
Let's settle this

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8Y/3N so far.

It's a good thing, but will clearly fall into the hands of the government for regulation and GMOs.

Medicinally, yes.
Recreational, I'm not too sure about.

sounds about like what I'd expect from you degenerates, hypocrites and trolls.

Moral degeneracy

Ban Alcohol or limit its production nationally.

wtf i like weed now

straight edge fags getting BTFO

I don't understand why so many people on Sup Forums are against this natural plant. But ok, keep buying those expensive pharmacy products to get rid of pain instead (and that cause much more negative side effects). The state will like it.

Think about all the businesses our society could create if we legalised cannabis.

Cannabis is less harmful then alcohol and does not make people act like degenerates like when they are drunk.

Once we remove the criminal aspect from weed we will lose the nigger culture associated with it.

It's common sense really.


>Cannabis is less harmful then alcohol

Nice datamining faggot

some of Sup Forums's position on this issue is pretty fucking hilarious. Usually this place is quick to point to studies and infographs when it denounces something but the shoe is on the other foot when it comes to weed.

All you get is "muh degeneracy"

time to shitposting

ban alcohol and tobbaco

legilize weed and hard drugs

>stating the obvious

Alcohol is far more addictive. You can't get physical withdrawals from cannabis. Most importantly you can die from alcohol withdrawal.

you're a smelly hippie and there's no denying that.

I'm only against it because it tends to effect motivation and gives people the inclination to become lazy wastes of space.

I had surgery on my dick once, german doctors rarely prescribe opiods after surgery, so I decided to try out weed as painkiller. It really worked, even during an erection I felt no strong pain

Weed makes me creative as fuck and got me through my 4 years of uni.

>far more addictive

with alcohol you have a threshold - alcoholics are jittering without the stuff while the casual drinker is not addicted in any way

cannibis is as dangerous as not flossing. alcohol kills what like 100k a year?

Using marijuana for such instances as you just described is fine in my book, but using it regularly because "Ayy smouk weed eryday 4/20 blazeee it" is downright degeneracy and makes you a shitty member of society.

I'd rather someone be a failure and die working a minimum wage job than pay for him in prison.

Rather the money in the hands of the gov then a bunch of dindus

addicts always like to paint their drug in a positive way. At least you didn't drop out.

why? how exactly is smoking every night different than having a beer when i come home from work?

Beer has a hell of a lot more calories in it. :^)

I'm all for it as long as those people who are on unemployment get treated just the same as every other employee, i.e. gets drug tested

I'd like to do some more research into this stuff but most people can live their lives as social drinkers without getting physical addiction but there is a chance for any one of us yet this shit is perfectly legal.

I'm not sure what the drink culture is like in Germany but if you lived in Ireland you'd see how these degenerates act like when they're out drinking to excess whilst I'm chilling at home with a joint watching a movie causing no-one any problems.

I know a bunch of people with very active lifestyles who weekly smoke cannabis, are they really worse than an alcohol addict?

But yea, cannabis being a cheap painkiller alone is a good enough reason to use it more in the medical field.

yeah, prison for weed is not really appropriate seeing as how society generally sees weed.

>anyone who had smoked within a year of a heart attack
yeah. im sure that joint a guy smoked a year ago is what caused his heart attack. seems legit.

even if one was to believe that story, its about as dangerous as sex. we gonna ban that too? dont want people to get excited.

I can't speak for every person in America who smokes weed every night but in my experience I haven't yet seen one such person who seems like a respectable sort of person. I realize that I might only be seeing and therefore judging a smaller but louder portion of what the actual majority of weed smokers are like, but in my personal experience, most of them smell bad and are lazy as shit while passing it off as something like the below:
and saying it makes them a smarter and/or a more moral person than others when this is objectively false.

those get equaled out by your want for food when high

I think it should be legal. Though it's inevitable that government will tax the shit out of it.

just make sure not to get too excited while stoned, because those stresses add up

>Not just pigging out on pickles
>THAT COMES OUT TO... 10 calories? That can't be right... Oh fuck, it is.

Lets settle this.... for the 10th time this week.

I agree, stories like that are bullshit and mainly perpetuated by the same people who might unironically refer to weed as 'the Devil's lettuce'.

I love to eat pickles as a diet snack, good idea user

And then you're killed by a heart attack because of all that sodium.

But cannabis makes orgasm and sex better overall

the gov has no right to make a plant illegal,

Cannabis is litterally invasive, I have seen it to over entire fields

I don't give a fuck what anyone does with their body or what they put in it, and I don't want the guberment to have a say either; just as long as you are not leeching off of me indirectly via welfare/unemployment in order to do so

Everyone else who pays for their own shit, do whatever the fuck you want (also as long as it isn't a nuisance like cigarettes used to be, and it stays out of the hands of those whos brains are still developing, insert whatever age here 18-21 like alcohol/tobacco)

Everyone should be responsible enough to know what they are doing and how it affects them, and suffer the consequences if they can't handle it, just like everything else.

Only if you are a fat burger with blood pressure issues

Colorado already taxes the shit out of it, but people pay it hand over fist. It shouldn't be a concern and should actually be a positive stimulus towards our debt issue as a nation, imo

>Marijuana is a neurotoxin

>Casual use alters the nucleus accumbans, associated with reward and pleasure

>The brains of chronic users produce less dopamine

>Marijuana lowers IQ

>cannabis-impaired approximately doubles car crash risk and that around one in 10 regular cannabis users develop dependence. Regular cannabis use in adolescence approximately doubles the risks of early school-leaving and of cognitive impairment and psychoses in adulthood. Regular cannabis use in adolescence is also associated strongly with the use of other illicit drugs. These associations persist after controlling for plausible confounding variables in longitudinal studies.

>Marijuana induces schizophrenia-like brain changes, which may result in psychosis

>Marijuana can cause pulmonary disease
>There was an increased risk of any psychotic outcome in individuals who had ever used cannabis
>greater risk in people who used cannabis most frequently
> Frequent recreational use of cannabis has been linked to high rates of depression and anxiety in cross sectional surveys and studies of long term users
>strong association between daily use of cannabis and depression and anxiety in young women persists after adjustment for intercurrent use of other substances

>adverse effects include a dependence syndrome, increased risk of motor vehicle crashes, impaired respiratory function, cardiovascular disease, and adverse effects of regular use on adolescent psychosocial development and mental health.

society doesn't work like this though

the addicts will roam in the working society, leech of them, steal and if you aren't jumping through loops to assure their guilt you're a brutal police

>80% for legalisation
wtf is this degeneracy

it's one of those things are actually quite fun/pleasant.

But the culture surrounding it is fucking toxic

I fucking hate stoners and weed culture. Hate it. They're all filthy, dirty sacks of shit and 99% of the people claiming they want it for medicinal purposes just want it to help them not worry about their "problems," meaning they want to avoid feelings of responsibility.

That said, it has demonstrable effects in medicine, alcohol is far more dangerous, industrial hemp is superior to nigger cotton and can't be smoked, and that taxable revenue is paying for Colorado's public works without a lapse in service quality.

The only people who don't want it legal are the stupidest Christians and the Jewish textile lobby.

My idea was always that a consistent percentage of around 25% are irrationally permadegenerate.
It may surge to some points more because of Sup Forums.

Been sober from pot for over three weeks now. Only doing it cause I need a job. Its legal where I'm at. I miss it. Once I can smoke it again, I will but not as much as I used too. Smoking alone, all the time gets me to paranoid.

Exactly this.
I obviously can't speak for any majority, I was just stating my opinion based on what I have seen. I absolutely support the use of marijuana in the medicinal sense, though. I think that, in the medical field, as long as it is handled well enough and it actually helps people with certain conditions then there isn't really any reason to oppose it in the medical sense unless you're paranoid and think that weed is evil and made by the devil himself or something.

That's because stoner culture is stupid and cringey.

I don't have anything against people who smoke weed, I don't think it's a healthy habit to do all the time but I prefer someone who smokes weed every day to a bona fide alcoholic

it's the fags in Birkenstocks and bob Marley t shirts that get my goat

Colorado needs to spend millions on homeless shelters

The results of liberal weed policy

Colorado wants legal weed money to help a growing homeless population

I think I'm the only person in Toronto that opposes weed.

nah, I live in CO. I wouldn't say its a total non-issue, but its a lot lesser of an issue that I expected. Companies can still drug test at their will for new hires, at will for workman's comp, and people are still held accountable for their productivity in the workplace.

The unemployment/welfare issue is the only thing that still bugs me about the legalization here. That and they just started letting people smoke in public sort of, so now the street with bars is littered with hippy tour busses that camp outside to let people openly smoke. That I don't agree with because it still exposes the general public to it whether they want to be around it or not.

Exactly this

People need to realize that illegal cannabis and the reefer madness was a Jewish conspiracy from day one.

>Companies can still drug test at their will for new hires, at will for workman's comp, and people are still held accountable for their productivity in the workplace.

this is almost always the case, you got to worry about the scum when walking the streets or parking your car

People aren't becoming homeless because they enjoy weed, homeless people rob stores and move to Colorado via Greyhound because they're idiot niggers who think they can just buy weed for the price of cigarettes there.

I am/was a daily smoker but I agree with everything you've listed. The key issue is the frequency of usage imo, especially as our potency is getting into the 30%+ ranges on the rec side

Exactly how I tend to see it.

Weed doesn't make people homeless

Homeless people like weed because they are lazy and unambitious people

I just smoked some weed.
I think all drugs should be legal but we should live in a society that does not tolerate legal substance abuse and freely ignores it.
We must stop being consumers and start being thinkers.

those people are moving here due to the prohibition, end the prohibition and our homeless issue will drop off

correlation =/= causation

Weed smokers are statistically thinner than non smokers, generally the munchies thing only occurs because weed increases heart rate, which in turn increases calorie use

Would our society look better if cannabis was as popular as alcohol, and alcohol was frowned upon?

Legalization in major metropolitan states like CA, NY, and IL will solve this problem

Holy shit you sound like one of those stone headed Hippies, consider suicide.
>We must stop being consumers and start being thinkers.
>I think all drugs should be legal

Fucking degenerate drone.

>weed smokers thinner statistically
Dunno about that. That sounds far fetched. Would need to see some stats.

Would you prefer the government regulate all things for you?
You sound like cattle.

People like you are the reason weed is still illegal.

shouldn't the homeless try to look for a job rather than doing drugs all the time?

I don't really see a difference, people who abuse substances to the point of degeneracy are going to abuse whatever they can get their hands on.

As a former alcoholic, I would much rather see someone "addicted" to weed than alcohol. I can't even imagine the damage I've done to my internal organs from both, but I guarantee the longstanding effects that will eventually kill me are moreso from the liquor

I'm fine with legalization of a plant that has many applications to medicine, but I have to say that this "stoner" culture is degeneracy in a distilled form.

it might look like some goat country to be honest

Yes? Why do you keep asking stupid questions that are irrelevant to the topic?

Literally everything in those articles can be attributed to alcohol and tobacco just as easily. The reason people who smoke marijuana have depression and anxiety is because they had depression and anxiety before they started smoking it. They'll find any reason to be sad or anxious.

The real cause for anxiety and depression is, more often than not, economic uncertainty. That can be alleviated - and we've seen this in Washington and especially Colorado - by legalizing and taxing marijuana.


Start every day off with a cup of coffee and a bowl of cannabis.

>Have American flag hanging from my house
>married to a white woman
>promotes nuclear family

God bless America.

What's wrong with government regulation when it benefits public morale and health?
Weed is the simplification of the mind until it's gone, the unambitious crave it because it acts as a form of escapism of their failures.

I wouldn't trust the stats regardless, since they are likely to come from the legal states that are coincidently typically the most active (CO, WA, OR, CA)

>drugs don't cause homelessness, but homeless people very often do drugs

>the solution is to legalise drugs

Where's the "Fuck off kike shill this is a datamine thread" option?

Yes and here's why:
1. (At least in USA) It will fuck with gang profits.
2. It will fuck with cartel profits. less smelly mexicans crossing the border smuggling.
3. Nonviolent drug offenders get caught with a joint and now they get free food and housing (albeit in prison, but the burden falls to the taxpayer). Utter bullshit.
too lazy to find the actual study (I don't smoke weed coincidentally.)

>Alcohol is the simplification of the mind until it's gone, the unambitious crave it because it acts as a form of escapism of their failures.

There I fixed it for you

you must literally be retarded, I give up

So you approve of government interventionalism because you don't like some of the people that don't use it?

I don't like Irish people, but I'm not about to advocate Prohibition...

Alcohol is the most dangerous substance that is legally sold for consumption. More people die everyday from alcohol than AR15s

Alcohol use led to approximately 88,000 deaths each year in the United States from 2006 – 2010

I mean hey good for you

If I have any weed in the morning, even a tiny amount, I'm not getting anything done for the rest of the day. it's why I mostly stay away from the stuff these days. But I'll gladly smoke a spliff with my buds at a concert.

It's all self control. If you're the kind of person that has mad organizational skills and generally has his shit together there really isn't anything wrong with it.

What really sucks is that the only states than can legally do that kind of research are the ones you mentioned