You can see here:
Went against the narrative and everyone is attacking it (not sure which gender I'm looking at here).
Why would they attack one of their own?
You can see here:
Went against the narrative and everyone is attacking it (not sure which gender I'm looking at here).
Why would they attack one of their own?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because that's what the left does.
They inherently feel the need to tear apart themselves in the continuous opression olympics.
But if I can't tryst the huggington post now why can I trust?
There is no reward for loyalty in communism
Once you have outlasted your usefulness you are cast aside
Whoa. Are you saying that communism is actually democratic in the end?
What's wrong with calling out blatant racism? Obviously this person hates black people and needs to lose her fucking job.
I love it when the Left devours itself.
leftists have no sense loyalty. The right wing will stand by eachother no matter what. Did I turn my back on trump when he broke his promise to lock her up? no. Did I turn my back on him when he ca ved on repealing obamacare? no. Did I turn my back on him when he fired missiles at syria even though he said he it's a bad idea? no. Did I turn my back on him when he filled his cabinet with the wealthy elite and political donors to his campaign? no. Did I turn my back on him when he appointed family members to high level political positions? no. The left turn their backs on eachother at the slightest provocation.
Geesh now that you put it that way, fuck that guy.
The left does not have allies. Only enemies and those who are not yet their enemies.
Andrew Breitbart co-founded HuffPo to showcase retarded left wing opinion. Did it work?!
Hm this is some 4d snakes and ladders shareblue you almost got me!
Who me? I'm definitely not a shill, look I've got image to prove it.
are you a retard or something? I support Trump NO MATTER WHAT.
Huffpost is having a rough time.
Their south african editor recently resigned "Got fired" after publishing that story about disenfranchising white men of the vote which turned out to be fake.
it's like a circus in the comments.
You're a good republican. Congrats.
We hate the same people, so it makes sense for me to like him. One day he'll be gone and I'll have to find somebody else that hates the same people that I hate.
obama can get the money because hes a private citizen.
LULz only private citizens can get money what about illegals
Should of quit after one or two blue.
What is fun is that people who answer to him on tweeter don't understand what he's implying. Everyone knows it's a way the financial elite has found to reward good dogs.
People are like: "is that because he's black that he doesn't deserve money?" or "he's not running for any campaign so it can't be bribery", "there's nothing wrong in recieving money, I'd do the talk for much less than that..."
I'm amazed day by day to see how stupid people are. I'd like to shout to these morons faces "YOU'VE BEEN SOLD, YOU DUMB CUNT!"
Are you some kind of traitor who hates trump?
private citizen vs illegal alien
No because a person who hates traitors is not a traitor.
Keep digging.
(((they))) pay for (((speeches))) to signal to any potential candidates that being a good public office puppet pays well
Why is his twitter background a picture of 3 dog butts?
Doesn't even make me mad, this is political status quo.
>hey man pass these laws and we will get you legally on the flip side
>yessa massa
Ive wondered if its just some form of money laundering. I mean you cant pay the pres for favors while he is in office but he does something for you and you throw him 400k for 1 speech then no one is the wiser.
Right wingers constantly punch right too
dare i say it?
Demo game plan for the future is to lionize Obama and his administration as much as possible. This will fail as Trump's first 100 days, the successes and failures, have made everyone forgot about the past 8 years.
I love how the retarded leftists don't even realize this and go
"Well he's not the president anymore so what does it matter?"
Actually, it's shocking how willing they are to turn a blind eye to corruption when it's a black guy. I guess this is why all of Africa is ruled by thugs in suits. "Hey, he may be corrupt and incompetent, but at least he isn't white!"
Seems former pres also get involved in land deals like the bush family in Paraguay and now Obama staking his claim in Hawaii.
Obongo getting 400k for giving speeches.
Bill Clinton gets 750K.
The wage gap is real.
delicious pasta
People are only going to pay so much to hear "if..if..if.if..if"
Tucker pointed this out last night, I guess they realized they had to report it too if they're "real reporters", even if it is only a half assed tweet.
>400k for a speech
This is very obviously bribery
He needs mo money for dem programs
Could be argued it's money laundering too.
>I went to the school and earned my phd
>they refused to give Obama one for nothing
what did the school mean by this?
Because he can?
Obama could have started WW3 with Mexico and these morons would sit around going "Uhmmm like he had good reasons to bomb them duhhhhh you racist!"
>a private citizen is making money reeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEE
But SOOOOOOOO believable. HuffPo deserves every inch of beating that it gets.
Mainstreamers of both parties (dem/repub) are absolute authoritarians. If you break with any part of the narrative they will target you
I'm full on conspiracy he was a groomed Manchurian Candidate. His entire past is sealed including grades. His Harvard JD is a sham.
this type of shit makes a political party stronger. The Republican Party fought each other the entire election year.
The leftists are idiots for attacking this huffpo guy. They're such Obama cock suckers
Wow 400k for a speech he must be very good at public speaking:^)
Obama was never left. The actual left, though it is pretty tiny, never liked the man.
>Politicians are owned, not because of campaign donations, but because once out of office they are taken care of, and for many (though not Obama) because while in office their friends and family are taken care of.
>lionize obama
Nobody, not even nobody
Apparently leftists love capitalism when it's a black man making money
>people are paying too much for services reeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEE
He is though.
they've always loved it when its fashionable
Apple, Chipotle, Coach, Starbucks are proof of this
>Why is Obama giving speeches to bankers for $400,000?
What a fucking idiot.
Paid Wall Street speeches are bribes done in a conference room instead of a golf course. Same with Hillary. GS, Blackrock, JPMC, BOA, CG. These are the top tier investment banks and hedgefunds that literally know every single aspect of the financial markets.
He spent the last 8 years creating a network of corruption and doing favor, he is now naturally cashing all those favors.
People still believing in politicians
It's hilarious how obvious it is, though.
A $400K speech? Why not just hand him a fucken paper bag with a dollar sign on the side?
Don't give them any ideas, at least now he's paying taxes
No he's not. For a tenth of that sum I would set him up with a discretionary unit trust that would be utterly untouchable.
God Obama has been terrible for the country. Even now he's still actively trying to harm the US. Dude can go fuck himself
>bunch of okie doke
>Even now he's still actively trying to harm the US.
No he's not, he's just cashing out. He sat in an office for eight years on $300K per annum and will earn triple that every year for the next 10 years, then he can either choose to play king maker in the party or retire and live the dream.
That's exactly what he aimed for as a "community organizer" (read: shyster with dreams of making it big).
>Ive wondered if its just some form of money laundering
this is essentially how the soviet union laundered money and managed to build influence in countries they didn't control (finland is the biggest example). not necessarily through speeches to banks, but along the same lines. it's actually blatantly transparent what's going on.
If there is one undeniable failure of Obama that everyone should be mad about, it was the fact that the people responsible for the financial crisis of 2007–2008 were never prosecuted and brought to justice except for one person. And then the stupid statute of limitations ran out for any possibility of prosecuting them and the Justice Department went "Oh too late".
Fuck him.
It's outright corruption. You should have a problem with it.
Normalized in America to a remarkable degree. I think the lobbying industry has a bit to do with it, and probably the demographics of the country as well.
Wonder who made those laws!
Black people revere pimps. Even whores revere pimps. Even the whores' MOTHERS revere pimps. Their animal minds just worship strength, even if that "strength" is exploiting their own family.
You don't have to believe me but once you understand this, it all makes sense. Their culture frames each person as either a whore or a pimp.
>Actually buying the leftist narrative of the recession.
You do not question anyone other than a white male over their logical contradictions, when you are left winger.
Try taunting lefties about their ignorance of (((International and Central Banking))) and watch them struggle to answer basic questions.
"Hey leftie? Why is it ok for elite Jews to hog so much wealth? Is the answer because they are not white men?"
Questions like that can really get them into an anger, confusion, anger, confusion... loop. They are simply unprepared to debate people who know the whole truth and who know how to present such questions in a way that exposes leftie hypocrisy.
pimpin' ain't easy
The English. Trust law predates jews.
He's not "one of us". Obama is a neo-liberal corporatist hawk. No real progressive with any balls still likes obama, he completly abandoned us in favor of center-right policies and continuing the wars. Fuck him.