Thirteen Colonies

What the FUCK was their actual problem? Spoiled rotten cunts

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They came from albinism, a disease

cheeky banter or teenage rebellion, your choice.

You started it

You brits refused to give them their rights as Englishmen so they gave themselves their own rights

>try to take our guns
>wtf let me take your guns you fucking colonials

In 1765, the average amount of tax paid by someone in Great Britain itself was 312 pence (26 shillings) per year.

In Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and New York, the average tax was 12 pence per year, or 4% of the amount paid by people in Britain. People in Virginia only paid 5 pence, or less than half that amount.

In the years between 1765 and 1775 Britain greatly increased the tax burden on the American colonists by raising customs duties. This increased the tax burden by a massive 8 pence per head, to 20 pence per year — or 6% of the taxes that people in Britain itself had to pay, rather than 4%. This injustice drove the American patriots to rebellion.

If you have some sort of representative government, and you are taxing people who for whatever reason are not allowed to elect representatives in said government, you are asking for trouble Nigel.

its all about the occult, and in case of the government mostly satanism
13 wasnt a coincidence

I heard they had to pay more tax after they won independence anyway, and they got their borders stuffed with Irish and Germans
what a waste

>all we wanted was their money, why didn't they want to give money to some faggots on the other side of the world

I'm glad Muslims are ruining your country.

It doesn't sound like much, sure, but consider that they had to pay to ship anything over from England, like tea, on top of those increased taxes. Even a small increase in taxes would have been quite an increased burden.

The correct amount of taxes those colonists owed you was precisely zero. As you learned the hard way.

I said, they came from ALBINISM. A DEFICIENCY.

Gee, why would the UK want out of the EU? Spoiled rotten UK cunts

It was pretty justified lad. All we had to do was give them a rep from each colony in parliament and stop being so harsh with duties. Dont see why they didnt anyway to tell the truth

> colonists owed you was precisely zero
> British colonists
> Owed nothing to Britain

How is that even working?

>Tax us like Englishmen
>Don't give us the rights of Englishmen

The taxes levied against the colonies were never enforced though.

Yes, if only we had your laws and tax rates

It was justified that they refused to pay for crown protection or fight their own wars? Never mind that we offered them representation and they rejected it anyway?



We didnt feel like paying

Because taxation is fee for service. No representation means no taxation can be justified.


Not fun paying taxes to somebody you've never seen, across a body of water, and in a different country, huh? Lol

But you were given land from the crown.

Americans, mostly. They ruin everything.

>Men who swear to be faithful to the king

Because fuck you 'merca .....Most of us feel that way about our own government as well. Rebellion is a thing we value

>First Charter of Virginia, is a document from King James I of England to the Virginia Company assigning land rights to colonists for the stated purpose of propagating the Christian religion.

>still got a different tax rate.

Mate it was less about taxes and more about the laws regarding manufacturing and the enforcement against smuggling after you finished up your war with the frogs.

You didn't allow Americans to produce many goods and instead forced us to ship you raw materials and then buy British made goods.

This was vastly undercut by smuggling and the black market which was widely unhindered until GB began solidify control.

Most of the founding fathers had contacts with smugglers.

Again, it wasn't enforced. Despite the fact the war benefited the British colonists quite a bit.

You had your cake and ate it, and it still wasn't enough.

>offer people representation AFTER they've already committed themselves to revolt

wow how generous

>fight their own wars

You mean the American theater of the Seven Years War, which you dragged us into because you kept fucking around in Europe

And then there's the whole fact that you forced Americans to only sell to Britfags massively limiting American markets, and the fact that your ETERNAL fetish for shitskins caused you to ban Americans from expanding into the conquered territories west of the Applachians in order to defend the "noble" way of life of the indians shitting in the forests.

There were also multiple instances of British tyranny against the colonies during the previous 169 years, at this point in time people just had enough of being jerked around by Britainistan and preferred a system wherein all taxpayers got the final say rather than some king and his faggy friends.

no taxation without representation.
pretty sure you lot had the same idea for centuries.

>the war benefited the British colonists
>by making them reliant on the British military's need for supplies since they couldn't sell to anyone else causing a terrible economic depression in the aftermath of the war

Wow thanks so much

>Get lower tax rates

What did you get after revolution?

>2% of total population may vote
>Colonists have to work for food in order to pay for the trip from Europe

Yes, by giving them even more land. Paid for by HM government. You utter plank.

Honestly we really didn't have much reason to throw a hissy fit over independence then.

But seeing as how you can hardly own a knife in England now, I'm glad we did.

>taxpaying landowners may vote

Yes, that was the exact point you slavscum. There was also ending the British seizing of American resources for their garrisons and the fact that they decided to garrison the colonies in the first place despite the war having ended and the end of the war causing a lack of demand in the UK for American goods which caused a massive depression with unemployment and poverty which could have been alleviated if Americans were allowed to move into their rightful clay in the Ohio valley or sell their goods to countries other than Britain, but apparently all of that was too hard for Englandistan to figure out.

1. Right to free speech
2. Right to bear arms
3. Right to put wankers like the U.K. In their place when they try to step on our ten toes.

That's why

>the fact that your ETERNAL fetish for shitskins caused you to ban Americans from expanding into the conquered territories west of the Applachians in order to defend the "noble" way of life of the indians shitting in the forests.

Do you really think this truce would have lasted more than a decade.

Top kek m8

self-determination desu.

It would be an interesting alt-history otherwise, and I wouldn't even have necessarily minded either.

Cry harder, faggot. We forever ruined the greatest naval empire the world has ever seen, and we are proud to have done so.

You didn't give us more land you stupid fuck, settlement beyond the Appalachian mountains was banned to protect shitskinned indians just like you fucked over the South Africans for the sake of niggers and prevented the new zealanders from shooting the bloodthirsty maori. In literally every colonial situation where you had too much power you always decided to fuck over your own people for the sake of wild, cannibalistic savages out of some autistic ideals of the nobility of shitting in a savannah and the belief you could enlighten monkeys while you let actual British people (and Irish) languish in poverty and starvation.

Kill yourself, this is literally the reason why the Eternal Anglo meme exists.



What the fuck are you talking about faggot? There was no truce, the American and British forces conquered all lands east of the Mississippi and then the British banned the Americans from going and settling that land to protect the "noble" way of life of retarded redskinned monkeys.

the european monarchies weren't antiidian
the colonist were and they wanted to kill them to get more clay
same with the spanish colonies
end of story

No taxation without representation faggot

Yes, how's the white paint holding up? Still covering the burn marks well?

Everything also cost 4 times a much as it did in England

>Yes, that was the exact point you slavscum.

>Americans were allowed to move into their rightful clay in the Ohio valley
You mean indian clay?

We got North America and the right to govern ourselves.


You don't think it was actually about fucking tea, do you?

Now, now. Stop getting tetchy. It's not my fault your country was founded on a meme. tbqh I'd feel quite bad as well if my countries history could be documented on the back of a postage stamp.

Murica is just a country of people who despise being told what to do and how they ((should)) live in general. We tolerate it but only to a certain point. It happened in 1700s 1800s the 1900s and will happen again. It's a country founded around rebels and misfits who wanted to do what ever the fuck they want.

>British explore land
>British colonize land
>British build cities and civilization
>British defend land
>Muricans chimp out
>French help them

wow such a story very patriotic no degradation without temptation!

They were represented, same as any Englishman. Maybe they shouldn't have been causing economic drain necessitating the taxes.

And hell, the French won the war for them, and they didn't pay them back either. Americans are just jews.


>Based Russians

Americans are pretty much all but hot air. All this hype around Trump and he's just another neo-conservative. Still, it'll be over soon. The anglosphere will have to find another way.

You know how the EU commission is formed of circle jerk of unelected bureaucrats who introduce legislation which you are then bound too despite having had no real say in it? It's kinda like that only you at least have a voice in amending the proposed legislation through the EU council preventing the other countries from totally fucking you over where as we had no say whatsoever in how we were governed, taxed, tariffed, and fined.

I'd have though after Brexit you Bongs would have a better idea of why government without adequate representation at the hands of an distant and uncaring body was bullshit but I guess now. Oh, and there was also a fuck ton of money that stood to be made.

They were not properly represented in their government, so they made a new one.

Bit of a difference between the two mate. The British secured more land for the British colonists and payed for it in blood and resources.

The EU hasn't given the UK anything, apart from migrants and taking money off us to subsidise French and Eastern European farmers.

We'll rebuild that 1,000 times if necessary to keep our rights.

You Brits will never get it.

Sounds like you're about due for it then? You have a politician infestation in the current one.

This. England was a majority black country, like all of Europe. The Pilgrims were albinos fleeing persecution.

You can't keep asking the chinks to bail you out m8. We've got to have another chat about economics again laddie

No we weren't. No representation in parliament. London courts could overturn rulings so i man found not guilty here could be kidnapped and shipped to london and be found guilty there. Etc...

California was a mistake.



Says the Anglo whose country is being cucked into a muslim shithole atm

Rich ppl use poor ppl to get mo power and money

Who the fuck cares its literally the most boring part of our history. Give me trail of tears and D-Day over this shit any day of the week.


>60% white
>Trump being controlled by the Jews
>infected with BAMN, BLM and ANTIFA
>Minds of a whole generation moving towards cultural marxism.
>Affirmative action in all fields you care to mention.


>Control of our own borders
>Parties aligning themselves issues that actually matter to the electorate- now the EU isn't an excuse.
>90% white
>Fastest growing economy in the G7.

It's pretty good m8.

>>Parties aligning themselves issues that actually matter to the electorate- now the EU isn't an excuse.
You made a typo Ill fix it
>Parties aligning themselves issues that actually matter to the electorate- now that may wants reelections.

they were treated like slaves

Gib clay englen

Very true colgate, but the conservatives are about to win a landslide victory. Giving them free reign to give us the hard Brexit we want.

meh if we stayed with britain we'd be a boring, soulless, literally who nation like the leafs or australians. we'd have been fine either way though

>Not wanting to be part of the Imperial Federation

It would have been glorious.

>90% white
look at kindergartens and that will tell you the future composition wich is not 90% white

Shouldn't you be asleep Pablo? I guess it's a good thing you're up and looking for a job. Good luck to you and the other 53% of young people in Spain.

better no jobs than to have a muslim mayor


>Talking about a meme position

I couldn't give a fuck about London m8. The countryside is the bread and butter of this country.

They were being taxed out the ass.


You are being taxed
And the tax was on tea

There is no moral reason for the revolt than the privilege of a few with talk of irrelevancies.

>You're glad that one of the greatest white civilisations is dying over something so petty

I hope you, not other Americans, get raped by a pack of HIV-infested niggers.

>All of these Americans pretending they had ancestors who fought in the American Revolution despite there being waves of immigration to the USA for centuries after it


Your ancestors came over from Ireland during 1875, Paddie.

Sadly I have been here forever.


This is why America has failed to setup an Empire, and has failed to retain their superpower status, despite it having been so easy to obtain.

You're all goddamn retarded.

You can't think beyond the direct picture.

You invade Indian lands and your invoking a war between other European colonies and nations by appearing to be expansive, and by bordering their state.

Plus, the Indian state was a border state to protect the colonies from the French and Spanish.

Fucking Americans...

Maybe the King was an asshat? Don't forget to pay your tv tax, Pip!

True. But the problem is that basically everything had to be not only imported, but imported over trade routes that were far more green. So, everything cost at least 4 times as much.

Plus you have the problem of averages. The population pool you're drawing from in GB includes the stupidly rich upper class, whereas in America, the upper class was far smaller and far poorer. So, while average tax was greater for the British, relative tax was higher in the colonies. In other words, the British paid higher sums in tax in terms of raw numbers, but the colonists paid a higher percentage of their total income.

Never met a white person that looked like that :/

You just mad we won, bro?

Well now, hold on. Hell, if only 3 million Scots-Irish, English, German Swiss anabaptists, and French Hugenot people in the entire USA when John Adams became president, that means that EACH one of those 3 million people -could- each have 12,207,030 descendants. (assuming 25 years to a generation, and 5 kids per generation, and 250 years of fucking without birth control)

Believe me, those of us who come from families who have been in the USA for 300 years, all know it. The oral history all got handed down as a matter of huge pride.
>great grandfather's pocketwatch donated to smelt into Liberty Bell
>another one listed in DAR, inscribed at valley forge monument
>another one got an original William penn land grant, still a whole town named after him

Thomas Jefferson was an SJW with jungle fever who thought he was a better king than king george. (In)glorious rev, french rev, and american rev were victories of the lawyer parliamentarian class over the aristocracy and royalty. In the same way parliamentarians aggrandised their own powers at the expense of the monarch, american federal judges are appropriating executive and legislative powers for themselves.