Miss me yet, niggas?

miss me yet, niggas?


you and michael are most certainly not missed

shite m8

obama look like special needs operations

Literally who?

is that steve o?

How much NEETbux does Obama get now every year for the rest of his life now that his out of office?

>Sup Forums why don't millennials want jobs?




imb4 obamaleaf shits up this thread too. He is an autistic faggot that should be pittied

He's not going anywhere. He's staying in DC to create a power base.

If digitz you and your whore of a mother are raped and killed by a pack of pakis


so glad you're gone and we can start cleaning up the damage you've done

Atleast this nigga didnt suck jewish dick like drumpf.

Who was Obama before 2008?

This guy literally appeared out of nowhere.

i feel like he would be a cool guy to go on vacation with. wants to do cool stuff but at the same time wont be offended if on one of the days you want to sit and read.


You mean Iraq and the 2008 economic disaster that was caused by Republicans that YOU voted for, eh you fucking dribbling retard?!



Go away 'halfrican interloper'.


Maybe he can post 40 times in this thread as well
>inb4 hur dur right wing retards BTFO Obama is the best president I couldn't legally vote for BTFO BTFO

Here's your (you)

Hahah le having fun deepstate lePublicRelations



I am convinced that this is a slide tactic used by kikes. Kys chaim

fuck you

>Being this new

Somebody should photoshop the Obama pic in the OP into this pic

fuck you

When i saw all the replies i thought that it was a funny joke.

I was mistaken

God dammit.

Nope, die in a fire, you fucking nigger.

Fuck no we don't you stupid stuttering nigger commie

Shouldn't you get back to cleaning the house while your wife picks her son up from school?

Absolutely not


>making fun of someone for horrible grammar
>Supports Trump
I don't get it.

A senator from Illinois.

He lived in Canada briefly and went back for a vacation. I hear he shares infographics detailing how great of a president he was on online forums

Fuck no. Life has been dramatically better with your dumb ass out of the white house. Please kill yourself.


In what way?

Wtf. Was Obama bogpilled?!

a dick boat full at the least

Obama sucked the jew dick just as much as Trump, if not more.

God. So sick of this nigger and that tranny he married. Fucking disgusting.



>Worst president in history
>Married to tranny
>Middle name Hussein
>Father a Kenyan Silverback Gorilla
>Mother a kike
>Member of Muslim Brotherhood
>Destroyed US with SJW policies
>Put Western Civilization on road to ruin
Like fuck I miss you, nigger cocksucker

i have a family member that is a flaming libtard. he posted one of these "miss me yet" memes on kikebook, for shits i counted the replies, it was 72 no to 11 yes. i commented such and started get attacked by libtartds.

This is what happens when someone literally never leaves Sup Forums