Oy vey!

Kaufland (supermarket), Czech Republic, Prague.
It happened today and she got kicked today (because lot of people very trigger)


I would jump to her defense. But getting any tattoo is basically asking to struggle with keeingp a job.

I'm so fucking redpilled it took me a full minute to see the "problem".

Hitler loved midgets


So, Germany conquered Czechia, yet people still make themselves tattoos with swastikas?

average nazi, lol


That's gay german shit. All you shithole countries get german supermarket chains expanding there.

Why not
Most here would like an anti-black/ muslim hitler now

having a right political view is ok
but tattoo it so everyone can see it is pretty dumb
especially when its a far-right symbol

I can understand people being triggered by it

How was Hitler a right winger? He advocated for a large centralized government and strict control over the economy. He hated indivualism and despised freedom of speech. He was everything that the modern left encapsulates today.

Lol why would a Czech of all people support the Nazis? Don't they read their own history?

Now it's time for some smažak with beer

setting own nation over all other and even hating most of other nations is sound pretty right-winged to me
also gassing gays, gypsies, retards... is also right

also normies see in swastika pure evil
the post ww2 world is too left to understand the deeper meaning of it

You have Kaufland in Czech Republic?


go back to youtube and twitter you dumbass

Tattoos are degenerate. She should gas herself.


we got fucked by the big teuton cock