aut. ist
someone's not getting laid tonight
Being autistic is one thing but being THIS autistic? God damn
They said it shouldn't be possible to be this autistic, but here we are.
i bet that guy loves Maddox xD
This is clearly two women
Leoleolol being this afraid of responsibility.
Worse than that, he's euphoric...
Oh gee, how self-centered can you be that you want ME to dedicate some time to having offspring? You should be ashamed of yourself, you egotistic fuck
>still buttmad from when maddox BTFO of Sup Forums
poor marie
What a terrible life
yeah he really showed us kink-shaming cuckphobes our place!!!
Tinder thread?
It all boils down to
>I'm afraid of responsibility
The only reason a person wouldn't want kids is if he's a faggot and can't have them.
whoa epic bants wow!!!
faggots can have kids
fucking noice
>White woman asking for white babies
>Reject her so she goes to Jamal or Tyrone who will impregnate her and leave her a single mother
And then you wonder why the white population is coming down
or poor?
you fucking dumb leaf
This user meant faggot as in the 'lame useless idiot' definition.
>Used in a sentence: OP is a faggot
Im glad i found out recently i am a whitr skinned arab
no if youre poor then you want kids for the gibs
This one wants the seed.
It's weird. Once I know they want it I lose all interest.
Are you retarded? There's no such thing as too poor to have kids in a civilized country. Most of them give parents money per child for the exact reason that niggers and slimes are breeding faster than whites.
lol. disgusting. no surprise from the picture though
Gimme da pussi please
>30k website
>looks like shit
He BTFO pol with a site that looks like some Geocities throwback dogshit.
Daaaas rrriiiiiiiiiitttteeee
Protect your kidneys mate, dont go
>The only reason a person wouldn't want kids is if he's a faggot and can't have them.
I've got a kid and quite frankly I would sacrifice her to Moloch to get back the life I used to have before getting married and having kids.
Seriously, everyone bangs on about how great or special kids are, but once you sift through the lies and self-deceit, very few of them would do it again if they had the chance to turn back the clock.
OP has it about right.
Kids are nothing but crotch turds.
cringe thread?
because i dont know whether to feel sorry for taht guy or to give up on my urges to beat him on the head with a wrench
A child's intelligence is inherited from its parents. Sounds like you married a turd and had a turd child. You're likely a turd yourself.
It's not weird. It's just because you are gay and only seek validation from women and not sex.
>A child's intelligence is inherited from its parents. Sounds like you married a turd and had a turd child. You're likely a turd yourself.
You dumb fucking leaf nigger.
When did I say anything about my kid not being bright? Never. I just said she wasn't worth it which is completely different.
Day of the Leaf when?
If I knock up a girl with a 140 IQ, but mine is 125 and we're both autists, will the kid be smart enough to cancel out the autiz?
Brockvegas...was just there last Friday night...
Kill yourself degenerate hedonist