Town of Kekistan

>Town for sale
>Couple million dollars
>Town is in Hicksville, Oregon

So how bout it Sup Forums, lets found the town of Kekistan

Other urls found in this thread:

>implying a bunch of neckbeard NEETS on Sup Forums can pool together a couple million dollars

Oh vey. They would shit us down quick.

I think reclaiming Rhodesia would be more fun

We would need to crowdfund about double that, for purchase and maintenance.

We would also need some additional cash for escrow services as well as legal fees to make sure none of the founding fathers get jewed.

On top of all that, we would need to agree upon fascist or libertarian local laws.

I don't really see all that happening, the funding could work out with the whims of a few loaded donators and a decent crowdfund, and the legal process could be executed by some savvy anons, but getting even 10 Sup Forumsacks to agree on a style of governance is a huge obstacle, let alone the number necessary to crowdfund this endeavor.


Kek is telling us to go ahead.

But tell me, what would the laws of Kekistan be?

We need a LOT of people that know many different trades:

-Concrete workers

-CDL Class A drivers.

The list goes on and on.


We could offer residence to /k/, /ck/, Sup Forums and /diy/ so long as they perform service.

dont forget about bankers and lawyers

Not all of us that browse Sup Forums are NEET failures..

You'd be surprised who is behind these posts and what their net worth actually is....

>Bankers and Lawyers.

Yeah, ok.

This is Sup Forums town, remember?

We would probably have laws saying Jews aren't allowed in or something...

Don't know if that would be legal or not.

I'm a sys analyst. I got your computer wizardy and networking covered.

It's easier to settle with libertarianism for starters. Allows the economy to flow better and the city to grow quickier. We could switch to fascism after everything is set up.

It'd probably be the healthiest town in America to be quite honest desu senpai faggot famalam

we'd be growing all our own food to avoid (((their))) poison

wed all be owning firearms to avoid (((their))) enforcers

we'd build a wall around it to keep (((them))) and (((their))) slaves at bay

I say we do it, there's some quality land with it for farming (both plants and animals) and if we get solar panels, wind turbines, and hydroelectric turbines set up we could be 100% self sufficient.

Just imagine, the "liberal heaven" town that's owned by Sup Forums.

Kekistan would be both a wonder of the world AND a massive middle finger to the normies.

Oh, and that would attract women, so qt gf's all around gents

You've only got six houses there... Maybe you could turn the school into a barracks for either pol tradesmen or /k/ommandos to protect us. Either way we will need more shelter for people who wish to live there.

kekistan is going to be a strictly communist community

I can grow just about any plant, raise just about any animals, and given enough time fix just about any machine

we'd end up all being polymath off-the-griders and have a hippie commune of NatSoc Warriors.

"Kekistan, The Envy of The West"

This is another problem, the first day we lynch a communist the feds are going to come down on us hard

Looks comfy

quads confirm this is Kek's plan

Gas off kike

oh no
we get to build our own homes
whatever shall we do

>although a town wouldn't be big enough for all of us

>just imagine a bunch of neets in a tent city while we build
>the crickets are chirping
>the night is beautiful
>and from out of nowhere you hear it
>such a beautiful night

I like that idea.

Also, the city's OFFICIAL policy would be NO DEBT.


Only Savings and Investments.

No more "Gibs me dat" either.

Democrats would be secretly taken into a room and disappeared.

Only Conservative people who are fiscally responsible.

Also, /FIT/ bros would probably have laws saying that everyone who is above 12% body fat gets the gas chamber.

We would be the best town in the USA.

I live in NYC, and have multiple college degrees. But I do think that Sup Forums has an interesting mix of patrician upper middle class realists and low IQ neck-tattooed rural stormfaggots.

I can tell which one is which by their post quality.

im in guys. If you sponsor my entry i can contribute to the founding about 25000 and can shoe a horse as well as professinal level skills at auto maintenance and multiple construction trades

damn, its ok!, not bad for 2 million dollars considering the inflated housing market, Still I imagine it would need more investment in other stuff, but still,

I'll chip in 200 grand but you have to make me mayor.

>the board of only bitching
>will allow the doers to live with theme

I could donate 1000
I'd rather donate 500 though
give me a greencard and a gun


New Kekville "first town in America to reintroduce sundown laws!"

What's our gun laws? What's our laws on trade? What sort of surveillance are we going to put in place?

I think the people who advocate libertarianism are really only interested in these three questions

>oligarchy already in formation

welder here.

We Kekistanians are a displaced people. This must stop, we need a home.

I would move to this town in Oregon and donate time to fix it up.

as much as i hate to say this about trips, this is literally a globalist already trying to control kekistan

as well as what we consider degenerate

If you read the thing, it's 3.5 million + $350k for the school

Sup Forumstown go!

I don't know you. And you're already dislikeable.

Great idea, I'll help you tax every resident there

>Make me Mayor.

The problem is this:

We would need someone who is fucking BASED beyond BASED to run as Mayor or leader of the town.

Someone who has knowledge AND the balls to do the right thing, i.e Crack down on crime, not be corrupted by greed etc.

Roasties barred from kekistan forever

That's all right. We'll educate the kids in the church.

If you're a hot, blue eyed, blonde German broad about 5'5" tall, I'll let you marry me... I've got pretty good health insurance, too.

Forgot the picture

I will do it. But i will earn the trust of our people first instead of trying to buy influence like the kikes

>gun laws
the more the better

>laws on trade
anybody infringing on our right to trade freely are religiously intolerant of our group

>What sort of surveillance
public live streams of town to the internet.

No s. American shit-skins allowed

Digits confirm. I'll toss in ten percent of this guy's, but I get to be Sheriff

Yeah I still think it's very reasonable.

>Tax everyone there.

Uh, not happening.

Since Kekistan would probably have NO DEBT, and no Welfare leeches, since we would probably have full employment and the FREE MARKET would take care of everything else.

Limited government in Kekistan.

We would only fund a much needed police and military force.

No more "Gibs me dat" and 100% taxes on income.

Yes place all the Sup Forumsacks in one area so you can control or eliminate them in one fell swoop. I see what you did there, Kushner

ill do 10% of your 10% of Costa Rican poster's $200k, but I want to be deputy sheriff

Fractional reserve banking you say?


mandatory 2 year service in police/military force

Lets crowdfund the fucking thing first, everytime Sup Forums tries this it ends up not happening because no one of you fags will spend a penny as long as there isnt a 5000 Page Constitution, printed out on Papers made of solid gold and tied with one of Donald Trumps Ass Pubes.

>patrician upper middle class realists
Sucking dick provides such a strange worldview.

No mayor.
Sup Forums has no mayor or leader and gets shit done.
When it comes to the issues, we can go to Sup Forums and discuss openly and when it comes to dealing with other people, they can discuss on Sup Forums, too and the collective will decide.
Day to day bullshit will get done regardless.

>and given enough time

"Given enough time" a bunch of monkeys with typewrites can write the whole Wikipedia again.

Hey I need somewhere to invest my shekels. I promise I´ll be extremely corrupt.

are you shaking me down?

Why spend money on a defunct town when you can all move somewhere right now, and build towards become an Incorporated town and so on. There is plenty of land around where I live

decentralized administration and decision making, just like pol.

we can have no central authority. it is against the spirit of /pol

Pleasure to have you aboard.
We are the law and order county.

Rural Oregon?

Town could start a meth lab. That'd get the dollars rolling in.


I have an idea

>buy about 10 boats and barges
>go into ocean
>form a town on the high seas

As much as I'd like it, it won't work.
In a group like this people will call for votes or a leadership will form organically (which would be my preferred method). There will naturally be people who seem competent and trustworthy and who you'd trust the decisionmaking after living there for a few weeks.

Or the groups will split and chaos ensues, who knows?

>Go into Ocean.

>Form Town on high seas.

>Somali Pirates approach and board.

Wut do?

>Sup Forums
That'd be Reddit lad. Are you lost?

gas them

Could make for a fun reality show

>group of incompetents thrown in a small town
>need to form jobs and get things done
>teams start forming
>tribal warfare ensues

What's it like having a low income?

I agree.

If there is no leadership, there is no civility.

We would literally be like the Niggers in Africa fighting among different sects and groups for control.

Also, think of RUST from Steam.

Enslave and sell for profit.

>The 39th week of Kekistan's independence, townhall meeting. A large circle of individuals are grouped up in the school auditorium to discuss town issues.
>"Alright, any of you have anything that needs to be said?"
>Brandon stands up. He's a pretty built man of Irish stock.
>"Yeah, none of you niggers will work the cornfield with me and my crew. The three of us can't feed all you fatasses."
>The crowd laughs, a small "fuck off cornkike" is shouted from the back of the room
>"Yeah well it's pretty important."
>"We could trade for corn."
>"Yeah with what, Pepes? I GOT RARE PEPES"
>Lots of laughing
>"Lets just get some slaves"
>"The problem with slaves is that they have to live here"
>"What if we make it so you can sub the mandatory PT for field work?"
>"You just want to fuck off in the field"
>"Fuck you all you do is wrench nuts in the depot, wrench these nuts faggot"

The next day, a handful of people subbed their mandatory PT for field work and everything worked out fine

Let's worry about getting to the Promised Land before we go all crazy over its laws.

On the plus side it will also basically distill the group. NEETs, fat and lazy fucks will be soon driven out because they contribute nothing

This, no usury or lending with interest - preferably no lending at all ever. Everyone works except stomach flu or broken leg etc, but not like slaves - but for the community, for the people. We help eachother out but don´t bother eachother too much - social HONESTY is a must, if you are boored by the chitchat with your neighbour you WILL be able to tell him so, honestly and without snideness, and he will accept without being a bitch about it. We will exercize, go on small adventures "raids" to nearby towns for supplies and restocking and watching the normies on safari. We will LAN-party Total War and old Ninja Quake. It shall be glorious. I can contribute 1000$ to the founding :D:D:D

>crack down crime
>on 260 acres land
nigga literally an old fart with one eye hold more land than that a hundred years ago.

Yall fucking retarded, that price is meh for what you get and I hope the streets (besides the one on the side there) are included, which seems not to be the case.
You're getting kiked.

hey taxing didnt work too well for you fellas, dont think youd want to do that again

Like this post, poor libtard who couldn't afford blow for his friend Tyrone so he got froze out.
Now he browses Sup Forums to take revenge.

>Gibs me dat
Always cracks me up.

Laws must be few, specific and well formulated. A high trust society will form naturally through the hard work of building it in the first year. High trust = less need for draconian trade laws between individuals / shops & persons. Gun laws = as the state we are in lel, if you are going to declare officially a separate new state we will be annexed by the Police State immediately. Surveillance? Kys. Maybe if we have a bank we will have it, otherwise no fucking surveillance. Criminals are beat up and shipped over the border to the cartels, no repeat offenders of any kind allowed. If you have high adrenaline searching behaviour we will have programs and activities for this.

I was being sarcastic you plebs

no Roasties. It will be like the Nights Watch. Everyone knows anons go via the tunnels to surrounding areas to get their dicks wet, but nobody takes it back home. Would make an exception for Blaire White though.

Ok counting the uber jew we have

total: 249.000 $

I'll pay for it if one of you faggots engages in a phony gay marriage so I can have US citizenship.

There is a millionaire dutchfag somewhere on &pol& but he is literally a globalist illuminatus so that might be a bad idea

fucking keyboard is kekked

I don't trust you, britbong...

We've heard that line before, and it got us into a revolutionary war.

We are watching you like a hawk.

Sup Forums - A magical place where love blooms

I would be ok with this

I'll do it, but if any gay shit happens, be sure to say no homo so its still good.

I'll pay 20% but I want a daily offering of aryan blood

>tfw over 12% body fat
I'm trying /fit/bro, but my current situation does not permit the maximum effectiveness for weight loss. If we built a healthy town I'd obviously lose a lot of weight rather quickly.

no debt is a given, in fact our town should aim to take a total of $0 from county, state, and federal funds. No shop accepts credit cards, the local city bank is a credit union and not affiliated with any larger bank.

no franchises allowed, only locally owned shops.

Kekistan bank would obviously be nationalized to the town's ownership. I'm sure there would be a law against private-owned banks.

I have a question .. is this town going to be an all White Town where White Americans can go to if they are fleeing from the inner cities due to nigger violence?
Because if this town is going to be a Nu/Pol Nu/Male Civicuck LOLsperg Town then forget about it.
It will turn into another failed (((multicultural))) inner city within a few years time.
Fuck that, we need a Town where the White Population is 100% Homogeneous.
A town where White Americans can live in peace and raise their children with good moral values and keep them safe from shitskins.
We should also only allow White Couples with children and alot of young white people.



Wtf what kind of business do you own user ?
And how can i get that kind of HAHA PAPER YEAH ! ... ???

>No shop accepts credit cards, the local city bank is a credit union and not affiliated with any larger bank.
>no franchises allowed, only locally owned shops.
its only a matter of time before the jews blackmail the chairman of the credit union and purchase it..

only a matter of time until the jews begin kidnaping and murdering the children of the shop owners until the accept credit cards in their shop.

...only a matter of time until one of the shop owners, following the advice of a jew, opens a franchise

I won't invest before hand but you have my ax if anything ever actually gets off the ground.

get lost with your dirty shekels no blood sacrifice in Sup Forumstown

>six houses
That's not enough.