>Trump calls all 100 senators
>briefing on NK
>US Vinson travel to NK
Guys, are you ready for a false flag?

Other urls found in this thread:


Trump is rounding up all of the Senators for his meeting about North Korea today, but the truth is Trump wants all the Senators in the same area so those affiliated with Pizzagate can be arrested and none can escape.

Hes rounding them all up in one spot so he can gas them and finally drain (gas) the swamp.

This is an interesting idea

he's going to Red Wedding their asses

False Flag or not, we should have chalked up Korea as victory long ago. Hes just expediting the shipping on the trophy we deserve.

welp. I'm fuckin over happenings.
nothing ever fucking happens.

Kek, please just fucking do it already.

If that was true that'd be some true 69th dimensional Siberian underground water polo

oh boy

Serioulsy Im ready for a war at this point

>North Korea launch nuke
>It's explodes even before launch
>Trump laughs
>Trump launchs nukes to destroy completely the country anyways for even more laughs

Trump is going to arrest and execute the members of the Senate for insubordination and transfer all Congressional power to the White House.

We are going to have the Hitler the media so feared.

Laura Ingraham is a goddess

Straight Sadam, only needs to live stream it and have the good ones execute the others lol

Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap.

Preferably Trump will have the remaining loyal members of the Senate personally carry out the execution of the traitors. That will seal their fate to the administration, ensuring their loyalty.

Will the senate event be publicly viewable?

this made me laugh, thank you very much

>16 years of wars for Israel and banks
>16 years of globalism
>Sup Forums is ready to keep it going because Le god emperor says it's a good idea

Fucking hopeless. Enjoy losing a limb so some kike can buy a new fleet of rolls royces.

Yes, the dissolution of the Senate will be broadcast on all channels, both domestic and foreign.

Trump will want the world to know what he has done.

this will NOT happen you cuck

If the US attacks North Korea

North Korea will nuke South Korea, nerve gas the survivors and probably attempt to nerve gas Japan.

Millions will die and the economy will collapse.

>All 100 Senators will be on busses
>Terror drill in DC
>Trump not confirmed to be at meeting

>Vinson gets blown up
>we get to go commies
>liberal faggo millennnials get manned up because of the war
>women suddenly respect men again due to the crisis and war
>Asia; Middle East and Europe once again flattened in war
>USA gets another 50 years of economic boom to rebuild the earth

It's a goo plan desu

Like Roman decimation

the economy of a couple shitholes will collapse. nothing we are too worried about

>Trump gathers all the senators
>Everyone sitting down ready to discuss what to do about NK
>Right Wing Death Squads appear out of nowhere
>Kill all the senators
>Truly drain the swamp
>RWDS are Korean plants
>Try to kill Trump
>They say 'Now you and all of america will die'
>'will' is the password used to detonate bombs under every government building in Pyongyang
>Giant Mexican Border Wall emerges from the ground
>Every Mexicans bank account is drained to pay for the wall
>All illegals sucked into vacuum and fired back into Mexico
>America made great again

Inter galactic 90D Imperial game of Risk

There's been 4 SkyKings called on USAF by the callsign Combatant. Which I've never seen happen before also people are saying that means nuclear weapons are being discussed.

stop jumping to conclusions and wait to see what actually happens.

having said that, let's not forget that the deep state have a gun to Trumps head, so he can only do so much about the bigger picture

Stop, I can only get so erect.

What would really happen

>US starts yet another war
>North Korea nukes South Korea and Japan
>US nukes North Korea
>Global Economy collapses
>United States collapses into civil war
>all of north america wrecked from fighting
>nationalist revolutions in Europe

No, the economy of the entire world. Do you not understand how relevant Japan and South Korea are to the global economy? You're talking about a total stock market meltdown.

Trump could prevent all of this, but he just wants the praise of neocucks.


I think Trump will have all 100 senators killed by a bomb and say it was ISIS that came through Mexico border win win

the world really over values computer based currency now anyway. we need countries to be destroyed to bring back the relevance of physical based currency. we would realize we can just have our phones built else ware and move on

theres a reason false flags happen

nothings better for the economy than war

something better happen, i am tired of this bullshit


NK "nuke themselves" with a little help but it is suprisingly clean and localised but gives everyone else good enough reason to invade.

whats your point?

the move was planned under Obama and Trump said he wanted to build up the military (and hopefully not have to use it). nothing strange about this video.

Do you understand what a false flag is?

There isn't really a point, it's just what will happen.

It will probably cause civil unrest in the west though.

>Two days old
>No nukes fired

not happening

>False flag
What're you talking about? Teddy Roosevelt was a good boy. Lyndon B Johnson dindu nuffin. USS Maine and USS Maddox were attacked by foreign nationals who wanted war.

>Trump could prevent all of this, but he just wants the praise of neocucks

it doesn't help his movement and he knows it. there are some no-go areas for POTUS, as JFK found out.


T R U M P F A G S are truly in their own retarded bubble

>Korea gets nuked
>a couple cities in Japan get leveled
> a few million dead

Why would that collapse the world econemy? Major wars have destroyed far more and killed far more

Meeting's in 2 hours (3pm EST)
I live in eastern South Dakota and just heard at least two B-1s fly overhead from the nearby Ellsworth Air Force Base

i need to sleep now, i hope when i wake up, i can hear the sound of the news screaming about nuclear war

the meeting is supposed to take place today according to reuters


I wish, but it doesn't end with senators.

Three A-10s flew in formation over my house about an hour ago, going south.

My dick is diamonds


reports of activity on 8992 (I'm too fucking tired after dinner to set it up for myself)


So 90 senetors live?

He didn't mean exactly like decimation down to the numbers, dumbass. Just the loyal ones live.

Perhaps the joke was too highbrow for your shitty cellulose brain to understand

you're sleepy? I'm sleepy too. Let's just go to bed guys, nothing is going to happen.

Pretty sure the high likelihood of this happening is why they have not pulled the trigger yet.


i bet the happening is this
