Seriously, is there anything wrong with not vaccinating your children? even trump is against vaccines

seriously, is there anything wrong with not vaccinating your children? even trump is against vaccines.

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They can get exposed to a disease their immune system has no idea how to handle, and then they die. Even if vaccines gave kids autism, would you rather have an autistic kid, or a dead one?

Ive only received those essential Baby vaccinations. Nothing else. 25 year old healthy male. I feel like a goddamn Ubermensch.

Please, be a troll

If you don't believe in vaccinations, don't vaccinate your kids. Let your offspring die with your retarded genes.

The diseases they protect against are low risk
Things like vaccinations and the metric system are pseudo intellectual reddit issues


i bet you have the look of a man who's never had to do a unit conversion before

>Let your offspring die
The chances of you dying from not being vaccinated are almost nil
You might aswell make you kid wear a helmet everywhere

We have something called calculators and decimal points
Also in America you are free to use the metric system if it better suits your needs


The helmet best illustrates the super autism created by my autistic genes mixing with a vaccine.

have you ever seen an autist screech and punch themselves in the head constantly on a 14 hour flight? I have
dead dead dead dead dead all the way

I don't mind that my parents vaccinated me. I am still pretty pissed off that they took my foreskin.


>The genetically superior one was fine

Her bodies her choice bigot

>and the one who lived turned out fine

If no one can get evil diseases, does that mean evil diseases don't exist?

>vaccines stop disease
>Not the improvement in general hygiene

Guess africas gonna be fine soon as the next planeload of vaccines come in goy

you know only a few hundred people were dying from the measles a year before we started vaccinating

Well, here are the mortality rates.
Which worked better, the improving quality of life, or magic bullet vaccines?

Shutup goy and pay!

Deaths per 100 000
>15 measles deaths
Why would you solve a problem so fucking small?

I have no viewpoint on vaccinating.
Im just pointing out its just funny to read that this is something an actual person said.

She says MY KIDS and then she says "The one who lived" So it means that she must have had more than one and he/she died because he/she wasn't vaccinated

that's the "joke" (if you can call it that)

If vaccinations worked, no one would worry about you not choosing to vaccinate your child.

Your child would suffer, the vaccinated ones would be fine.

The current argument is, however, that if you choose not to vaccinate your child too, the rest of the world will suffer.

Therefore, vaccinations are worthless. They do not protect your child from anything.

This is being politized on my country rigth now, after a girl died a of some shit. Any redpill on compulsory vacines?

>Kid gets sick with preventable disease
>Kid is exposed to vaccinated kids
>Disease mutates making vaccine ineffective
Youre literally helping the only common enemy of humanity

>is there anything wrong with not vaccinating your children?

If you're white please vaccinate.

Did u skip evolution in school slant?

Because dead kids? Is that even a question?

>white please vaccinate.
also what vacancies?
should I vaccinate my daughter for HPV?

Are you stupid? Dont you know how diseases evolve?

>what is herd immunity?
>what is imperfect coverage?

If you are really worried, try to have them done one by one like Trump did not in a massive shot with three of them. The vaccination calendar can be discussed over, but not the necessity of the vaccines.

There must be more people who haven't been vaccinated, and are 100% healthy/ never had any problems with sickness.

My healthy genes shall be passed on.

Depends if you raise your daughter to be a slut. If so, she better have the HPV vaccine done.

>Things like vaccinations and the metric system are pseudo intellectual reddit issues
An American thinks the entire world uses the Imperial system
>my complete and utter shock

>The one who lived

probably a bad idea not to take the basic ones. Anything more than that is another bad idea.

>caring about the rest of the world

They're low risk because the diseases got rid by vaccinations. Make people not vaccinate again and they'll come back.

Yes, here in the US we are passing laws to try a force people to get vaccinated.
This is simply governments and corporation working for the public health.
Even great philanthropists like Bill Gates have tried to help improve the world through vaccines.

>The chances of you dying from not being vaccinated are almost nil
who knows, your kid could be playing outside and could accidentally step on a nailboard
one week later and your kid has lockjaw

they were low risk before vaccinations

The medical industry and government want you to be healthy.
They have no reason to want to poison you.
If there was a problem then the trustworthy academics at the universities would sound the alarm.

Fuck off, first thing Doctors give victims of rusty cuts is a Tetanus shot. No need to have it before hand.

Had a rusty nail go almost an inch into my heel as a kid. My mom just poured hydrogen peroxide in it and it was fine. (((Vaccines)))

>first thing Doctors give victims of rusty cuts is a Tetanus shot
it's the dirt on the nail that causes the infection, not the rust, since clostridium tetani lives in soil
and how can you be sure that a kid is going to divulge all the details of how he went about getting a scrape/minor wound on his foot
or that he's even going to tell anyone at all and instead not just grab a band-aid

>having an iq of 80~
>having a white population of >70%

but who cares amiright my dude

I think its a dangerous precedence to begin with to say that the gov can inject anything into your children without your say.

but i dont know about the autism, there are a lot of cases in science history, even recent, that suggest there are unknown long term consequences like DDT (whose inventor won the nobel prize in medicine for it in 1948) and Thalidomide.

one more is that it seem the pro vaccine people are the same that speak out against antimicrobial soap and alcohol hand sanitizers for fear of creating a strain of antibiotic super bugs. What if you applied that same philosophy to vaccination? could wonton vaccination give rise to a super virus that was immune to future vaccines?

also, if your sickly kid cant survive the flu without vaccines, then I dont really want them passing their shitty weak genetics down anyway.

>could wonton vaccination give rise to a super virus that was immune to future vaccines?
it doesn't work that way
not in the slightest

>I licked this toilet seat and nothing happened, so that must mean licking all toilet seats is ok

the diseases they protect against are low risk because the fucking vaccines are killing them off you mouthbreathing dipshit

not wonton, i meant wanton

trump is NOT against vaccines, ffs.

yes there is a lot wrong with it, it can kill you, your kids, other kids and adults.

Are you as stupid as Jenny McCarthy? At least she made money off her idiocy (she also ALLEGEDLY caused a great amount of suffering and death, too...)

I've never been vaccinated. I don't think they cause autism, though. The rise in autism is because they expanded the definition.
I have noticed that a lot of people have allergies and I do not. Does this have anything to do with vaccinations? I have no clue. I haven't done any research this is purely anecdotal.
>inb4: "You're going to die if you go to a 3rd world country."

>The chances of you dying from not being vaccinated are almost nil
that's really stupid

If every kid wore a helmet = big fuck all
If every kid went unvaccinated = a HUGE chance that many would die and suffer needlessly, and the chances increase with literally every kid that isn't vaccinated.

How does it not, icenigger?

The yearly flu vaccines hardly ever work because the flu strain mutates so many fucking times per year.

>the flu
They're low risk because they don't kill you unless you're a baby or a boomer
They literally don't kill you and are just an inconvenience.

>I don't mind that my parents vaccinated me.
One for science, with a good outcome.

I am still pretty pissed off that they took my foreskin.
One for superstitions, with a bad outcome.

Just do differently for your children.



Youre beyond redemption , science is a myth to you?

>what is smallpox

We have a good thing going with públic sistem on vacines, good nurses and awareness about having calendárs. Only worry is shortages, of vacines or workers.
but a girl died and her sister is sick to because they werent vacinated for measles by her parents choice. And it opened a debate on weather it should be compulsory or not

something that no longer exists

Well, the solution is to take the endotoxin or attenuated form of the new virus, put it in a new vaccine, and use that.

Lol endotoxin wtf I am in bacteria mode, I meant capsule proteins.

theres too many people in the world. we need to pump some of those diseases back up

in addition: polio, tetanus, whooping cough, diptheria etc

>Just an inconvenience"

All that aside, fucking read what you just wrote mate - it doesn't matter because these diseases only kill babies? take a fucking look at yourself you cunt

Is anyone here worried about antibiotic resistance? I have been doing a lot of research into phage therapy and I can see it working pretty well as a substitute. Anyone else have an opinion on it?

hint: because of vaccines

maybe all these other awful diseases could end up the same way

Bad news m9, malaria vaccine just started distribution (malaria has been proposed to have killed halfish of all living people in history)

>give rise to a super virus

American education.

>American education
its your flag, dumbass

how does people getting vaccinated have any bearing on how often a viral strain mutates
with antibiotics it's understandable that bacteria become resistant because oftentimes people don't take the full prescribed dose and the bacteria that could tolerate the antibiotics survive
with viral vaccines, you're simply accelerating the process by which your body naturally forms an immunity against that specific strain of virus
if a new viral strain pops up somewhere in nature, how are we supposed to have any control over that

We keep herd immunity for the few who cannot vaccinate. There are some people who cannot get vaccines due to allergies or weak immune systems. If everybody is vaccinated we have herd immunity which means the ones who cannot be vaccinated are not at risk. Stop vaccinating they become at risk when we lose herd immunity.

Just means more memebers for Sup Forums

Yeah, that's interesting. But there's more diseases than those 5.

Actually most people are vaccinated and don't even need it. It last for about 20 years last time I checked. Also rust has nothing to do with it, tetanus is found in the dirt. Stepping on a nail just gives tetanus a way in.

Take the vaccine challenge all you vaxxers! Get the full course of 72 vaccines for children in one sitting. Go for it, you'll be cured of all disease in no time.

user, science is a myth to everyone except the small handful of people who actually do it professionally. Do you think Tyrone and Shawnequa understand how their obamaphones work?

Anti vaxxer here. The problem is not the vaccine by itself, its the substances used to keep the bacterial culture viable for longer periods so mr jew can ship them all over the world. The vaccine by itself is harmless. Some people are retarded tho and give us a bad name, but I'm not gonna let myself be forced to inject something inside me.

>other awful diseases
name one disease that exists in the west that is a problem or even would be if we stopped vaccinating

I fully agree that the government should not be able to force you to vaccinate. E.g No vaccine = Jail. However, suspending welfare and other government handouts is fine. If you don't participate in their system you don't reap its benefits.

>only letting your best progeny survive
based hippies making natural selection a thing again.

Daily reminder that we wouldn't have the problem we have today if every one did this

Hey there m8, med student here, genuinely curious as to your reasoning? Would you take a vaccine without Thiomersal, (which most modern western vaccines do not contain). Also, is it possible to talk to anti vaxxers in a way which might help them see the other side without coming off smug?

Only my wife's son died. Who's laughing now?

see but really, take your pick of any disease that is vaccinated against

theres travel vaccinations too, because any disease from a foreign country is inherently more dangerous due to no resistance etc
the native americans were fucking devastated by european diseases they'd never seen before, do you really think the gov should let tards go to africa/the amazon etc and bring back some flesh eating shit?

allowing preventable diseases to spread and breed uncontested among the weak is dumb as fuck because eventually even healthy people start to succumb and you end up with an epidemic

this is basic shit

I haven't gotten a cold in 3 years, no sicknesses, nothing. I suspect even ethylmercury has some side effects, but vaccines are a product companies can sell for a large amount due to government subsidies. There's also the matter of choice. I don't want to be forced to vaccinate me, or my child, in the case they may be vulnerable at the time to infection, it has happened, I have read about it, maybe you can debunk it if you think I'm wrong. Also, forced medical procedures just don't sound right. I have no problem with non-large distance shipped vaccines, e. g. without antibacterials. I also do not support the modern culture of a pill for every ache. Man up. Antibiotics, I'd use only on case of potential gangrene, not every shitty rash I can solve with some sun exposure.
For the record, I heartily oppose homeopathy.

By the way, are copper based paints and surfaces currently in use in medical facilities? It'd be a helpful thing to minimize antibiotics immune strains.

I totally agree that forced medical procedures are not right and that you should not be forced to vaccinate your kids. I also understand why you would be skeptical about conflict of interest of pharmaceutical companies.

However, the drugs they develop don't just go to market like that, there is a VERY, VERY strict, time-consuming and expensive procedure to determine efficacy and safety, and if there are issues (such as autism), if they are apparent, which might help put your mind at ease. Go on the FDA's website and take a look at some of the standards they set. I also agree with you that antibiotics are massively overused, and I appreciate you aren't a homeopath (which is a far more illogical belief).

Not in the NHS, but there is certainly an interesting antimicrobial effect! I think the problem would largely be logistical. And whether it would actually decrease infections in patients by an amount appropriate for the cost.

The autism shit is just retarded, the worst side effects I'd expect is worst case mercury poisoning, and maybe active bacterial cultures. The autism problem is just fear mongering. The internet causes autism.


Got one for polio?

Well, you are the most reasonable anti-vaxxer I have spoken to. How is the medical system in Romania? My girlfriend is Romanian, she says a decent amount of bribery goes on, but she's from a place an hour or so outside of Bucharest, is it bad?

the autism fear literally doesnt exist
it comes from a single study that has been disproven hundreds of times since, and beyond that it was revealed that the faggot who wrote it was a shill being paid to push the idea - and now has a lifetime ban on practicing medicine

its bullshit and always has been

Yeah, the guy who published the study was a strange guy. He got caught doing colonoscopies without consent too.

Only rural and suburban retards actually believe in vaccines.