Bill Nye wants to punish people for having kids

why not reward those who don't have kids?

If you don't have kids, collect a monthly government stipend .

It'll encourage less population and happier citizens.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Except not for people of color...we don't have enough of them.

Except you forgot that when bill nye the sjw guy said that he used "people" to mean "white people" and "extra kids" to mean "any kids at all".

But how could we then fund single black women for having more kids? White people are already having kids below the replacement rate, so we shouldn't give money to them that will go to vulnerable minorities when they're causing their own extinction without it.

Is it the same people that say
1-we need more immigrants in the West to keep our standard of living?
2-we should pay families in the West to have less children because of the planet?

Just wondering?

>not dysgenics

Nonsense! Bill Nye the shabbos goy is our greatest ally!

OH VEY! I bet he actually meant white kids.

>probably not for one-child policy in africa

Someone save this timeline

We're moving into new and better timelines with each shitpost.


Someone is definitely paying him a lot of money to say this shit. If I were in his position, I would take the money, and after garnering multitudes of supporters, I'd redpill the shit out of them.

If that's the case, they've probably already threatened to kill his family members if he betrays them, or something like that.

>(((Bill Nye)) the jewish spy

Grabbing popcorn, about to watch mobs of angry manifest destiny catholics perform a sparagmos on bill nye. Might grab a blue raspberry slush too.

mmmm, yes enjoy some corn syrup with your corn

Cry more
Life will always be like that you cunt

I'm not even a right winger and Bill Nye annoys the shit out of me..the way he acts when people question him. Plus any whites who cheer on anti white shit just come off as pathetic to me even though I'm not white.

Also, why do they think they are going to change climate deniers views by bringing a fucking children show host to lecture them? This obsession with perpetual childhood on the left is concerning as hell, especially with this and all the gay Harry Potter comparisons to trump. Almost feel like becoming ultra conservative just to spite this bullshit kek.

aren't kids punishment enough?

Am I the only one who thinks Bill Nye is a kiddie diddler?

I mean look at that fucker's face. Would you let him babysit your little boy or girl?x

Bill bye the retarded guy

This should be done in Africa

You're not alone on that

This literally makes no sense. Whites should be having the most kids, as our carbon footprint is the only one going down. Developing nations that pollute way more due to crude tech should breed less.

>Bill Nye wants to punish people for having kids
>what is reading comprehension

No. He clearly wants to punish them by forcing them to have extra kids

>Bill Nye will never be your babysitter and ask you to experiment with him

This is why so many people don't understand science. Hopefully we can put them all in prison and sterilize them.

does this apply to spics, niggers, sandniggers and gooks or just the whites?

>Maybe we should penalize WHITE PEOPLE who have extra kids.

Yum yum eat em up

Are you a racist nro-nazi? It only applies to white "people" of course.

AI can actually predict whether or not someone is a criminal based on their facial features. Physiognomy is real.

>Shanghai’s Jiao Tong University analyzed the features of 1,856 faces that had been uploaded onto a computer and found “some discriminating structural features for predicting criminality, such as lip curvature, eye inner corner distance, and the so-called nose-mouth angle.”

Jesus, this thread is full of illiterate retards.

>we should penalize people with lashes

Are we talking about penalizing people who own lashes, or about lashing as a medium of punishment? Of course it's the second one.

I want that faggot to get hit by a fucking truck
While carrying his faggot ass BA in ME to make copies at FedEx

What a fucking poz nigger

You don't need Jewputers for that, you can detect bad people with their hate face and Kopftottreter-haircut in a millisecond. Even though the media tell you prejudice is wrong. Oh vey.

Start with the niggers and gooks

well the sack of shits having "extra" kids here are spics, like our disgusting neighbor who had to have her entire house heated to kill her bedbugs since her dirty ass kids would play with everyone.

She has 4 fucking kids, can't even afford one, boogers caked around the edges of their noses, 1 kid okay, 2 maybe, but 4 and one on the way?

people like her definitely need to be punished, and im all for people having children.

most definitely

So he wants to punish Africa for their population boom? They had a smaller population than Europe in 1994 and are projected to have a population of 4-5 billion by 2100.




No Bill, you first.

Let's start a petition to have Bill Nye castrated. He has all that shit on his show about how ignorant you are if you don't chop your dick off and stop having kids anyway.

On a serious note.

NO, that's not eugenics. Anybody who can PAY this tax in the Western world would be benefiting the Western world by having children.

This is absolutely a dysgenic idea, and Bill Nye absolutely KNOWS that this is dysgenic. The welfare system in general is dysgenic. We whites need to come up with a state within a state system so that we can reverse this trend of incentives. I am in the process of creating a religion, because a religion is essentially an international state without borders. Religions have laws, taxation, they contain within them all of the rites of passage that our white civilization needs. Religions can have all of the necessary institutions spring from them; private schools, banks, etc.

Religions outlast all other institutions. Had Hitler himself won the war, I guarantee that Nazi Germany would have already been infiltrated by now.

howsit going CTR, how do you feel about the fact that we can see right thru you?

there is no overpopulation problem, just a problem of too many non-whites

He would have a point if he meant niggers and spics.
I'd also support population control as an option in a white ethnostate, but Bill sold out to (((them))).


African countries don't have funds to pay childless families. So no, this suggestion has nothing to do with third world countries,

Well, not to counter-signal physiognomy because I wouldn't know if it doesn't real or not. But the features that you mentioned are not physiognomy, because they aren't genetic features, they are a result of subconscious CNS activity

he just wants his own show im sure

I'm actually all for this. Sterilize people below 100 IQ that have more than one kid.

>Literally advocating for child limits for whites
They're not even trying to hide it anymore, they want to destroy the white race. For chrissake, I'm a damned southern conservative, not a 1488 neonazi LARPer, I don't want to give up civic nationalism, I don't want to talk about "white genocide" but they're fucking doing it right in front of us. They aren't even bothering to hide it now, what the hell. I never wanted to become this way but this fucking globalist liberal/jew/cuck/1%/illuminati/msm/Rothschild/Bogdanoff/satanist whatever the hell they ares aren't even giving me a choice now. Damn all of them, they made me like this.

Man, I'm going to get a bachelor's in mechanical engineering. It makes you an expert in literally everything.

The 1% Jew is the enemy to all mankind.

Just whites

America fertility rate: 1.8
Nigeria fertility rate: 5.6

When will Bill Nye advocate for African population control?

Related to endless adolescence, board games at taverns, "barcades" with neon signs that say "don't grow up it's a trap." And certain widespread trends in language are very juvenile. Upward inflection, vocal fry, saying "right" constantly. These are all self diminishing in some way or just overly passive, all characteristic of a student talking to a teacher, as if to avoid professing expertise


his parents should have been punished

Only in white countries ofc! :^)

It's not like, you motherfuckers hadn't been warned!

White countries are facing a huge demographics crisis because they're not having enough kids, and this asshole wants to reward people for having fewer kids?
Shitskins need to stop having kids. White people need to have more.

Start with Africa and Middle East pls

>subsidizing white genocide
user kys that will help overpopulation



Overpopulation is a dog whistle for white genocide. Plain and simple. The idea of limiting the unsustainable birth rates, elevated by foreign aid and intervention, in Africa and Asia is considered to be genocide, barbaric, inhumane. The idea of further limiting the declining birthrates in first world countries is considered humane and beneficial to the world, until suddenly it becomes a problem and we conveniently need a nonstop stream of third worlders into our country to fix the declining population.

>yes goyim, don't have more children
>oh, the population is dying out? no problem, we have plenty of immigrants™ waiting for an opportunity
>did I forget to mention they're beneficial for the economy as well?
Deus vult can't come soon enough.

Someone ought to shoot this fagoo