Final Solution for African Problem

Genetically engineered virus? Nuclear weapons? Just ending all foreign aid and allowing starvation to take place? Remember that the flora and fauna of Africa (lions, giraffes, etc.) are beautiful and we should try to preserve that if possible.

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End foreign aid, it props up their birth rates which in turn causes more poverty. (Less recorces for more people.) Foreign aid also teaches them to be reliant on other countries instead of learning large scale agriculture, other advancements.

Poach them for their teeth

we should rain condoms on them so they stop behaving like rabbits

Cut foreign aid

The virus thing isn't working, they tried AIDS and Ebola and neither killed enough niggers

>Just ending all foreign aid and allowing starvation to take place?
Is this even a question when the solution is this easy?

Who going to make mine the materials needed for my phone?

Whos going to dig that gold and craft my clothing?

Id rather continue exploiting them

We can colonize Africa later

Chinese are colonizing Africa

Africa becomes communist

Entire continent starves except the Chinese, who eat the Africans

ending foreign aid is the best thing we can do it's the only thing that is artificially inflating their population increase before that they used to reproduce like everyone else now they get free shit and they don't have to work.

Stop giving them food, millions will starve but their population will go down to a level that they can actually support themselves with the food that they grow.

Nobody wants to colonize a shithole if it can be avoided

Honest question, am I the only one who would be ok with the complete genocide of every non white African?

Stop sending gibs

I think the last resort of whites is engineering an a virus that either kills all non-whites, or turns all non-whites into whites.

It's great and beautiful land if you get rid of them

Because muh ethics.


Africa would be a pretty nice place if it weren't for all the niggers

Nah, I'd be ok with it






Colonialism. Put them to use for our advantage.
What are you going to do with that many teeth?

Invent a non surgical sterilization pill that you can put in watermelon and fried chicken. Problem solved. No murders needed.

I definitely support cutting foreign aid, but you can't do that without turning Europe into a fortress first. They are not just going to starve in their desert shithole, they will try to make their way to Europe. It seems like an easy solution if you're anywhere outside of Europe, but the consequences would be catastrophic.

The infra is shit there. There are no frozen goods are any supply routes modern cities enjoy. Its pure shit.

Youd have to kickstart the place with trillions which you could pour into existing cities. It would be still shit as only prisoners/white trash would be willing to move


Did an assignment on this in a development economics class. Almost all of Africa is still in the lowest form of economic development, agriculture.

The west sees all the starving Africans throws tons of food aid towards them without realising the reason they're starving is because they haven't adopted any technological innovation for their agriculture.

Happened in Europe quite regularly until the Industrial revolution.

What food aid is doing is reinforcing that they do not require technological innovation which in the original case would starve some of them to death. But instead of starving to death, they get more food thrown at them the more they starve.

Essentially they're just massive fucking leeches who will never reach a state of subsistence. Yeah some kids are gonna fucking starve to death and yes it's not their fault, but food aid keeps hundreds of millions of people in perpetual absolute poverty because the west is totally fucking retarded and we have no problems so we take on other problems from other continents.

Thats why I'm for more mehr rapefguees in Europe, the sooner the gibs money dry out the sooner things start moving

Wouldn't bat an eye. Would probably donate to whatever organisation was doing it.

Africa is pretty gorgeous to be honest. Not to mention it's extremely rescource rich. It's too bad all that rescorce is left unused by the natives.

That's even if the food aid reaches the people. Most of that shit just gets stolen by the government here

There's a reason you live in Finland, while your distant cousins live in the American Midwest.
I, for one, would be happy to colonize terra nullius.

give everyone in africa a free ticket to work on an industrial colony on mars, and by free ticket I mean forcibly relocate at gunpoint.

I'd rather Europe not suffer anymore than it already has.

>Just ending all foreign aid and allowing starvation to take place?
This. We don't actively have to do anything.

We're not far off ending foreign aid to Africa anyway simply because the West would be on the verge of economic collapse due to debt+welfare state ponzi scheme+collapsing native demographics even if we weren't actively being invaded by 3rd world scum.

Once shit gets real in Europe and America in 10-20 years time Africa will be left without charity from us and the Chinese sure as fuck aren't going to get into debt to feed 9 African children per mother for absolutely no reason but 'muh feels'.

By middle of this century we'll see the greatest famine in human history in Africa.

If they were capable of even subsistence farming, they would have been at that point hundreds of years ago. They weren't capable then, they're not capable now. Take the food aid and their population will simply drop to the point where they can survive off inefficient systems.

A golden age of witch doctor potions and albino rape.

Though I just thought of something. It's just racial, their biology that keeps them from advancing. They never advanced before European colonization, they didn't learn anything after Europeans left. Either way the world needs cut aid to Africa.

Again, cutting foreign aid will not really solve the problem, it will just give millions of them more reason to go to Europe.



Libya has no functioning government. Just mine its territorial waters so you don't risk freighter traffic in the Mediterranean.

Cut of foreign aid, use that money to bolster the military. Shoot everything darker than your gun.

>I'd rather Europe not suffer anymore than it already has.
But it will, if the people have not yet waked up they never will, and if they do it will be already late. Macron will win and Merkel or Schulz will win so we have another beautiful years of enrichment ahead of us. Western Europe is basically Rome before the fall right now, they all drink and fuck each other while ignoring the hordes of barbars

I wish some maniac would just nuke the entire continent

The West doesn't just throw food aid at Africans out of altruistic motives. We overproduce because we know we can SELL it to the Africans (and for other economic reasons, due to gov subsidization, etc.). Even if the Africans produced their own food, they would not be able to compete with our prices, so there is little incentive for farmers to grow crops, invest and shit when they won't be able to sell it. Foreign aid is a billion dollar industry. That fact will also prove to make it difficult to get rid of it.

Stop feeding them. Evolve or die.