Who is this cunt and why are we not destroying her yet?

Who is this cunt and why are we not destroying her yet?


Women were a mistake.

Not your personal army, retard.

>personal army
>implying I asked to do something for me

go suck off your paki mayor fag

So close

Why should we care about some dumb bint?

Who cares. Better off women follow this cunt off to pointless and failed """social reform""" than taking to the streets and doing far more damage.

Sure, I'd prefer it all go away, but I'll take loud and retarded over efficient and doing stuff


>Watching Joe Rogan at all

Go back to Sup Forums and stay there

are you new?

jessus nu-pol is real

Kek wills it

Joe "freebase dead baby juice" Rogan interviews lady who convinces us Podesta did nothing wrong.

Fuck I thought it was Anita

>Put Israel in Australia

Any ausfaggot willing to take in the nation of Israel?

I thought she made good points about trump and israel. She seems nice, I like her.

Her laugh is like a nail on a blackboard.


She said the exact opposite you retard. Lol.


>Who is this cunt and why are we not destroying her yet?
>why are we not destroying her yet?

Why are spics such fucking retards?
2/10 b8

>doesnt contribute anything to worthwhile threads where pol actually goes after someone
>thinking hes included

>who is da bitch?
Another american intellectual

You mean HIM and hes a faggot midget retard with a big head that people around here seem to like.

That's my wife.
You leave her alone!

>doesn't know what a rhetorical question is that engages discussion

Its not? I dont feel like clicking the link to find out? If not her then literally who?

I am listening to Mein Kampf audiobook. The idea of stopping this to listen to Joe fucking Rogan is insane. Sounds like a waste of brain cells.

Does anyone have a tl:dr?

Did you not hear her views on Israel during the last 30 minutes or so of the video?

rogan is a moron, but he looks like a genius when he has these idiots on his podcast.

i wonder how he feels watching people completely break down and unable to have a conversation without getting emotional. he probably misses being young and not watching the world go to shit. no wonder he bought a house in the middle of nowhere and raises chickens and grows his own vegetables, he just wants to check out.

LMFAO @ giving your time to that manlet bald small faggot degenerate Rogan and his imbecile propaganda show, hahahahahahahahhhahahaa

[spoiler]at the end Hitler dies[/spoiler]

first off don't give her views and $$, link only to copies of her shitty videos


>Does anyone have a tl:dr?

> Jamie pull that up
> Could you imagine
> Isn't it crazy that _______ (something about Trump)
> We're on a rock
> Space is big
> Wrap your head around ______
> Alpha brain
> I'm a small insecure manlet faggot

lefty roastie says:
>people are being distracted by useless shit while trump continues to push the military industrial complex agenda
>america is an empire, so evil, palestinian babies,
>israel is a fascist ethnostate,
>the moon landing didn't happen, cgi ruins movies, everyone smoke pot its okay, >gays need rights, christians are cancer.

typical lefty talking points. she thinks the best thing you can do is wave a closed fist at the world's largest military, so she's basically a moron wasting her life.

Pretty sure she is in a relationship with a spic so she has to virtue signal to cover up her mistake

get out

>anti-american retard


did you even bother to read what he posted?

>why expect americans to have any reading comprehension

>Implying you'd be included in anything noteworthy.
>Implying you'd do anything but be a passive bystander when a raid happens.

>wow SJWs aren't the problem white men are
>Fucking drumpf he's doing exactly what hillary and neocons would be doing
>Democrats should have won
>Jaime pull that up
>there is nothing behind the alt-right other than reactionary energy to the PC culture
Apparently there are no ((coincidences)) being discussed about in the alt-right

She's a "journalist". I only heard about her because she shit on Sam Harris. Apparently she's a big conspiracy theorist.

If you're going to listen to the podcast, listen to the part where she describes Israel as a fascist apartheid state.

You complete arsehole! Why would you ruin it for everyone?

>listen to the part where she describes Israel as a fascist apartheid state.

I only listen to Eddie Bravo when he's on JRE because due to his long-term "friendship" with Manlet Joe, he's the only one able to straight up poke those cuck libtard beliefs that the manlet meathead holds.

However I do have to say, I'm aware that the college commies and lefties are always vocal on Palestine...and I don't know what to make of it.

We should be aware that the media is pro-lefty and when this retard millenial generation fully takes over the media, when generations change, it will be interesting to see how much of Kyke Question will they cover.

Also, fuck the Kykes and Joe Rogan one of the biggest kykes among the goyim, the non-kykes.