Blackface vs Whiteface

Why is Blackface racist and and Whiteface isn't?

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Because whites don't give a shit about whiteface

A black person cannot be racist. Racism requires power + prejudice. Also it requires an intent, which can only be formed by operation of a functioning brain, which a black man lacks. QED a black can never be racist.

It is racist, it's just that the majority of "white" people don't give a shit.


Tropic thunder.

I never fucking noticed this movie is essentially whiteface: the movie. Really shows you how white people don't give a fuck about this and it's only blacks crying like bitches yet they whine so much about "white fragility" and other made up bullshit.

Because whites don't give a shit.

Nigger did you not even WATCH the movie, it's a major theme

In all honesty anytime colours say racist shit to me about how pale I am or whatever, yeah sure it's offensive, but when you think about it, it's more cute then anything.
Mostly because they have to try so hard to actually get under your skin and annoy or offend you.
But as a white person it means nothing because "black" people or those identifying as such have literally nothing inspiring to look up to.

If we would have made a movie called Black Chicks and used blackface the same way they used whiteface in White Chicks it would've been bashed and boycotted by the NAACP and most major Movie Theater companies like AMC

That's actually a good point. They try so hard to make you mad and you can just say nigger and they'll lose control of themselves.

exactly, like they lose their fucking minds.

You forgot to mention the massive chimpouts and theater burnings.

>say racist shit to me about how pale I am or whatever
It will never offend, because being white is a good thing. It's like someone trying to get under your skin by making fun of how smart you are.

constant derision can still make you make yourself feel like shit

noice trips bro
have a shekel

I guess MGM never got the message. This has been their logo for what, 70+ years?

because its impossible to be racist against white people

because white people think its hilarious and blacks cant take a joke

there are double standards so that white people can be openly discriminated against. it's part of white genocide.


>Muh prejudice + power
>Muh slavery
>Muh innocent dindu would be spacemen and lawyers getting murdered by cops FOR LITERALLY NO REASON.

holy fuck