Do you intend to vote for Trump in 2020 still Sup Forums?
Do you intend to vote for Trump in 2020 still Sup Forums?
But Trump said voting for him would be a once in a lifetime opportunity.
After this Bill Nye shit, yes.
no he's a shill
If things are going the way they are now, then no doubt I will
Probably not. He loves kikes too much. I'll go back to writing in Ron Paul.
as long as he continues to leave the personal freedoms of American citizens alone, and not become an anti-populist or globalist, then yes
Yes you dumb faggot sage
where i can find good foot fetish art, other than this board.
The dems only have one shot at winning my support and theyre gonna blow it like they did in 2016
Pic related.
I'm extremely disappointed in him, so if current trends continue then no. I won't.
He can still turn it around, but I'm skeptical that he will.
I didn't make a final decision until I got dressed and out of the house on voting day.
It will be the same for 2020. But I'd like to say yes.
Nah I'm gonna vote for Tom Perez, who gives the first debate answer in spanish.
I intend to vote Libertarian again in 2020, but continue to support Trump if he deserves it.
t. Non-swing state
Yes of course
i regret my vote every. single. fucking. day.
if current trends continue yes...unless wild unforeseeable events unfold.
No. He's a kike shill.
Well I'm sure as shit not going to vote for a Democrat.
>I intend to vote Libertarian again
Yeah, if only for the Supreme Court. Trump has caved to the neocohns, but he can at least still be useful if Ginsburg croaks.
He promised to put in an originalist or at least an originalist-ist during the campaign because he had to. Will he do the same again? What has he done to show us that we can trust him? Bombed Syria like a neocon? Not repealed Obamacare? ...
Without a doubt
bombed syria to show china, north Korea and Iran he isn't a pussy like Obama. He hasn't escalated in Syria has he? no...
He is playing the game of politics, give him a year or 2 before any real judgments can be made.
Way too early to tell.
I just know I would never vote democrat ever. And the party should stay dead. America should work together in making that party as irrelevant as possible for when the coming preliminaries come, it shows they have absolutely no one to captain the ship.
I mean, isn't Bernie being shunned in the democratic party? He has enough zombie followers to run for prez in another party (Either liberterian and green party). Might as well adopt the RITDH party considering what he has been bitching about for the last 40 years.
Hopefully Trump gets his shit together asap. I don't want to live in a nation lead by a senile old pointing commie jew like Sanders.
>checks flag
Despite Trump's faults, he is still the most electable America will have, by 2020, unless there is a way to come up with someone better than him, that is also very widely appealing, in time. I do not regret voting for Donald Trump, and I will most certainly be voting for him in 2020. The Democrats must not be allowed to further their goals, as seen in that rotten Bill Nye the "Science Guy" music video.
I dont plan on voting again ever. Its pointless. The only way to resolve the problems of this land is cede to the asshole kikes draining it with this Fed debt scam until it is broken, at which point there will be some sort of balkanization and endless wars like Europe. The 'new world' is over. Soon it will be every man for himself, and thats as good as it gets. God willing, some white people will get to live in peace somewhere, if only for a while. New borders or old, the Jews will be back to drain us then too, and the compassionate nature of whites will fall for it again. This shit is never going to end until one or both of us is fucking extinct.
right in fucking feels
Depends on who is the democratic candidate.
What if it's Manuella bin Mohammed Mohammed Mamud al Mohammed Shaniqua-Khan-Rosenberg-Katz-Weisenburg?
Hell no
Why wouldn't I? I trust the President.