Leave ISIS to me

Leave ISIS to me


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Didn't the Boer's also kill thousands of British soldiers 150 years ago? So we can't really make fun of ISIS




>achmed prepping the boar

>muzzies getting killed by bacon

Thats like a divine punishment from Kek.

Is he our guy?

>Muslims killed by pigs
Oh my



>inb4 Murica starts breeding super-boars and unleashing them on ISIS compounds, only for the boars to be sniped dead by Germany and Sweden.

>indians killed by diseases from shitting in a fucking street

The boar is an ancient totem of the white man.


>Untold numbers of mass graves in the area
>feral hogs like to root and eat dead flesh
>feral hogs now have the taste for human flesh
>feral hogs overrun ISIS positions in search of more human meat

My god...

Iranian hulk must of mated with a wild boar cuz that thing looks like its the size of a damn grizzly bear.


noice werk piggo

It's the totem of Mot, the god of death in old Semitic mythologies. Looks like someone's trying to make a comeback against that Johnny-come-lately Allah.

I think you are underestimating how large pigs can grow.

>t. Somali Jigaboo

This one is even bigger
Not fake, believe me

>I think you are underestimating how large pigs can grow.

Those ISIS fucks are going to swallow the hog-pill, whether they like it or not.

top kek

I fucking remember when this dude killed this hog.

Like fuck dude, that's bigger than a cow.

The fucking bacon strips that must have come off of that thing, my god


These are good pigs.

Maybe the vegans are right and we shouldn't eat bacon.

Nah, don't eat hog. It taste like shit and is full of parasites.

so do we start calling pigs piggos? i mean we already call dogs doggos

This pic makes me anxious

t. muslim


Kek they literally believe they will go to hell if they die with pig blood on them. If we weren't so cucked we would announce all ammo was dipped in pig fat and we could watch them shit their turbans.

You've started it now. Congratulations!

If niggers were rightfully put in their place and considered animals, would we call them niggos?

>t. ranjeet gurjinder singh

India is a disgusting country all around

Sleep tight porker.

Fake news.



These fuckers are insane

princess mononoke was a documentary apparently


This smells like war propaganda but I just don't care.

All hail the boer commandos.

Boars are actually fucking deadly though. They'll fuck gore your ass pretty fucking quick. It'll fuck you up. You'll fucking die. Dude fuck

Weaponized boars. Fuckin dune coons wouldn't stand a chance

>that name
>t. Butthurt Pakipoo

The kid is standing like ten feet behind the pig to make it look bigger dumbasses

it's fake and gay but spread it anyway

boars don't eat sand and def wouldnt exist around the middle east

What the fuck man

Fun fact: Boars have bullet proof skulls no joke

thats all fat though not raw muscle

Wildschweine sind sogar hier gefährlich. Vielleicht sollte Ich, ein Jägersmann, die Wildschweine aus einem Wildgehege in eine Moschee lotsen.

I know someone who was killed by a wild boar. Guy in his 50's, happened in Europe a few years ago. Those fuckers are dangerous and relentless.

Do it user.

Yeah if you're using 9mm.

Wait.. the animal I eat for breakfast KILLED three ISIS warriors... :-)

Letztes Jahr im Sommer fanden es ein paar Jugendliche wohl lustig in das Wildgehege zu klettern.
Einer von der Vierergruppe ist noch auf dem Weg ins Krankenhaus verstorben. Das Wildschwein hat ihn die Bauchdecke aufgerissen.

Seine 3 Kumpanen haben es schnell genug über den Zaun geschafft.

>Believing Arab tall tales
It's a funny story, but Arabs makes up funny over the top stories all the time.

>implying we don't already have wild super-boars


We need a pig pepe

The Japs gave us a piggu meme:

>US civilians massacre wild boars by the dozen for fun and pest removal with shotgun slugs, high powered rifles, explosives (tannerite), traps, and even helicopter door-guns
>wild boars defeat ISIS
>ISIS sympathizers try to remove said tools from US civilians


Just release more pigs on ISIS to win the war, it can be so easy.

Why when we already have pepa the pig?

Pepa literally rhymes with pepe, it was foretold

people think they are just wild and hairy piggies and never see them go berserk
its nightmare fuel. they tear their prey apart and maul them to death


Next up

ISIS declares war on wild boars

They can't even kill it. It is sacred to them. Lel

>They can't even kill it. It is sacred to them

>people think they are just wild and hairy piggies and never see them go berserk
>its nightmare fuel. they tear their prey apart and maul them to death

Muslims... they FEAR the pig.. like TERRIFIED of them... when fighting Muslims soak their corpses in pig blood... put bacon bits in the shotgun shells.

I think it was the opposite. They are unclean monsters in their thinking and eating them and stuff is nono


t h i c c


how can moderate muslims still hate bacon?
it saved their lives

>moderate muslims

Who turned Jimmy Neutron into a real person?



I'm laughing too much this afternoon.

bacon is the most over rated food

there, I said it

he was tired of being cucked by the militiants

Holy fuck I thought this was just a meme. Checks out lel.

these pigs are going hog wild

Indo-Swedish Masterrace

Bacon is a crucial test on the day of the rope. I'm worried you will fail

Wasn't there loads of threads a couple months ago were we decided that the boar was our official animal? There were flag designs and everything.
Does anyone remember this meme magic?

happened during the American Civil War. Wild hogs would feed off the dead. If you were wounded in battle and immobile or unconscious, there would be a chance you'd be consumed alive.


Cows that go feral get bigger its a stress response in he hormones or something. Straw bulls they are called I think?.


Did you get this information from the Lion King?

About 40 people are killed each year from wild boars.

A couple of them this year were part of isis

Sup Forums freaks out and claims boars to be their savior.

"Based boars"

>what is forced perspective

"Porkers Pulverize, Powderize, Pound, and Prolapse Pro-Isis Pedophilic Poofs!"

"Going Ham!"

"Powerful Pigs Plague Pro-Isis Poofters!"

did it, dare I say, save their bacon?