articles should be considered satirical and any and all quotes attributed to actual people complete and total baloney. Pictures that represent actual people should be considered altered and not in any way real
What a great thread

Do we have any evidence, AT ALL, that Trey Gowdy didn't kill the investigators himself after they failed to find satisfactory evidence? If your income comes from claiming Clinton is a killer, increasing 'her' body count is a great way to preserve your income - AND get rid of inconvenient witnesses who might otherwise expose your racket.

Hey faggot! Refer to >Looks like you really didn't research shit....or you would have found it!

Fucking shills are a joke. This is what they pay you for?

>Fucking pathetic.....

Bet your boss would like to have real talent lmfao. Each Sup Forumsitition is worth 50 of you. Your worthless...

Do you think it could have something to do with the missing Clinton Aide who disappeared in 1994....who's body was just found under Vince Fosters grave after gowdy exhumed it and the concrete vault cracked?

Original search for cucks who want to dispute found under vince fosters grave&atb=v45-4_s&df=m&ia=web


On a somewhat related note I fucking hate using snopes becuase their practices are shady as fuck, but they're usually pretty good and so if I can find at least one other source corroborating them I'll take what they say as granted.

Jesus Christ it's like people don't know how to use google! Sup Forums is a computer literate ONLY zone. gowdy investigators found dead

Take an IQ test

D-did you read what I posted at all?


Sorry, it's been non stop shills. I misread your comment.

what did google say?? true or false?

Ignore him

He's a shill!! Trying to hide the TRUTH!!


Google says there are alot of non mainstream media outlets covering it. Since they refuse to cover anything negative to the clintons....why would anyone expect otherwise? I got better results on duckduckgo with the time set to within the last month though.

Why does everyone who posts their IQ say it's between 130 and 140?

I am posting this screenshot in the hopes that OP's blog won't get anymore hits.

its fake you retards.


fake images.

Idk *Shrugs* I haven't done an IQ test in a decade. That's just what I had to go on back in high school before college.

I love how the shills all have the same exact lines to go on. Even though pr00fs are allllll through the thread XD

>What an utter embarrassment to your employers
>They would be better off hiring 12 year olds from

I'm kind of confused as to how someone can "misread my comment" when I literally just posted two websites, one of which being snopes, then made an off handed comment about personally being adverse to using snopes as single check to determine the validity of news sources.

Also, just to be clear here, I am calling you a hypocrite. You just went out of your way to fact check people talking about one story while blatantly posting stuff about another story that is shown as fake by the two major sources you used to fact check the other story.

Just try to be more consistent in the future, senpai.

Also nobody here actually gives a fuck about anyone's IQ, so don't feel the need to reply to people who ask because they're just baiting you. Mostly because it's an anonymous imageboard and we're not here to keep score, but also because sometimes true idiots say truly inspired things and sometimes geniuses say spectacularly retarded things. Arguments should stand on their own merit, not on the merit of those positing them.

t. somebody who's higher up on that scale than you :^)

Not to put too fine a point on it, but Bill was a president from 1993 through the beginning of 2001, and a major political figure in Arkansas before then. Both political and nice crisp green (hundreds back then were printed in green) capital could be obtained just as usefully by incriminating Bill in 1994 as for incriminating Hillary in 2016-17.

The evidence presented suggests that it is far more likely that usapoliticstoday is involved in the murders than Hillary is. Seriously, LOOK at those stories. They have false flag written all over them.

Who could've possibly seen this coming?

I mean, it's not as if investigating the Clinton's has caused people to turn up dead in the past? It's not as if this is something the FBI and a large percentage of the general public know to be fact.

I mean, who could've possibly done such a thing? It's a real mystery.

Ok, Sorry. I was being a dick because I interpreted your comment as an attack. That was due to it being under the same dialogue that the shills that you see here are running.

>Didn't want to be more of a saying ok fuck it....I was being a dick.

Nah man, we're cool. You just made a mistake, that's all. It happens.

Oh you must think oh Billary were angels back in the early 90's eyy?

Clintons and the Podestas and David Brock ALL knew each other since the 70's-80's

Clinton linked CIA Cocaine and Arms shipping anyone???

What you don't know about Mena Arkansas???
(1992 article.....old shit)

At a meta-Sup Forums level, the trolling, irony, and cointelpro going on in this thread is spookily mind boggling.

Can't even tell what the fuck is going on.

>no source
fuck off fake news faggot.

i saw this on reddit a couple of days ago..couldn't really find out if it was true or not.. but i agree whit you. if this is true why would MSM write anything about it..ignore it and hopping we forget

Mission accomplished

Lmfao niggers, Each of these people should be banned. But hey, nobody expects niggers to be able to read now do they?

There are numerous sources posted all over the thread.

Sup Forums is full of retarded kids now.

How long do they think they can keep killing people without even the normies questioning just what the fuck is going on? All this lack of reasoning means They are absolutely bricking themselves.

i may be a lite slow.. but retard.that one hurt my feelings :((((((

How the fuck can something like this not be huge news?

People need to stop fucking around. Send the warrant with a god damn SWAT team and just raid these fucking places.

nevermind, it's fake. Stupid idiot.

Who are the savages who make this up, IF it is truly a fabrication?

And what about that supposed dead clinton aid that Huma reportedly found?


Duh. The closer Sup Forums gets; the more shit (((they're))) going to throw at us


they were lizard people. it's true. i read it on the internet.


at least post another source for this fakery


I fucking hate roleplayers.
Fuck off to /x/.

All of theses (1 post by this id's)

>We must be on to something BIG for them to bang proxies and shill this hard
>Fail Harder ALL ABOUT BENGHAZI, LIBYA, AND NORTHERN AFRICA (Literally 95 pages in this one email)

Am I /role playing/ meow?

To anyone else who wants to know what that's EVERY media outlet owned by the democrats. Which do you think your going to find? CNN? ABC? NBC? CBS? WaPo? NYT?

To the shills....that should sting a little, can't say you weren't warned....the next one is going to BURN.

Nigger, I had digits and a valid question. That's not shilling.

And again, if this is fabricated, who are the shit heads putting this out there? If this turns out false after so many on the right believed it then the publishers should be denigrated.

The plan is to kill all of us.

Do the client tons bankroll some fucking FOXHOUND operators or something? How can they get away with these perfect murders? Or do they just pay off whatever podunk PD is investigating the crimes so they declare it a suicide? I doubt they have a government force like CIA SAD or something working for them, maybe ex-mil SF working in a shell company Hillary created? This is fucking rediculous

Bitch what? I have digits and a deep message. My word is life and you better respect it by giving it better (you's)

literally fake news

Black ops and PMC's more than likely. These people are running the entire world on complete lies, they will do anything to keep the house of cards from falling down


Copied the format of my reply.

Stop wasting my fucking time.
They found a body by a lake in Arkansas. Was not body of boater that was missing.