>Smarter, consistently do better in IQ tests and girls outperform boys in school every day >Goddess who bear organisms and know how to gift life >Nurturing >Dont have toxic levels of testosterone >Less Prone to alcoholism,violence and gambling >Better at thinking intuitively >Peaceful, wars would stop once the wise women rule >Better looking >Smell better
When women were in charge, we lived in grass huts. I'd rather not go back to that.
Gavin Lopez
We are not Elephants.
Robert Rodriguez
Jason Garcia
>name one successful matriarchal society
Noah Jenkins
If women are superior why is her pretend punch form so shitty?
>power through back hip >wrist turned up, losing energy from shoulder rotation >no penis
fuckin 0/10 would not even flinch
Brandon Sanchez
> smarter tells us more about all of the world-changing scientific advances in science and art that women have achieved > gift life Artificial womb incoming, in a decade they will be obsolete > nurturing It's clear you haven't read the statistics on who perpetrates child abuse > testosterone You mean the elixir of human progress? > modern behavioral issues Maybe true, but in 99% of cases it's women's behavior issues driving men to alcoholism, violence, and gambling > intuitive thinkers [citation needed] > peaceful Clearly you haven't read domestic violence reciprocation statistics > better looking lel roasties no > smell better clearly you've never been around a vagina
Jonathan Jones
Women rule Swedistan, nothing more to say.
Nicholas Cook
>Smarter >Better at thinking intuitively >Peaceful, wars would stop once the wise women rule But you would get constant rape and terror attacks from refugees lmao
garbage-tier bait
Henry Roberts
>Better at thinking intuitively no this is why they've always been the 2nd class human. they are too emotionally driven and don't think logically.
Wyatt Jenkins
Nothing redpills you as hard on women as marriage. I'm married and all the shit you hear from divorcees is correct.
That being said I believe a man is only as good as his word so being a divorcee makes you a flake in most divorce circumstances but really, women are the worst.
Julian Rogers
Stop thinking with your cock op
Lincoln Garcia
>>power through back hip >>wrist turned up, losing energy from shoulder rotation >>no penis
sounds hot
John Roberts
what the fuck
you made me check
Henry Perez
You left one out: >civilization would cease to exist
Blake Foster
>what is borrowed time?
Nathan Cox
>Peaceful, wars would stop once the wise women rule Women started most of the wars in medieval Europe.
Caleb Ward
nice b8 m8 i r8 jew/8
Noah Johnson
You would still need a woman for the egg...
This would free up the possibility of growing humans with larger brains though.
Lucas Jackson
women who hold opinions like this are as bad as niggers.
probably just some derelict larping again.
Jordan Hughes
> women > better looking
Women these days are dog ugly without makeup and the makeup makes the underlying "face" if you can call it that even worse from the harsh chemicals.
They even have cellulite to make average ones look chunky & disgusting. None of them are fucking healthy either, 90% are either morbidly obese or starve themselves while still trying to having pizza a staple of their diets.
They can't handle any pressure yet try to step into the world of men, so they're all unhappy and they spread their negativity like a plague.
Joshua Hughes
They can swap them for a warm meal once they realise no men want them anymore
Logan King
I am 100% in agreement that MGTOW is exactly what (((they))) want for our people, but in practicality I can't advise a young man to get married anymore than I can advise him to play Russian roulette.
Sebastian Hughes
a bunch of women fighting a bunch of men in a war. That would last a good 5 seconds. I could literally knock a bitch out without having to put my beer down
Julian Jenkins
this ^ women are so smart that they paint themselves with makeup that contains formaldehyde. Women BTFO
Joseph Cruz
>just piss in this bottle m'lady, thanks
Cameron Rogers
>Smarter, consistently do better in IQ tests and girls outperform boys in school every day. Mean IQ is better, but FAR fewer genius level IQs-- which are the ones that lead to revolutionary changes. >Goddess who bear organisms and know how to gift life Bear organisms?? WTF, STDs?? Takes two to tango. >Nurturing Except fembots >Dont have toxic levels of testosterone Which they need when the barbarians are at the gates. >Less Prone to alcoholism,violence and gambling >Better at thinking intuitively >Peaceful, wars would stop once the wise women rule >Better looking Yeah. >Smell better Yeah.
Lincoln Foster
>OP has a penis
Hudson Garcia
>don't talk just piss
James Gutierrez
>saying 'yeah' to any of those found the retard
Jaxson Williams
Jayden Ortiz
This is a common misconception. Humanity as a whole was never a matriarchy and there's no evidence to support it was. Small tribes have been matriarchal but that's it. I honestly don't even see how we live in a patriachy today? If men didn't make up the majority of the world's wealth then people wouldn't even say it. The world has been run by money and not masculine power pretty much since the industrial revolution.
Adrian James
Nicholas Johnson
Lucas Watson
what are they doing? that little toy bow couldn't do shit
Adrian Cook
Name me one matriarchal society that has ever achieved anything beyond mud huts. Just one.
Nathaniel Butler
Did you decide to sit this round out while your wife fucks a nigger in your bedroom OP?
It was nice of her to allow you online privileges for the night.
Jackson Parker
>tfw you have been fapping to femdom for years
Jaxson Myers
Is this a joke ?
Camden Butler
Looks like it's tick tock time.
Robert Morgan
Strauss-Howe Generational Theory really brought me on board with pic related (made the documentary Generation Zero about it)
We still have another decade or so of the crisis stage. It should be very exciting if you survive
Mason Collins
hehe my man, fuck all the feet and braaapptfags on Sup Forums
Jose Myers
Bitches can't run a small group, let alone a society.
Samuel Morales
>prove me wrong
Half of these are opinions, only a woman would be stupid enough to think they could be proved right or wrong
Charles Perez
>>Women absolutely do not possess higher average IQ's, that is consistent across ethnic groups. >>Toxic levels of testosterone is a subjective platitude, not actually an argument >>Better at thinking intuitively? Bizarrely subjective >>The meme about no wars is pathetically naive. Wars are fought over geopolitical push and pull factors, with odd ones being waged over pride throughout history, many female leaders did this as well
All of your other points are just... silly.
David Myers
The Mosuos are pretty cool
Colton Flores
You wouldn't. You can implant two sperm cells inside an artificial egg fybroblast, which combined with the synthetic uterus makes women entirely obsolete. At least men ca have any gender kid they want. We are the sex determiners.
Brandon Phillips
>smell better
you've clearly never smelled my wife
pic related (it's me)
Jacob Powell
>implying school is a perfect system in which humans can thrive and fulfill their full potential and therefore a good measure of "fitness" in your sexist view leadership qualifications
Brandon Kelly
Does your wife's son smell too?
Jonathan Kelly
>Lets face it, Women are superior to us >Women are superior to us >superior to us >us ur a massive fucking cuck, op >Dont have toxic levels of testosterone nether do you, op
Leo Richardson
Lets face it, Men are superior
>Smarter, consistently do better in IQ tests and boys outperform girls in school every day >Gods who raise organisms and know how to gift life >Nurturing >Dont have toxic levels of estrogene >Less Prone to alcoholism,violence and gambling >Better at thinking intuitively >Peaceful, wars would stop once the wise men rule >Better looking >Smell better
Prove me wrong, you literally can't
Tyler Walker
>feminism is overran by fat lesbians >think there's more than 2 genders >assume pedophilia should be legal since new gender
Ethan Hernandez
Bait thread everyone
Asher Harris
Go away Hillary. You lost the election and you're drunk.
Brody Scott
>Smell better God forbid you have to smell after my fiancee eats Taco Bell.
Zachary Clark
>can't back up vehicles >won't kill spiders >literally can't build anything >can't raise men
there's a million reasons
Liam Morgan
>Better looking >Smell better yes that's why we need women in charge, but only ones that are pretty and smell good
Gabriel Stewart
Women are superior to men in three ways: 1: They can bleed for a week without dying. 2: They can make milk without eating grass. 3: They can bury a bone without digging a hole.
Jeremiah James
friendly reminder men are the niggers of the gender world who commit the vast majority of violent crime
Juan Cruz
They tried matriarchy in sweden...
My picture speaks for itself.
Benjamin Green
Yeah. If women were superior or "smarter" in any way then they'd be the leading innovators. We wouldn't have to make special rules to give them positions
Jacob Hill
>smell better >have vaginas
Hudson Clark
Did anybody else get a boner looking at this picture?
Jackson Nguyen
Women are never I. Charge,fag the closest is some people in China and even their men control money,get educated,hold political office while women. Work the field you stay an raise your sister's kids and run the store.e
Wyatt Martinez
we must already be living in a matriarchy if women are better at everything how could it be otherwise
Landon Butler
>p-please sir, nobody will hire me and diversity programs ended years ago. I'll-ill do anything for a warm meal and a place to stay. >H-here! Take all the eggs you want; I can't use them anyway! >thank you sir!
Luis Rodriguez
I know this is a troll thread but its fun.
>Smarter, consistently do better in IQ tests and girls outperform boys in school every day
You mean those IQ tastes where they have a much narrower bell curve, meaning they're remarkably average in intelligence? And outperforming boys in the school system that caters to females?
>Goddess who bear organisms and know how to gift life Because they just asexually do that right? They don't need sperm to reproduce or anything.
>Nurturing Thats why so many successful people are raised by single mothers.
>Dont have toxic levels of testosterone Right, they have toxic levels of estrogen
>Less Prone to alcoholism,violence and gambling Not really, we just forgive those traits much more easily in women. If a woman hits a man nobody bats an eye because they're weak as fuck, in fact people tend to just think "they probably deserved it". If a man hits a woman its seen as way worse though because its like a gorilla hitting a human.
>Better at thinking intuitively What?
>Peaceful, wars would stop once the wise women rule Are you kidding? Women are the most petty things on Earth. There would be hundreds of more wars, over the stupidest shit too. You wouldn't even get a reason, you'd just get
"Why are we declaring war on them?" "OH SHE KNOWS WHAT SHE DID"
>Better looking Thats why they need to paint themselves and spend an insane amount of time performing elaborate beauty rituals?
>Smell better Then why is there a feminine hygiene section of every drug store?
Joseph Watson
>Emotional creatures
>Literally base all actions on feelings
That is why they aren't superior
Angel Lewis
OP you need to proxy post with a sweden flag or south korean flag for maximum (You)s. 4/10.
Brandon Cruz
Eve ate the fruit from the tree and tricked her husband into it. Everything bad is women's fault. Proved you wrong.
Aiden Cox
America started to get shitty right when we allowed women to vote. The only reason Hillary had a chance in hell is because women make decisions based entirely on feelings. Their brains aren't wired to use logic, anything run by women would become a nigger infested shithole.
Jordan Bailey
Fuck off, Autismo. Matriarchy is Satanism and so is that fucking female supremacy porn you watch you fucking Talmud worship brainwashed fuck.
Carson Adams
Queens were bigger warmongers then Kings. Women are objects they dont deserve respect.
Ethan Gonzalez
>when you are brainwashed by a jewish cult but hate the other jewish cults so much you call them all satanists every chance you get
Ian Foster
Luis Collins
everyone who says x race/gender is superior to y is actually retarded. shut the fuck up
Hunter Foster
>"Why are we declaring war on them?" >"OH SHE KNOWS WHAT SHE DID" Pretty true though, women get pissed over the stupidest shit.
John James
I traveled there once. It's an interesting culture, but it turns out that their matriarchy was likely a form of social control imposed upon them by nobles. Since it split apart related males but kept related females together, it was more difficult for the peasant men to unite against the nobles.
The original reason for patriarchy is the same reason that chimpanzees are patriarchal while bonobos are not; warfare. If a groups males were part of an extended family, then they were more likely to fight together and successfully defend against external threats, than if the group had multiple unrelated males.
Ryan Nelson
> When you get indoctrinated by Jews to hate all religion in public school in order to stink up the West with the immorality of Atheism and so you call Christianity a Jewish cult because you're such a good immoral goy
Asher Nguyen
>smarter Name one invention that is used regularly by the majority of western countries, that was invented by a woman.
You can't.
Luis Lewis
Not so fast - mens' brains are larger, and have a 4 pt IQ lead, per this recent study, with n = 1200.
Maybe if you're some nu male cuck. I'm superior to every woman I come in contact with daily.
They can't keep up intellectually, they think I care about them at all which is sad, and they don't know how to shut up and play the power game, literally the easiest people to beat in any scenario. Women are like flies only good for using for personal gain along the way to the goals.
The only threats are women who are higher in the work ladder than you. But they're so easily won over by smiles and connection that they aren't worth a second look. The only threats are men who are as smart or smarter than you and who also know how to play power games. If they don't know how to play the games they're also weak.
Zachary Jackson
The guy pointing and laughing gets me every time
Ryan Jenkins
>Smarter, consistently do better in IQ test
lel please go ahead and link the single fucking study that had women with higher IQ's. You know, the one done in New Zealand on 13 y/o's where the researcher himself stated the most likely reason for the result was that the boys didn't give a single fuck about the test and the girls did
Carter Evans
>women in charge
Oh yea? Well whats to stop me from convincing a bunch of dudes to ride in on fucking stallions, wearing fucking buckskins and wielding battle axes and ARs to rape and pillage across the womynz little utopia, laking sex slaves and resources before moving on to the next one?
Didn't think about that, didja?
Matthew Taylor
link study please
Ethan Jenkins
Right on OP, you should head to Saudi Arabia to start preaching.
Also all lived in grass huts until European innovation spread to North America.
Joshua White
I'm proud
Anthony Murphy
>1 post by this id Really gets the noggin joggin.
Colton Sanders
>IQ is not a measure of intelligence, it's a division of mental age by physical age obtained by standardized testing >Men don't need women to orgasm nurturing is a valid point. >Toxic levels of estrogen >an idea with absolutely no intellectual foundation or theoretical proof >intuitive thinking has nothing to do with sex, it has to do with mental reflex >again, dangerous levels of estrogen. You think female leaders have never started wars? look at the history of any country allowing a woman in power. >matter of opinion >sweat is the sexiest smell to humans
And you post a picture of a female gently raising her hand into a guys face. Why not post a picture of a woman actually punching? Are you that autistic? enjoy your female assplowings, im sorry you can't get a real man to violate your twink ass.