refute this.
*sips cum*
Humans aren't a race
The world isn't a country
A citizen of the world isn't legally a thing
I dont refute stupidity without getting a pay check for it teaching is a job you know?
Wow really made me think
Sup Forums btfo I guess
>-a white female
Truly makes your marbles tumble.
only one country matters.
My border collie is a citizen of the world which consists of one breed, the dog.
>walks up to alien
>get probed
>enjoy it
My country is the earth, therefore I can go into anyone's house and eat from their fridge and have sex with their wife and daughters and take their car and drive myself to some other house where I do the same thing. My world consists of only one thing - my dick.
Don't you have some rebel pockets to clean up, Bashar?
Are you seriously denying the existence of our sister race of evolved saurians?
Fucking speciest shitlord.
Jokes aside people who still think like that are stuck at the age of 12.
>one race human race
one specie is what should be and maybe we are not even that but different subspecies
refute this.
I'm bad at geography.
> continues to gargle cum
>1 post by this ID
Turk you will never be part of EU
That's diversity. Diversity is our strength. Thank you, Hans.
You spelled Russia wrong, nigger. You are just proxy for Israel to control goyim.
I can allready see that this image was made by american.
It is amazing that turks tell us that diversity is a strength.
And when you consider how racist the Akp is, it is much more amazing.
You could believe that the Turks want us Brainwashing.
In order to be able to subjugate Europe.
holy fuck how subtle XD
>*sips cum*
I was disappointed to find the OP wasn't a Swedish flag
>Ever not losing land from peak of russian empire
Ivan you have lost hundreds of sqare kilometers of cley, you are failure.
Prisoner's dilemma
You can say "open borders one race" but there will be billions of people who say they do have borders, they do have race, and they will kill you all
See: Europe
It makes it eaven better that it's turkish flag.
How would you feel if we return it?
the human brain is incredibly complex and the amount of time it takes for significant neurological differences to evolve across different populations is ludicrous compared to the negligable amount of time we've existed as a species?
we all all earth dwellers and when you divide us into evolutionary groups using genetic similarities you see that the brains of some groups evolved and some didn't, we have limited resources and i don't believe they should be wasted on subsidizing mentally retarded 3rd world populations, end all aid to all nations.
>A citizen of the world isn't legally a thing
I am the LIVING MAN and I don't adhere to the laws made for corporate chattel.
The only way this concept would work is if there are ayy lmaos, and we would need someone to represent us in the galactic community. Even then, it would likely be U.S., Russian, or Chinese heads of state.
>muh superior intellect
Prove it
Funny how it's always sand niggers and jews trying to be the proponents for this argument. Practice what you preach and let half of Somalia into roachland first.
Nationalism aka tribalism is based upon identifying with similar others & kinship. People who think like in OP's pic don't identify with similar others & kinship. They instead identify strongly with only themselves, so the pic essentially indicates pure individualism and pure narcissism where the world is seen as a giant free-for-all with an everyone vs everyone mentality, and not of there being lots of groups of similar people cooperating with each other and competing against similar others in different groups.
Citizen of the world equates to being a citizen of nowhere.
Anyone who thinks like this is a total liberal scumbag and should be dealt with accordingly.
*Teleports behind you and arrests you for disrupting the peace*
pSHH, nuthin personal, hippy...
This says it's 'moral' to close borders?
''Who'' says that the black guy can't enter a certain part of earth THAT HE WAS BORN IN?
I love it when people cherry pick pictures for their little may mays.
I agree with you completely, but sadly some people have failed to see inherent superiority of scandic model and have failed to implement it in their countries and deliver their uncondional surrender to Nordic Council.
Personally i blame the degenerate sauna culture of Germany and Sweden for this.
Juden sandnigger are the same breed
The turks are almost the beating group and the masters of both
That's like you own opinion
And the real world dosent work like that, sweety
>the world which consists of only once race
If only
Only two genders.
That would be enough
HAHAHA what the fuck is this
It's gay and anyone who believes this gay shit should be gassed
>I foresee absolutely no negative consequences to artificially creating a single state out of a contenient of around 50 countries
We actually did it here. We made a nation out of 50 countries here. Many used to speak spanish and ojibwe and even french. we had very different cultures but look at us now. I think Europe can do the same if they work hard enough.