Questions for Flat Eathers

So I'm kind of on the fence right now about the flat earth. Some arguments make a lot of sense, but there are questions which I can't figure out and I'm can't find an answer for. Maybe some flatties on here could help me out.

- How do flat earthers explain the tides?

- When viewed from the Northern Hemisphere the stars appear to rotate in a counter-clockwise direction around a point directly above the North Pole, yet when viewed from the Southern Hemisphere the stars appear to rotate in a clockwise direction around a point directly above the South Pole. Why?

- Why does the moon appear upside-down in the northern hemisphere compared to the southern hemisphere? And on its side at the equator?

- Why does the south pole experience several days without the sun rising (polar-night) during winter and several days of total daylight without the sun setting beneath the horizon during summer (polar-day)?

- Why from the equator do the stars directly overhead appear to travel in a straight line while stars to the North or South appear to travel in curved paths?

- How do you explain the Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis?

- What about the Cavendish experiment? Does it not prove gravity exists?


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no one?

They can't answer you coz they're rewards and earth is a ball


Get out of pol nigger


Some things are only theories, like what causes the tides, but the rotation of the stars and almos everything you ask is explained in videos like the one of Eric Dubay.

Why? In a recent poll on here 2/3rds of voters said they believe in flat earth. I'm just asking questions.

first ? I have for you is.... have you ever witnessed any of these things first hand? or just going by what you were told, tell me why the stars in the night sky during summer are exactly the same as stars in night sky during winter. wouldn't this be impossible according to the proposed globe theory

is that circle the path the sun takes?




>Some arguments make a lot of sense

>5 Human Reasons we are not on a flat earth.

Well I've witnessed the tides first hand. Yes you make a fair point about the stars being the same year-round. But I'm specifically looking for answers to the questions I posed in OP.

I'm not bullshitting.

>2/3rds people on Sup Forums are complete idiots


>one person believing stupid shit is an idiot. Lots of people believing stupid shit means it's not stupid.

Facts By Consensus. The Regressive Left strikes again.

I don't see what this has to do with the left/right desu.

Come on flatties I know you're here, at least explain how the tides work ffs. That one shouldn't be difficult.

moon pulling water around while the ball is spinning at high speeds is about as contrary to physics as it gets imo - not saying I believe either way - I think that this is one of the unanswerable ?'s of life/waste of precious time// and that globe earth" and ever expanding galaxies/other worlds/ ect. was a shill attempt at disproving God and creation

Not a flat-eather here, but I've seen these exact questions asked and answered by dodgy and vague explanations that they will claim are valid answers.

All you really need to decide on flat earth theory is to look at the whole question from a very high level.

A lot of their arguments against direct data, videos and photographs coming from space is that everything has been faked in some sort of massive global coverup. Yet any sane and rational person should see that such a level of human organization and near-perfect efficiency is simple not currently possible. There's multiple countries with space programs, there's people from all walks of life working with data coming from Earth's orbit, etc. You can see clear-as-day that it is not some tightly orchestrated, cohesive unit. I personally know people who directly receive and analyze data coming from NASA's research satellites. A lot of the things they do would not be possible if the data were not actually coming from orbit, and I know with certainty that these people are not fooling their friends and family with an elaborate conspiracy.

Just apply Occam's Razor and you will see that in order to believe in flat earth you would need an absurd amount of faith in the organizational level of humans, cohesion of all society, etc. It's just illogical in the end, people here on Sup Forums just like to LARP as super secret conspiracy theory detectives because it gives them a thrill they can't find elsewhere in life.

Also that poll you're talking about was all people voting ironically. How new are you?


>be utter retard with no knowledge of physics, chemistry, geology, astronomy, or any sort of mathematics
>pick up meme "conspiracy theory" that's custom built by the media
>fall for it
"Flat earth" is a test, put out by the controlling elite as a subtle way to gauge how incompetent the population has become at thinking logically. They even put out videos, like the one mentioned here- which to anyone able to run some gears in their head comes off as completely false.

It's quite simple. Our weather and sky cannot possibly function as they do unless we're on a sphere.
There's no debating this either. It just does not work. No amount of youtube videos made by trolls/loons will change this fact.
It's so obvious the world is round that people started realizing it and accurately measuring the size of the earth before Jesus was born.



Cite it fag

oh I'm laffin

>obvious the world is round that people started realizing it and accurately measuring the size of the earth before Jesus was born.

you do realize globe theory is relatively new compared to all of recorded history don't you?

here you go fatty


Actually that's wrong. The point in which is was accepted as true by the public you can make an argument for it being relatively new, but scientists have long been concluding that the Earth was a globe.


>posting these pictures has convinced a total of 0 people

>but "scientists" have long been hypothesizing that the Earth was a globe
fixed 4 u

if that's true then why can't we see Japan from California?

What is the accomplishment of "lying" about the earth being round??? So we try travelling around the earth and fall off the edge??? Seriously though, what possible gain is there in claiming the earth is a sphere instead of a flat plain???


You don't get it? It's a troll you dumbfuck.

There are like 10 people who actually non-ironically believe in flat Earth and they're all criminally insane.

But oh yeah, what I meant was, the Earth is really FLAT it's the final redpill.


>i'm mad Sup Forums doesn't agree with me

a strawpoll? not a real source

most of Sup Forums isn't dumb enough to take flat earthers seriously

Met a flat earther on ps4. Dude is a fucking retard. Thinks every single shooting is a conspiracy. Everything is a conspiracy to this faggot.

Isnt Flat Earth Theory just a psy-op so people dont realize that the earth is hollow?

Recorded history is about 6000 years. Likely, those who lived before the great cataclysm also know it was round.
Many suspected long before 2000 years ago. The fact that the idea even came into people's minds is due to the fact that the earth's skies, weather, and horizon do not at all correspond logically to a planar model. If we did in fact live on a plane or disc, it would be obvious.

Also, one might critically ask: "Why the fuck would anyone invent the idea that the earth is round?"
You see, conspiracies need a solid reason in order to work in theory.
>9/11 was an inside job!
There's a logical basis for this belief, going to war in the middle east for defense $$$.
>Kennedy was in inside job!
Again, logical. Kennedy was pissing off lots of people in high positions of government.
>da earf is flat yo!

>the earth is hollow
in what way? like how deep would you need to dig?

You have somehow convinced yourself of the most grand scale of conspiracy theory delusions with no proof whatsoever.

this is how pluto looks like

Sumerians and Babylonians had the Spherical earth measured. 6000 years ago it was understood to be a globe. Flat earth never was the prevailing theory, ever. So no, you're entirely incorrect.


>Implying anything ever happened.
Blatant shill.

>the Earth is round

wtf I'm a flat earther now

This blacktwitter meme need to die
blackies are not welcomed in Sup Forums

so 800 miles overall. but how does center of gravity work?

So we don't go too far off the reserve and discover the utopia that our oppressors hide from us. The place that reaps the benefits of all our hard work, labor, taxes, that fund their Olympus on Earth

I too have a 3d modeling software

>not believing in hollow earth

What? Fuck you're irrelevancy is astounding norway. And it did. The guy is a total fucking nutcase.

It's nothing short of astonishing that centuries of science and human evolution can still yield people with the average intelligence of plebs in the Bronze Age.
Still haven't met a single one of you faggots who's graduated college.
Still haven't met a single one of you faggots who's written a peer reviewed scientific paper.
A bunch of retard, basement dwelling cowards that help perpetuate the most ridiculous bullshit.
Absolutely unbelievable.

Still not one single answer to any of my questions in I shouldve known better.

Flat earth people, what would happen if you drilled through the flat earth? Would you fall through it into space or would you end up on reverse-Earth or something?

as I stated above - the reason to "invent" as you say would have been to convince people that they are nothing more than a mere accident on a mere spec in a vast unknown instead of divinely created with intention by a creator.
- read the fucking thread before posting- I already stated don't believe either way 100%

>you're irrelevancy
Almost as bad as your education.

>The fact that the idea even came into people's minds is due to the fact that the earth's skies, weather, and horizon do not at all correspond logically to a planar model.

Elaborate. What would a human being without elaborate equipment see in the sky that would make them think the earth is curved? How would they distinguish between "round-earth" weather and "flat-earth" weather?

would you make Agartha for us?

I can post some archives, havent done much research myself but this rabbit hole is very deep.

Also there is this.

>moon pulling water around while the ball is spinning at high speeds is about as contrary to physics as it gets imo

>I don't know anything about science and find abstract concepts like gravity and inertia difficult to comprehend
>when someone makes a claim using these concepts, my gut reaction is to reject it.
>instead of taking the time to learn things, I base my worldview off of reactionary impulses.

Prioritizing feelings over objective reasoning is the crux of what Sup Forums hates in the world. Yet you commit this crime yourselves

Good video to watch that'll blow your fucking mind

>The earth is flat
>(((Nasa))) is a money jewing machine, that does nothing but produce """""Pictures"""" and """"Videos""" of the earth. And hasn't produce, nor have done anything relevant since the early 50s
>(((Nasa))) and the rest of the (((Space Programs))) Around the world have used this as a government beneficiary to steal money from the people
>There is a DOME/BARRIER around earth, and we are in a "snowglobe" of a planet Skip to 1:21 to see the impact of the dome.

>The way plans travel, how many plans get lost, lose track of time.
>Shorter flight times then what you're being told. Due to the "Bee-lining" way of flying. The only reason you wait longer is to charge you more and have the illusion that you are traveling on a an orb, not a flat plane
>Why do you think they're called PLANES not ORBERTERES, OR ANYTHING ELSE
>The way the sun and moon hit our planet doesn't coincide with sightings, pictures, videos.
>RIGHT BELOW THE EQUATOR, is FATTER/WIDER "Like a pear" then it is to the actual equator.

>(((NASA))) Astronauts refuse to swear they went to the moon, even to the point of hostility

>(((NASA))) Astronauts go ape shit when called out that they're fucking liars.

>Neil Armstrong so strung out. Obviously unsure of what to say, almost like he has a gun to head.


I love how flat earthers believe in a perfect global coverup, where all scientific data is modulated and doctored accordingly, the media is tightly controlled, and individuals go missing or end up brainwashed if they try to prove the "truth", yet they trust that some random people on YouTube are able to safely make videos blowing the whole thing out of the water without a care in the world from the conspirators.

Complete delusion.

Irrelevancy is proper spelling dumb fuck wegian.

shhh don't say it too loud, they'll have an autistic breakdown

>being this fucking dumb

You're isn't though.


>Admiral "Richard E. Byrd" goes down as an "expedition" to "explore" Antartica.
>Admiral "Richard E. Byrd" comes back and says theirs a fucking globe over the earth.
>"OPERATION FISHBOWL" was a test to see if the there is infact, a dome, around the earth
>OPERATION """FISHBOWL"""" Look at a fishbowl, land, water, life, and a dome right over to keep everything in.
>Most nuclear blast consist of an impact point, followed by a "mushroom cloud" and rings followed by a vertical take off by said "mushroom cloud".
>"OPERATION FISHBOWL" concludes, that an impact was made, about some 75 miles (120 KM) above the earth.
>There blast was infact, and IMPACT blast, which instead of creating a mushrom cloud blast, That would have a pillar extending upwards.

As seen in the video

>No "mushroom cloud" is seen. A ball of light is seen in the middle.
>But for there to be no "Dome" The expolsion should have been a big ball of gleeming white light, all pushed together with no center. It should have been one big wave of light and no center piece.
>In the center is the "Impact point", and followed around it, is the rings, which in fact PUSH AWAY from the center. Much like an atom bomb. HIITING A SURFACE

>Their is a reason we haven't fully explored the "Antarctica". Completely Blocked off.
>It's the borders of the earth
>There has been a treaty since the late 1900s to not allow anyone in to "Antarctica"
>Out of all the millionairs, entrepreneurs, Philanthropists, etc NO ONE HAS TRIED TO EXPLORE OR DO ANYTHING WITH ANTARTICA.
>There is in fact, another side of earth we haven't seen, or (((They))) haven't told us.
>The earth has depth, and the earth is infact Hollow aswell
>Third Reich Nazi documents states that U-Boat 203 went into the antartica and follow a path to the Hollow earth
>Wrote a letter stating that they weren't coming back, and they're staying INSIDE the earth

The better question to ask would be what motivation every astronomer, every meteorologist, and every physicist generally would have for making this up and sticking by the lie.

Anti-science Sup Forumsacks never cease to amaze me.

fucking kek

fun though isn't it ?? and gets people to question/ explore/ invent again doesn't it??

go to
everything you need/want to know is there

don't be stupid guys.

the jew will do anything to distract you and dumb you down.

such a bullshit pic
elevation is measured in feet while distances on earth are measured in miles

a mile high city is a big deal

if you were to take the earth and shrink it down the mountains and valleys are so small that it would be so smooth like a pool ball

Not realizing I am playing 9D Dominos you're all fucking FUCKED.

Whch edition of iluminati is this cardfrom?

>as I stated above - the reason to "invent" as you say would have been to convince people that they are nothing more than a mere accident on a mere spec in a vast unknown instead of divinely created with intention by a creator.

What's wrong with being an accident? Why do you need some devine creator to feel important in life?
Sounds like you have self esteem issues and need an excuse to make your ego feel satisfied.
Whether a creator exists means nothing to me. I live because it's interesting to do so, even in the hard times, and I'll not stop for anyone. God be damned.

Oh, btw...
You Abrahamic religion parrots control and have controlled most of the world and its information centers for over 2000 years.
Don't you DARE complain about logical people seeing through your faggotry. That's like women complaining about not being pampered enough.

Because the earth is not flat, it is a 3 dimensional sphere. Mystery solved.

Not really.
It gets people to reject a well established and well corroborated fact in favour of a hypothesis that requires an unnecessary assumption on every level of explanation.
The law of parsimony is important in our attempts to make sense of the world and ignoring it for no reason is just a waste of time.

>Go to the moon
>Get harassed by a loser virgin who dropped out of high school and lives at home with his mom
>Refuse to even acknowledge his stupidity
>Get annoyed and tell him to fuck off when he keeps harassing you
>"Durr he's frustrated dat meanz he know he lyinnnnnnnn"

Everytime I post this, not a single person comments on it or refutes it or anything. These threads or slide threads or just a bunch of samefagging proxy niggers.

thanks finbro. have some Dancing Nige on me.

Everything on pol is on like 12 levels of irony. Remember that next time you view pol results


Never mind that if you are able to get high enough you can actually see the spherical form of the earth. Just drill-baby-drill and see if you fall out the other side. Or is earth a big cube?

because your shit is retarded

Every surface looks flat when close enough, unless it's fractal or something like that. A ~2m tall human will see a pretty flat surface on a 13000km across sphere.
The only difference is when your high enough.

Because you're a dumb fuck.

been fun faggots, have a nice day and God bless you all ( believers or not )

Healthy skepticism is fine, but this goes way beyond that. This is a question with a solid conclusion that has remained unchanged, yet constantly validated for thousands of years.

I fail to see how anything beneficial can come out of illogically denying a basic aspect of our entire existence, let alone claiming that basically all scientists are lying to us.

the short answer...because the earth is a sphere. flat earthers really are the dullest and densest of all the conspiracy theorists.

how high?

I can see anything coming from the form of earth, be it flat, a globe or a triangle, does is really matter