Harmeet Dhillon

>based Pajeetina
>hot as balls
>Rethuglican 4 lyfe
>defends freezpeech from antifa
>absolutely metal beatdown of UCBerzerkely SJWs

I need her to wield my dick like she wields THE LAW


Sup Forumss new MILFu

looks like another CIA homo who squealed "call me caitlyn". probably a trannie or hermaphrodite.

no you moron, she's a Republican Sikh. Sikhs are approved pajeet tier humans

"Sikhs are bro tier"

Only when serving in the Imperial Army, burger.

no sikhs towelheads should be treated as even more dangerous than radical islam. the towel on the head should be treated in the same fashion as tinfoil hat. at the same time you have to be careful with them - they carry knives on themselves at all times.

>hot as balls
her face IS pretty red

the rainbow baltic faggot is right, digits confirm

Google "Khalistan"

I hate this bro-tier meme. You people don't belong in white society, it's that simple. You can be allies in war time but stay the fuck out of our countries.

she can poo in my loo

I want to smell her patrician curry pussy

>Meanwhile the snowflakes are melting in the Dean's office

ahaha preddy gud vidya

This bullshit needs Supreme Court intervention. Local governments are allowing mobs to deny citizens their First Amendment rights.

man hands
man brow ridge
#make up
voice reconstruction surgery

Bitch has ayy lmao hands

>only civilization to survive Islam and prosper in Moon Good territory
>required to carry a weapon and train in self defense
>required to be self sufficient
>traditional family values

even Deus Vult only managed to turm back the kebabs, couldn't make it last in the Promised Land. Sikhs are boss

>Sikhs are boss
Sikhs are part of the 'muslim' grooming gangs over her mate.

They aren't 'boss' by any means.

The Crusades weren't about conquering, it was about retaking.

>Sikhs and Muslims
>One happy family

yeah no.

They seem to be pretty happy when they're fucking our children together.

If you're only response to a fucking fact is "yeah no" you can go ride a cock.

>extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence

pony up or you're a liar. Sikhs and Muslims don't even talk to each other in this country let alone collaborate on poon

Well, they didn't do a very good job, did they?

saw this live
I want me a smart lady lawyer sweetie-poo
holding hands together while on the loo

>They seem to be pretty happy when they're fucking our children together

what a fucking cuck you are lad, to say it so casually. Why is it people with my flag are such fucking pussies. I offer you cunts for a fight nearly every fucking time and you betas flap it. I wish our forefathers were here to gut you and cut you into pieces, you fucking worthless beta fucking faggot.

Yes, I am mad, you little pecker.

i hope she shows her loo to everyone every single day of her life so this evil meme can end now.

please Dhillon maa'am please HELP!

you're full of it. You know nothing about their history. Sikhs under turban are honor bound to carry a dagger...to be used in case of ...Muslims