Firstly mods if you delete this thread you are cucks of biblical proportions
What would be so bad about cucking non western nations with half white babies? We essentially evolve their race, get better neighbors to coexist with, and as long as we maintain a good stock of white blood and the most gleaming example of civilisation in the world as a standard we don't lose out.
>We (in the United States, the U.K., and elsewhere) are encouraging women to abort human beings because they have a mental disability. Mild to severe – it doesn't matter. This is known as eugenics, and it's not simply a choice, it's an act of evil.
If this isn't plainly a good idea to you, you're an emotional moron.
Luke Bell
How breeding IQ 70 people with IQ 105 people is beneficial for anyone except the former. All you are doing is bringing down the net intelligence of the latter bloodline.
Jack Gray
Angel Rodriguez
Male sperm is not the limiting reagent of sexual reproduction; female eggs are. This is why it is inherently bad for a white woman and a black man to copulate.
Gavin Barnes
Welfare is a form of eugenics, therefore eugenics is not always a good thing
Stop flattering yourself "mate", not every one wants your self-proclaimed "superior" genes. I've been to London more than a couple of times, above average height is all that English (emphasis) men have going for them. If anything, what I find most attractive with brits is their willingness to grab their ankles for just about any coloured guy, and I'm talking about the men here, no need to even mention your women. I wouldn't even touch them, pure fucking cum buckets for niggers and pakis.
Luke Rivera
>Ethiopia Do you have food?
Bentley Bailey
Under such circumstances you should be very careful about what is considered a mental illness I doubt we would be at the technological level we are today without a few high-functioning autists along the way
Asher Baker
>killing down syndrome babies Who cares?
Wyatt Rodriguez
Sure, and I'd argue that's best left to the discretion of the parent. There's absolutely no point in having downies, though.
Luis Taylor
Lol some darkie sounds upset.
Nolan Roberts
I don;t mind if we are the colonizers. The problem is when they come here. We are far more superior to them, it's like a religious pleb seeing god. God would not allow it, unless you pay with your life.
Hudson Thompson
Adam Morgan
Go for Indians instead
Parker Carter
If you are white and into blacks/hispanics, then go crazy and fuck as many as you can. Keeping them busy making halflings will damage their growth rate too and grow a group that doesn't hate whites. I know some mixed people and the half white half hispanic ones have been pretty cool, generally identify as white, and really don't like anti white stuff any more than we do.
John Brown
>welfare is a form of eugenics Explain plz
Jordan Wilson
Yes, we do have food. Question is, do you? I personally wouldn't call the stuff that is offered at McDonald, Nandos, and whatnot "food" but whatever floats your boat dude.
The only thing you'll be spreading once your feet land in whichever "non western nation" you opted to travel to, will be your bum.
>Acknowledging that the UK is made up of various ethnic groups while at the same time claiming that a country that is more than twice it's size is not as diverse if not more KYS
This is Sup Forums dude, most of us here just spit out nonsense.
Aiden Richardson
Africans are filthy animals, how did our cities get so full of them? It's horrifying to think that the pinnacle of civilization was just given to these beasts for free and they can't even comprehend the technology or complexity of the cities they burn down. Why would any civilization in their right mind consider such a thing? Just send them back to Africa and let them keep evolving. We can talk to them again if they ever discover radio. Quarantine the continent.
Brayden Green
Dysgenics. Welfare enables a nonproductive, nonviable population to in the first place survive and in the second reproduce, particularly because we give more welfare if you have children.
Samuel Ramirez
We tried that with south America, it's still a shithole.
Grayson Edwards
Problems? You betas have no game or social skills.
Evan King
I hope that chick is wearing heels, goodness
Ayden Butler
>African are filthy animals. Mostly true, with the exception of a few ethnic groups. >How did our cities get so full of them? I don't know, you tell me? I'm not the one that captured unwilling feral niggers and brought them back to my country. >It's horrifying to think that the pinnacle of civilization was just given to these beasts for free and they can't even comprehend the technology or complexity of the cities they burn down. Why would any civilization in their right mind consider such a thing? Nothing was ever given to ameriniggers. Do you even history dude? They had to jump through hoops to even be able to sit next to you lot in a diner. >Just send them back to Africa and let them keep evolving. We can talk to them again if they ever discover radio. Quarantine the continent. On a serious note, why do you guys keep on assuming that an entire fucking continent is made up of a single ethnic group? That's the equivalent of claiming that Swedenbros and Romanians are the same. That's fucking idiotic as fuck. But not only that you also assume that the spoiled niggers that you have spoiled yourselves are anything similar to the niggers that we have here in Africa.