Guys We are famouse

good job guys, justice is spreading Forums_discussion_board_pol_is_leading_the_fight_to_stop_antifa

Other urls found in this thread:

>the rebel

The Rebel needs to get destroyed just as bad at nyt/washpo/etc. Go worship your faggoty ass dildoing race mixing hipster gavin back at reddit where it belongs.

dude is an islamist radical

while this is true, I'll take what I can get until the day of the croak

> weaponized autism
Haha, lose to this everytime



Fuck...Great just what we need the fucking media getting involved with Sup Forums...I bet some fuck fat cat will try to control this site to promote fucking "real" discussion

After he got attacked by antifa himself, I think he's definitely on our side

>tfw Antifa are controlled by Jews to say that the far right is controlled by Jews

prepare for the surge of newfags now that media is picked up on this. Soon it will be mainstream and we will all have to run to infinity chan.

Lol...Nah he's cool..but when the media gets involved in anything they fuck it up by bringing things that happen here into the light...and the last thing we need is fucking light.

>heeb masters
Which one of you did this?

Sup Forums is getting already too much attention from media
is bringing way too many newfags

You are an absolute idiot, the rebel is pretty much the daily stormer of Canada, without them we would have Swedish tier media. Yeah I guess they're not 1488 enough for you burgers, but regardless they do great work:

Against refugees/Islam
Against cultural Marxism even talking about white genocide
Against (((global warming)))
Against liberalism in general

> Forums_discussion_board_pol_is_leading_the_fight_to_stop_antifa
>“weaponized autism,” defined at the Urban Dictionary as “the focused application of computer tech savvy and social awkwardness in the cyber pursuit of justice.”
Top kek

>tfw they are using my shitty MSPaint picture

Journalism these days..

Of fucking course, my bets are that Ww3 wipes out Islam like WW2 did the Nazis. Not saying they are even comparable in their actions but both are the strongest opposition to Jews at the time.

9 out of ten articles that
Mention Sup Forums are by politically unacceptable sources. And contain info that seems to have come from a troll. Or from lurking, without actually knowing what is going on.

Keeps all the newfags in one place. We can't let all the newfags know about the secret chans.

It's not like rebel fag media writers not browse pol. I'm sure they do

This sadly, The American elections did just this, we are only just starting to recover now.

summer begins in about one month...

Post more nazi/holohoax stuff, and gore. That's usually what I use to scare away normies. The ones who can take it, I welcome.

>muh paranoid ban-happy 8ch sekret klub
>muh slow-as-fuck, everyone depressed krautchan
>dude weed lmao 420chan

Yes, people are totally missing out.

Reminder that corrupted mods banned everyone participating in the AntiFa Identification threads.

We won't be able to ID them here anymore.

summer is a meme all by itself. nefwag growth in doesnt exist folks

>prepare for the surge of newfags

Oh this is the article that puts Sup Forums on the map?

Anybody's who has followed politics at all in the last 12 months has heard of Sup Forums. Normies come here now. Get over it.

mods are leftist cunts who should be hanged


pfft. Its the way some of us got red-pilled. Do you want your truths to spread, or you just want to keep them to yourself and let antifa spread?

Dam son. Well, it looks like on the other channel the unmasking threads are proceeding OK, no?

the rebel is a great news and I trust everything they have to say

stop pretending you actually care about race it's embarrassing.

>it looks like on the other channel the unmasking threads are proceeding OK, no?
No, because they do not have the numbers and the autistic power Sup Forums has.

That's why only Sup Forums is the only board and chan who orchestrated bombings on ISIS.

Leaf slurping on jew cock is hard to watch.

ANTIFA put a bounty on Jack Posobiec

(((Rebel Media)))

Yesss! We are going to be more popular than le reddit xD :) United Sup Forums can do anything ! We rock! I can't wait for people to come here and help change le world xD xD

We don't to be famous, fuckface newfag.

>The Rebel
Burn it. Another pro kike puppet.

>continuing to be trapped in the Kosher Sandwich is the best we can do in Canada

FBI, give job plz

waive polygraph and background check

we did it reddit!

Sup Forums isn't about
>muh dank maymays.
>Look at all these (You) I have.
Sup Forums is about not allowing the cruel nature of reality to be swept under the rug by a bunch of establishment clowns.
The Sup Forums movement works best thanklessly in the darkness of obscurity.

Anyone interested in starting to find the guy who stabbed someone?

>when you're this new

I know it feels good to be a part of success and moral disgust and so forth, but at least acknowledge that none of us are putting in any real work

there's a very strong chance that the 'detective' work is being done by trained intelligence agents

I apologize if I'm wrong, but either way, it's not us, we are just coasting on someone else's efforts. We should discuss what practical, positive, law abiding things we can do to promote sanity and safety for everyone, not just ourselves

Rabbi media is controlled opposition.


If it the Rebel is supposed to be as edgy in Canada as the Daily Stormer is in America, Canada is fucked.

As long as we can educate/indoctrinate them quickly, it'll just mean more of us, not an infestation of normies......

If a normie can take full-on nazi shit.....they automatically lost their description.

You arrived yesterday, right?

not to worry. these normies haven't seen Sup Forums on the defensive. it's not pretty.

Right, recognizing useful allies=slurping jew cock, lol enjoy your kosher president you fat fuck

Did you vote for Trump? Congrats, you elected a kosher sandwich, enjoy the no wall and rapefugees

It's not controlled opposition you fucking idiot, everybody knows Levant is a Jew and has Jewish interests. Oddly enough, none of you 1488 larpers have created better media companies yourselves, hmmm seems like you're controlled opposition to stop people from even taking their first redpill

It's not exactly that level, but I'm just saying that they are extremely far right for this cucked country

This article is fucking shit, post an archive link next time.

I got banned and I wasn't even doxxing. The ID was already out there and I linked hilarious reviews left on his rate my professors page.

>(((Rebel Media))) playing 4d chess to bring attention to us

Moloch shall be exposed

>ANTIFA put a bounty on Jack Posobiec
Got sauce on this, user? This looks juicy.

Yea even posting in a thread about the topic gets you a couple of days ban.
In example everyone in this thread might end up getting a temp ban if it goes in a wrong direction.

Oh look, stormfag defeatism

>purity purity purity

Rebel is a good start for normies.
The most important thing is over-turning white guilt. Everything flows from there. McInness is a good entry point.

No one likes you stormfags user. Thats why you have to continue leeching off of the "alt-lite" and riding their coat tails while also bitching about them.

>Rebel Media

>the rebel is pretty much the daily stormer of Canada
This was made in a week they were shilling hard for Israel (harder than normal).

Wait. Is the thing on the right a man or a woman?

He's not wrong you know. Theres pretty much no media here that is right leaning. They redpill a lot of normies too


Get over yourself. Rebel are hypocrites, but it pushes people in the right direction.

It's /ourguy/ Jack.

wrong. Jews are the soul of all of those things. Civic nationalists pander to the symptoms of the world and not the source: Jews. Ethno Nationalists at least realize they are being played (even though they can't do shit about it)

and that's coming from me, an actual communist. But continue being a faggot leaf.

Faith Goldy also made a video about white genocide, ofc they're kosher, but civic nationalism is still better than leftism, rebel should be seen as gradualism, do you think the leftists in the 60s fighting for "equal rights" for blacks and women ever thought that white men would be nationally hated, men would be going into women's bathrooms and black chimpouts would be tolerated in just 50 years?

The state of the world is such that I can't tell if this is real or a meme

Ok buddy, how are you enjoying your kosher president? How are you enjoying (((fox news))) which wasn't even pro Trump like (((rebel)))? What exactly are you doing about the JQ? Larping on Sup Forums?

Oh so you're not running a successful media company that drops redpills on normies? 1488 all the way my man!

I wish these e-celebs would stop talking about /pol publicly. Faggits like Cernovbitch and Molyjew are making their careers by stalking our threads, and then they name us publicly and we have our boards diluted by all the new faggits.
Downboat their video call them kikes or whatever.
I swear to fuck I hate these guys. I already did my part. Fucking controlled opposition.

That's great but if your aim is to redpill then redpill, what that video does is bluepill.

>Rebel are hypocrites

you mean just like literally everyone else? You guys are such arrogant dicks because you bitch about everyone else for just now following your stupid shit. And you also chastise everyone else on the right while also bitching about no purity spirals and you assume everyone is just automatically on your side, and then when they tell you otherwise, you freak out and treat them like traitors, even though they never said they followed you in the first place.

You think everything else is just a stepping stone to you when in reality, your just the waste basket for internet conspiracy theorist.

So one video=their entire library? Why not use the white genocide video then?

>the rebel is pretty much the daily stormer of Canada
Not quite but it really is the best news outlet in Canada.

(((Divisiveness intensifies)))

This is a shill post

It might not seem like it to many but most of the people that push this type of rhetoric are shills.

You should consider the motivations of this post. It intends to create division, it pushes pol to the extreme right which disenfranchises the appeal away from civic nationalism

If people actually united behind civic nationalism it would be an unstoppable force

I am trying to tell you ANTIFA put a BOUNTY on Jack!

Faith does for sure.

Every time I see this image it reminds me of all the friendships iIve ruined because i couldn't stand their fake bullshit.

Sometimes I wish I hadn't taken the "redpill" and become "woke."

>The American elections did just this
not really
The fappening started the real cascade, the last american elections were just the finishing blow.

we're unlikely to ever recover, also considering how much other boards are permanently infested with actual marketers, examples being Sup Forums and Sup Forums

lmao that ship sailed years and years ago newfag

Dont listen to these faggots leaf. Its better than nothing and you have to take what you can get.

This, we re fucking winning and sabotaging ourselves at the same time. Pick a tribe or be wiped out.

>posts a video to their channel
That's not how it works you little faggot.
They have a duty to ensure what they upload is of the ideology they support, the fact they uploaded a video strawmanning white genocide is very telling of their character.
They're kikes plain and simple.

Gamergate and the fappening happened around the same time and fucked this whole place up. That was the first and the heaviest blow.

Communism is a Jewish ideology lol

Yep, I got a 3 day just for posting in the thread. Didnt dox, didnt encourage, didnt do anything except post a shitty meme.

12-Sup Forums is the only place that allows it.

Yeah. Great. Be famous. Attract hordes of fucking SJW shit to the board.

Great fucking plan.

Am I the only one who blames fucking Ebaum's World for everything still?

B& phone posters, 65% of the rise in traffic from the occurrences came from them. Of course from an economic point of view that's never going to happen

>If people actually united behind civic nationalism it would be an unstoppable force
Until the based Hispanics in a Trump hat (basados en mierda!) take over your country.
Civic nationalism isn't an answer. You don't have magic dirt, faggot.

Great even more newfags

It seems like you don't know what civic nationalism is. This line of reasoning is kind of pathetic, if white people want to preserve them selves they need to breed. But that is independent of civic nationalism entirely

They are not a monolith you cum guzzling abo.

Faith and Lauren=altright
Ezra, Jay and the other white guy=civic nationalists

Anyways, I'd LOVE to see your popular 1488 media company in Canada that is dropping even stronger red pills, I'll even settle for your channel in Australia

No, it seems like you don't understand what it is.
Civic nationalism is thinking people can learn your culture, that you can grab some nigger and if they accept and uphold your culture they'll be a perfect fit for your country and they should be accepted because you're not racist.
You don't have magic dirt, faggot.

