
>Government Continues to cuck on border hoppers, Media follows along like lapdogs despite polled majority of Canadians wanting immediate deportations
>Justin Trudeau boasts about his dad getting his late brother acquitted of marijuana charges says father used connections brother michel cleared/13321874/story.htmles
>StatsCan: Total sales from private and public retail outlets down 0.6% in February
>BC Provincial Debates Continue:

Proposed Cannabis Act:

Recommended readings:
Lament for a Nation by George Grant (Sadly no PDF available)
John A. Macdonald on the Federal System:
Outline of the National Policy and a description of a once Economically Protectionist Nation:

Other urls found in this thread:

based trudeau will protect our lumber

im actually surprised he came out so sternly against it.. if he didn't open the borders I probably wouldn't even have a problem with him

Vote Kelly Leitch next election, then never vote liberal again.

>Media follows along like lapdogs despite polled majority of Canadians wanting immediate deportations

I highly doubt that. It even says in the article "nearly half of them want action" or some shit.

I don't care about the dude weed lmao shit, I quit that shit years ago, although I do think it should be legal.

Final CPC Leadership debate today, guys. My body is ready.

if we didn't have the third world importation problem he would probably be a great uniter.. french and english.. women and men.. native and settler.. too bad all he'll be remembered for is the usa illegals, ten year chinese visas, and upping our immigration rate by 33%

No thank you. Bernier is too based to ignore.

>Implying I've ever voted Liberal

Your part of the issue right now. If you don't see an issue, your the problem. Did you know homelessness has increased 30 percent in Vancouver? And FT Mac is still burning? and how's that Ontario hydro?
Your a potato licker.

Why can't we have a nationalistic socialistic party. I don't want to associate with old senile people and lolbertarians. I want a working/middle class nationalist party. Why doesn't this exist.

If border crosses not even being dealt with doesn't force a shift in Canada, nothing will.

Fuck this shitty, dying country that just needs to be put out of its misery.

You're more than welcome to, but the CPC and NatSoc don't exactly mix. All that'll accomplish is handing the LPC (or god forbid the NDP) the government for a decade.

Right. If we were still 97% white and didn't have open borders we wouldn't have any of those problems. Ontario hydro was 2c a kilowatt when we were 90% white a few decades ago.

My point was if we never did multiculturalism Trudeau Jr. probably would be one of our better leaders.

>Did you know homelessness has increased 30 percent in Vancouver?

Wow what a surprise. Drug addiction and the chinks will do that, which are the provinces problem.

You guys all would secretly wish that there still was an Ontario Hydro. The split up of the company cost tax payers $40 billion, and that was the PCs that did that.

I completely agree that Wynne shouldn't sell off Hydro One, but that's what the PCs were also pushing for in the 90s.

Bernie is a liberal light, your a cuck to vote another French liberal who won't do shit for our economy, same economic platform as JT basically. He's a joke who won't get a majority, then we're back to shitown for 4 years with liberals in again after that.

Nah we all ate the hydro costs in the early 2000's from Harris and those sucked but it didn't even double the price. The 400% increase since Wynne has been almost entirely due to the Green Energy Act.

>Why can't we have a nationalistic socialistic party
There is one that has posted here before but i dont know if they're "socialist" per say

MAD MAX is the man we need.

Yeah the Green Energy act is a scam for sure. I fucking hate Wynne, and can't wait to see her out of office(even as I'm a liberal).

Basically 20% of the overall cost of power is controlled by around two percent of the electrical generation.

And no, we haven't eaten up all the costs. We're still paying for it.

I want to leave Vancouver. Open to moving anywhere. Where should I go? Fine with rural places.

(((Mad Max))) is a typical kikes bitch libertarian faggot that will sell us out to kikes and chinks

I dunno why Sup Forums loves Bernie? He's another JT, Kelly is the one of the only right wing candidate other than Scheer, I'm a member and Kelly will probably get my vote.

I nearly did a spit-take reading that. You're a funny man.

>Only candidate who wants to reduce immigration
>Only candidate who is against supply management
>Only candidate who wants to get rid of provincial transfer payments
>The most pro-gun candidate (Rated A+ by the CCFR)
>Wants to get rid of interprovincial trade barriers
>Wants to reduce the federal government

All it takes is five minutes on his website looking at his platform to see you're full of shit.

Go to Europe or the USA

Then why haven't he done anything about the most costly natural disaster in Canadain history?

O'Toole is the best. Stop shilling this meme candidate.

O'Toole is a watered-down version of Bernier without the ability to speak to 1/4 of the country.

Bernier is shit. O'Leary is double shit. Leitch is unelectable(and I'm pretty sure she's a dyke, which hasn't worked out for Ontario).

I'm fine with tool, leitch, sheer, or bernier

He speaks French. He was an officer in the military.

Define selling out.

Canada has always essentially been a bitch to other nations that will buy our resources. What is the other option?

Amen..the slow and painful decline to the inevitable death of our country is unbearable.

>>Only candidate who wants to reduce immigration
They all want to reduce it back to Harper numbers, which basically means bad but not as bad.
>>Only candidate who wants to get rid of provincial transfer payments
He would have to do a constitutional amendment which would be impossible, he's just saying shit to appeal to Albertans who don't know how the constitution works
>>Only candidate who is against supply management
How the fuck is anti-protectionism a good thing?
>>The most pro-gun candidate (Rated A+ by the CCFR)
Okay great he'll legalize more rounds for hunting rifles, wow so great.
>>Wants to get rid of interprovincial trade barriers
The extent he goes too is too far, some provincial protectionism is needed so provincial businesses can grow and not get weeded out by out of province companies who have more ability to lower prices due to less costs needed to be paid
>>Wants to reduce the federal government
That's such an empty statement, what exactly is he proposing to be reduced?

Also the fact that he wants FTD with China immediately makes him ineligible to be worthwhile.

> Bernie wants to sell Canadian soil to china as china property
> bernie wants open trade, yet our largest trade partner has imposed large tariffs
>wants the CBC
>no real firearm regulations changes
>won't get Quebec vote
>no real changes to defence spending
>if removing dairy quota and allowing foreign soil ownership will allow whole industry to be bought out by foreign interests
>liberal light

You know, if he campaigned for Ontario, I'd be fine with that. He spends most of his time complaining about the damn province, he should just focus on that. He's no CPC leader, though.

Étant parfaitement bilingue, je peut te dire avec confiance qu'il n'y a que deux candidats avec un Français raisonable: Bernier et Blaney. Même Lemieux, qui viens d'une ville Francophone d'Ontario, a un peu de misère.

this is an english board frogman, now apologize to your queen

Who's going on your ballot? Only 10 slots for 14 candidates but mine will probably look like this:

1. Saxton
2. Bernier
3. Sheer
4. O'Toole
5. Lietch

with the rest empty

Voting Trudeau so the country can burn faster and start the process of rebuilding into a natsoc nation

why is home group capital tanking

accelerationism.. I like it

let's be honest my fellow csis nigger, natsoc will not come from within it will come from without.

Don't cut yourself on all that edge, kid.

Better than slowly waiting while becoming Hollow.

National Socialism is the future he is right, although it will have to come from America or Europe.

Everyone shits on fraco-ontario French.

Literally nothing wrong with it, but every time I'm in Quebec those fuckers give me hell

Nah I grew up inbetween you and Toronto. I don't know anyone who has a problem with franco-ontario people. Same with french speaking indians. It's Quebec not that language that's the problem.

He's a zap brannigan look'n mafuqa.

oh you mean the dialect.. yeah who knows.. all sounds like trash to me

Canada is fucked
All the big party candidates are shills

You're all probably better off joining that NatSoc party lead by that pickup artist

None of the other candidates had any mention of any specific numbers for immigration on their policy pages, last I checked. Even Leitch who campaigns almost exclusively on immigration.
Saying that the provincial transfer payment campaign promise only appeals to Albertans is pretty rich, considering he's from Quebec of all places.
You know, giving a handful of dairy companies like Agropur and Saputo an oligopoly isn't protectionism: It's corporatism. Protectionism would be protection from foreign competitors and that isn't out of the question. As it stands, we, everyday Canadians, are being strangled by supply management and our exports are less competitive than they could be because of it internationally. THAT leaves our companies open to hostile takeover, except then they would STILL have massive corporatism on their side and even less reason to not strangle our economy to death.
>Okay great he'll legalize more rounds for hunting rifles, wow so great.
The amount of rounds allowed in a firearm when hunting is provincial jurisdiction. Good job understanding basic firearm laws.
>The extent he goes too is too far, some provincial protectionism is needed so provincial businesses can grow and not get weeded out by out of province companies who have more ability to lower prices due to less costs needed to be paid
Companies in smaller provinces will finally have access to larger markets. If you're a brewer in Nova Scotia or something, being able to sell your beer in Ontario or Quebec without having to jump through tons of hoops and paying tons of taxes/levies that make your beer uncompetitive would be a huge boon and you could finally take advatange of the economy of scale. Saying it would be bad for smaller economies is ridiculous.

Source on selling land?
>Implying defunding the "Ministry of Truth" is a bad thing
>no real firearm regulations changes
>won't get Quebec vote
Highest majority in his riding of any CPC MP outside of Alberta

>Why doesn't this exist.

(((They))) would never allow it

It just sounds off, man. You should see the shit Parisians get! It's like being British in Kentucky. You'd get called an snobby fag the instant you open your mouth.

Just posting.

Oh, I should mention, I'd rather listen to a Franco-Ontario read the dictionary all day than have a 5 minute conversation with a Haitian. That dialect HURTS MY SOUL.


fuck canada

I hate what Canada has become since the 60's, but we have plenty of heritage to be proud of.

What was Canada "like" before the 1960s?
You've been alive how many years on Earth??

When were we 97% white?

Dude, you live in the internet age. You have access to information more easily than any generation before yours. It doesn't take long to cut through the propaganda if you know where to look.

Did you ever learn about the Lower Canada Rebellion? Because THAT is why we became independent. Not because we sat quietly and accumulated good boy points with the British government.

Its getting annoying, my school has more brown people in it than white. It's fucked, they even have muslim prayer rooms and our schools student counsel is full of shit skins. the fuck is wrong, JUSTIN STAP

Alberta if you're conservative-lite
Another country if you're righter than that