Did he come up with a single original idea? (plagiarizing and motivational quotes don't count)

Did he come up with a single original idea? (plagiarizing and motivational quotes don't count)

Other urls found in this thread:


The theory of special relativity
The theory of general relativity
The electro-magnetic effect

Which ideas have you come up with?

the photoelectric effect also

The theory of quantum elasticity too

James Maxwell
Hilbert and Klein (and Grossman)
Poincaré, Maxwell again
Wien and Planck

the theory of relativity is arguably the most profound thought any single person has ever come up with

your turn

Oh, that's what I meant
Sorry, I'm a little retarded

How was that James Maxwell
>Go on wikipedia / James Maxwell
>ctrl+F "Relativity"
>One result
>These difficulties inspired Albert Einstein to formulate the theory of special relativity; in the process Einstein dispensed with the requirement of a stationary luminiferous aether

Noticing its the frequency of light and not the intensity during the photoelectric effect

I dont understand that much, but I believe that one day we will realize that Einstein was wrong about not being able to go faster than light

dont forget Faraday's work with maxwell

>Religion says we are the center of the universe.
>Galileo says we're not.
>Religion kills Galileo.
>Religion is responsible for the discovery because they inspired Galileo.

Your logic. High quality ^

I'm fairly certain Tesla said there were particles that move faster than the speed of light, therefore the theory is void.

No. Fermi telescope tells us that Lorentz invariance is continuous down to at least the Planck scale. So that seems unlikely to be the case.

Excactly this!

see pic related for plagiarist argument and subsequent debunking of plagiarist argument

Einstein didn't develop all of the mathematical formalism that appears in SR, but he was the first to apply the language of electromagnetic frames of reference to derive modified laws of motion.

> Also, didnt the greeks had this figured out ?

not that 'tesla said' is anything by itself, but we did detect neutrinos already, unlikely to be usefull for more than ftl communication tho

Tesla was an autistic spaz who wanted to fuck a pigeon. His sole contribution to the scientific world were developing the first basic AC induction motor and popularizing (not inventing) AC current. Everything else he spent his life working on involved spending other peoples' money to test nonsensical hunches or repeat experiments developed by other scientists.

Neutrinos aren't faster than light. We used to think so for a while because in supernova events you often see neutrinos before the light. We later realized this is because star matter is optically thick to photons, while neutrinos don't interact with anything at all, so it takes the light generated by the supernova longer to leave the star than the neutrinos. The FTL neutrino shit from CERN was also debunked when it turned out to be the result of a faulty fiber optics cable

Maxwell revolutionized faraday's work into 20 equations and 20 variables. It essentially made the more obscure electromagnetic effects practical to work with. Well, relatively practical. Most of those equations make my head spin. It had little to do with Einstein's work except as a foundation.

Much of Hilbert's work is derived from Einsteins and he credited Einstein for the discovery.

Poincare's work actually had several issues that Einstein solved with E=MC^2

Planck actually couldn't figure out why blackbody radiation worked as it did until Einstein proposed the uncertainty of electrons.

So...what were you talking about?

Well, if wormhole theory has traction we could sidestep the entire issue.

Would be good if we could create a new temporary space between a and b

>Tesla was an autistic spaz who wanted to fuck a pigeon.

>implying you don't

> in the process Einstein dispensed with the requirement of a stationary luminiferous aether
Which is wrong.
This is why Relativity fucking shits itself when it comes to large masses, speeds, energies and gravity.
Infinities don't exist in nature beyond abstract concepts.

The very lowest measurable levels of existence regardless of where is it measured is TEEMING with particles popping in and out of existence a trillion times a second.
It's already stopping us from making smaller computer chips because the force created is pushing the components of chips APART.
Not to mention quantum tunneling is leading to huge amounts of leakage and corruption of data because charges are jumping across data lines.

Relativity has set us decades apart because scientists are generally lazy cunts and stick with the thing that helps their work the most, even if it is WRONG.
No scientist worth their weight in gold will ever say Einstein is right.
All that because Einstein took equations based on Aether and removed it, then used MORE equations that used it to fill in blanks.
Relativity is literally trial and error shitposting until he got the desired physics.
Einstein was infamous for this.
He spend his last days in a bed doing the same thing with a notepad, scribbling down equations and more equations.
I did the same shit in Physics that proved time = light, still isn't correct physics. With weird quirks in maths you an make anything up.


cute girl
why does she have that thing we put on pigs so they dont dig in mud on her nose

.. the day you realize that 99,9 inventors didnt invent shit and that no one in the science community is a island is the day you at least start to get a clue. Tell me some inventor scientist and i can point out the people in the background that also helped in some case even more than the inventor

The mad scientist hair meme, for one thing.

please explain how a non physical property IE Time can "stretch" or "compress" total bullshit... Time is the sequence of events in the universe. Relativity is bullshit. Einstein was a fraud.

Without having read me up on Einstein or read this thread: Don't tell me he kiked his way to the top?

>cute girl

You're looking at the wrong thing, you sick freak. Look at the slutty feather-whores climbing all over her.

Tell that to GPS satellites.

I had an idea the other day where you could attach a system of hoses to your arms, one would be water one would be soap. And then with a trigger you could wash your hands where ever, when ever.

Lol your an idiot who parrots what you hear from all the other idiots you listen to.

Issac Newtons theory of gravity is based on the physics of a spring.

Advancement in physics is about consolidating seemingly different phenomena into one principal.
Maxwell took various other equations to show that magnetism and electricity are two aspects of the same thing.
Einstein showed that space and time are two aspects of the same thing and how gravity is the force that dictates its structure, its literally the architectural model of the universe

You mean those things that regularly need to be synced to ground atomic clocks because Relativity doesn't work properly?
Oh yeah, those guys.

It always makes me fucking laugh when people say GPS in Relativity discussion.
It doesn't work.
The clocks get skewed in the time of a single DAY.
Go read up on how GPS actually works.
It's a hack.

Relativity doesn't even work well for things we want to do down here.
The only thing that seems to be right "from" Einstein is the extended E=MC^2 form (which I forgot at present) which is used in particle colliders and nuclear stuff.
And even that wasn't needed, the statement just made it "official". (the ideas were already being used)
If he never stated it, someone else eventually would have.
The effects of energy being released from a nuke are absolutely miniscule, less than a percent.
This is why they thought nukes would burn the atmosphere because they thought 100% would be released as energy.
Yet again, they were wrong. And they are still wrong. But they still use it, just keep quiet about that part! Shhhh!

If you believe in an aether (which I gather from your post that you do), how do you explain Michelson-Morley?

Your right he was overhyped, stole most of his shit from others. Later will be looked at as the era in science we were duped into 100 years of atomism. Wave particle duality lolz, so retarded. Quantum mechanics is proof even adults can convince themselves of anything from god to virtual particles if they make it fit their observations.

If you read up on that experiment you would have a better chance at understanding the question your asking.

Literally ancient news. It isn't applicable.
We never had the equipment to measure them back then.

Quantum Vacuum Fluctuations are observed everywhere no matter where we look and what energies.
In fact, this is how we found out Absolute Hot, which is the temperature at where particles start getting generated from free space because you cannot add more energy in to the space in question.

It might even be why the universe is accelerating.(which Einstein hated the thought of and tried to eliminate as best he could)
These virtual particles are also theorized to be the reason for blackholes losing energy.
On top of that, it might very well be why the universe is matter, and seems to be responsible for all visible structure in the universe and CMB.

Einstein warned the US in 1939 that the Germans were seeking to develop an atomic bomb. Because of his left leaning political views, he was denied the security clearance required to work on the Manhattan Project and the researchers in the Project were strictly forbidden to consult with him. Later, he always said "had I known that the Germans would not succeed in developing an atomic bomb, I would have done nothing."

You mean the theory that his wife came up with, that he claimed as his own?

>If you read up on that experiment...
I've done that experiment. I used to work at a physics lab.

My question:

If the speed of light is not constant in all inertial reference frames, then how do you explain the zero signal in the interferometer, which I have personally measured to an accuracy of 10^-14 and others have measured to an accuracy of 10^-17 or better?

Its hard to break peoples conditioning. Einstein had everyone thinking of light in terms of speed like a fast car moving through the universe, completely false of course. Light has no speed limit, what we call the speed of light is just the rate of induction through a given medium. Light works just like sound but in the ether or as the cult of atom likes to call it "quantum flux" lol.

>Literally ancient news. It isn't applicable.
>We never had the equipment to measure them back then.
We do have accurate equipment now, and I have measured a zero signal in the inteferometer to an accuracy of 10^-14. How do you explain my observations if you do not agree that the speed of light is constant in all inertial frames?

>Quantum Vacuum Fluctuations are observed everywhere no matter where we look and what energies.

This does not contradict special relativity.


If you don't believe in special relativity, please explain why the CMB exists. Microwaves, and electromagnetic waves in general, only exist when you construct quantum electrodynamics to obey Poincare symmetry. If you don't believe in special relativity, then you don't believe in Poincare symmetry, so how do you explain electromagnetic radiation? You're contradicting yourself.

Jew science is fucking cancer. relativity is the worst thing to have ever happened to humanity.

Are you aware that the basic statement of "relativity" is that the laws of physics are the SAME for all observers, regardless of where they are or what they're doing?

I said that because that expirement is flawed as hell. They use atomistic reasoning on a wave function. Kind of hard knowing what to make of data using a tool (light) they knew nothing about. That expirement may have useful results if used outside earth EM field.

I've not said I don't believe in it.
I've said it is horribly broken as a concept because it spits out infinities all over the place.
Literally every other area of physics is against infinities.
It's proper Math, but it is improper Physics.
Relativity is more Math than Physics.

It was created to gloss over our inability to understand the universe.
It is missing huge amounts of physics we still don't understand, which is why it spits out said infinites.
It will continue to be broken because of this.
But broken things can still be used for some stuff.
Relativity is a broken calculator paperweight.
Einstein was merely the closest to understanding how the universe worked.
But his insistence on "aetherless" universe killed it.

Note the quotes, I was speaking in metaphor.
I'm directly speaking of the fact that measureable particle pairs are constantly produced all the time.
Michelson-Morley was trying to measure some silly "wind" in Aether Theory and its influence on c.
These 2 things are totally different.
But what definitely does permeate the entirety of space is a particle soup.
Why THESE particles have no influence on light we still don't understand.
Or it maybe does, and removing said soup might give us the real speed of light. (or prevent it entirely, which would be fucking neat, but m-m experiment says it shouldn't)
In fact, we may very well need to repeat this same experiment on the scale of a gravitational wave detector to even detect such a wind.

>They use atomistic reasoning on a wave function.
They literally don't. You have no idea what you're talking about. The radiation inside a Michelson inteferometer can be a visible light laser. Just a wave. No atoms, photons, wave functions, or quantum mechanics are required to model this radiation extremely accurately. If you do use a quantum description, it makes absolutely no difference.

You are aware that quantum field theory (i.e. quantizing continuous operators like electromagnetic fields) REQUIRES special relativity?

>That expirement may have useful results if used outside earth EM field.
Okay, this proves you don't know what you're talking about. How in the hell does Earth's tiny 0.5 Gs magnetic field have anything whatsoever to do with the dynamics of visible light lasers on a tabletop? And even if it did, Michelson-Morley has been replicated at many different locations on the Earth (where the magnetic field has different strengths and directions) but the result is always the same. Explain?

Space is nothing and can act on nothing. Its not a field or a force. Quantum flux is the EM field. Time is the loss of inertia within an EM field, it does not take special relativity to invent a reason for the human idea of time. Everything is moving within an EM field that is the ether or quantum flux or a giants ball sack whatever you want to call it.

>I've said it is horribly broken as a concept because it spits out infinities all over the place.

The only branch of physics which yields infinities is QFT (quantum field theory), NOT special relativity.

Rogue infinities in QFT can be fixed by renormalisation.

This is just not a problem anywhere, certainly not in relativity.

>I'm directly speaking of the fact that measureable particle pairs are constantly produced all the time.

Yes, in QFT the vacuum is unstable and it can decay to virtual particle-antiparticle states. They are virtual though, so they don't last for very long. But what's your point? This fact is not inconsistent with relativity.

You keep saying these things that are true but you aren't constructing an argument.

Refute this claim and then I will agree you have a point: the speed of light is the same in all inertial frames.

>Why THESE particles have no influence on light we still don't understand.

Yes we literally do, pic related. Light (squiggly lines) scatters off a loop of virtual electron-positron pairs. This diagram can be calculated by hand, or observed in the lab and measured. The amplitude is the exact same to many decimal places. There's no problem here.

Your knowledge of physics seems to be stuck in the 1950s.

You see its your understanding of what a field is that leads you astray. A field is not quantifiable, no there is no such thing as virtual particles. Your assumptions are based on more assumptions made to fit observations that are unexplainable to their theories. What is the quantifiable difference of a magnet before and after magnetization? Nothing. Its all field coherence which is qualitative not quantitative. You think the 0.5Gs field of earth would make no difference because you fail to see the qualitative properties of an electromagnetic field.

>Time is the loss of inertia within an EM field, it does not take special relativity to invent a reason for the human idea of time.

This is a bizarre claim. user, please define the "inertia" of an electromagnetic field.

Then we'll talk about how to define time like that.

>A field is not quantifiable, no there is no such thing as virtual particles.
Prove it, because the last 75 years of physics and chemistry has been built on quantum fields and virtual particles and it's going to take more than 15 words to refute all that.

For starters, tell me this: how does a neutron turn into a proton without a virtual W? Propose your mechanism for beta decay that is consistent with all experimental results but does not include virtual particles.

And don't you dare say that beta decay isn't real, because you can literally go and watch it happening before your own eyes.

I said loss of inertia in, as is within an electromagnetic field. "Gravity" is the acceleration to electromagnetic voidance. As in the inertial plane of divergence like the one found in any magnet. Just go play with a ferocell and a magnet for a couple hours to understand field coherency.

Lol you can not watch it happen. The virtual W that decays into an electron and antineutrino that can be quantified after the fact. The rest is just filled in with virtual bullshit that says we don't understand what happens here so uhh virtual.