

I'm squeezing into your inbox one-time to apologize for blowing up, if I may. I've sent you various premature bullshit apologies before, but unlike everything that was sent prior to this email, this apology is without any motive or selfish hopes, for the first time:

Simply put, last week I met someone at the airport. Our silly & fun memories popped up, which were then stomped out by memories of my post-breakup actions....Which is what's been happening since November; fucking soul crushing considering almost all our memories were precious, really.

Rather than go over everything that I fucked up on from Aug-Nov, I'll say that from recently experiencing a similar post-break up clinging in reversed shoes with a woman...Her little bit of clinging I experienced was off putting enough...I don't think I have enough manhood hair to handle everything that was thrown your way from me, I really don't think I do lol.

We all walk through a desert to get to our oasis. After the split, rather than focusing on how to get to my own oasis, I repeatedly offered you some water without having any real water to offer: a mirage in that desert that stunted us both.

what I'm trying to say is, I'd love to meet up at say, Skyline Tavern to offer you some water ("water") to resolve the bullshit I caused.

To wrap it up, the idea of us not being friends considering the experiences we had together is just disgusting. On the level of "Oh-that's-SICK" updating from Windows 8 kind of disgusting. GROSS.

Like two friends getting back together after a regrettable misunderstanding fallout, I'd love to meet up to update each other. SO much to update, like holy shit. If you wanna, anyway.

I really did enjoy helping you write a page in your life story, but I'd moreso enoy helping edit & rewrite how that page ended, please.

Oh yeah forgot to mention

Need red pilled advice on this apology letter I wrote for my ex girlfriend

Why would you wanna be friends with your ex ?Just let that shit die also not your personal blog faggot

This, just move on.......With a robot :^)
But seriously it won't result in anything good.

Bad move user.

Well in part it's in hopes of getting back with her.

Also to end a bad breakup into a positive note, you know

Desperate as fuck

She's taken many dicks since, just move on.

Hmmmm wait how ?

We were fantastic together, though the breakup ended pretty bad

It's me wanting to fix that

She probably hasn't, and I've done more obscene things than her I guarantee you

You will come across as desperate and her wizard sleeve will become drier than the Sahara desert. She's probably already with someone, women keep back up guys.

I'm so excited,

This is my first sage,

Go to fucking Sup Forums

>Simply put, last week I met someone at the airport. Our silly & fun memories popped up, which were then stomped out by memories of my post-breakup actions....
just shut up, dude

Really, I'd be glad if we just got on an even keel again though. It was a precious couple that never argued, yet it ended pretty bad.

I've been with an array of girls since then, so it's within reason that she could be wit someone herself, but I'm just trying to not cut het out of my life is all. Why do people do that? It's so juvenile

I thought you wanted to save muh white race? Clearly this goy needs our help
Just give it some thought, I just think it's a really bad idea

BRO what?

I'm talking about the memory her and I had where we stayed the night at an airport having fun, and how it was followed by the bad memories of our tumultuous breakup.

I'm just wanting us to be on good terms again st the very least. Yeah, I'd prefer her over a new chick of course as I've already established a connection, but still


also just don't bother mate, you won't be friends again, she probably won't ever reply and you definitely won't get back together. its not pessimism, its realism.

Because it doesn't result well, you'll still have those feelings for her especially after you admitted you want to get back with her. More often than not being friends with an ex is a bad idea, she will probably show her friends the letter and they will laugh at you. Women do that shit all the time, especially if the breakup was bad. But give it a shot if you really want to, I'd remove the I don't mean to spam your inbox part as it shows insecurities

>I don't think I have enough manhood hair
>manhood hair

stay alone and better yourself until something this ridiculous sounding no longer happens in your brain jfc manhood hair?

Holy fuck, really?

I can deal with offtopic threads that are peripherally related to politics but this? THere isn't a wiff of politics in this

Where are the mods on this?

Deleted the threads targeting a violent commie but this is awesome keep at it

That's stretching and you know it, I don't care if helping this guy will exterminate every jew on the planet this is not the place to have this discussion

I see. You still come off as desperate and embarrassing with your overly poetic/romantic language.

nigger trust me i went through a similar break up and did the same desperate apology letter thing. All i got was a "K i appreciate it" then that thot was fucking some other chad wothin the week. i dont want you to feel my pain. do yourself a favor FORGET THAT THOT i know your probably thinking "oh shes different its ment to be she will come back" but she wont i thought the same shit. Make yourself the man you want to be, look up and listen to a podcast called "the war room" dont let it scare you off, it will put you down the right path.Trust me

Yup been there done that.

Oh yeah, I was definitely stuck in the "she's the only one, we're meant to be" thinking, though I've since got out of it and banged a variety of girls, one particular way was a session that a buddy of mine who's banged hundreds of chicks hasn't done. She's out of my system.

It's me not wanting to cut somebody who positively impacted my life...out of my life.

Wouldn't I be the bigger man in going "this silent game is stupid and the anxiety of the memories is getting old. Let's get back on positive energy again".

She's not negative energy so that's why I dont particularly want her gone.

>these are the proud, strong men of honor and courage who will save the white race


not even gonna bother saging, just let this board die

no, you would be the more faggoty man for acting like a fucking faggot instead of moving on

This sounds like a re-occuring thing. Don't do it, you fucked up and you sound really cringy and autistic.

nigger just stop, you arent fooling anyone. Trust me ive felt your pain i know what its like. focus your energy on self improvment and surrond yourself with people who make you feel better. Dont surrond yourself with selfish people who wouldnt lift a fingure to help you. remeber "The war room"