Defecation Problems

Why do some countries throw the paper with shit into the toilet and not in the shitbin? Don't they realize it only overrides the sewage systems, ruins pipes and blocks water for everyone?

I present you a new technology:

>the shitbin

Instead of flushing your paper with shit and contaminating the water that the local community drinks, you simply pull the shitstained paper and throw it in the shitbin. Easy enough.

If people start getting sick or do the smell of shit gets too strong, it's because there is problem with the shitbin and must be replaced.

Aside from that, I'd take not flushing paper down the toilet rather than shit in the water I drink anyday.

Other urls found in this thread:ços_de_Caldas

Holy shit. I chose the wrong picture.

This is the >shitbin.


>Brazilian favela infastructure is so bad that their toilets can't handle water soluble paper.


>water soluble paper
>american education

Burguers confirmed too dumb to use the shitbin.

Day of the Diet when?


>a bin filled with thinly spread fecal matter paper
And you consider yourself superior

Quality thread OP.

Why not just use a bidet at that point, it's objectively superior hygienically than dragging paper across your shit covered asshole.

If your shit has diseases in it, it is much better to keep it in the family shitbin than throwing it out in the water source to contaminate the entire country.

Bidets suck because blood stains get attached to the white walls. No one wants to poo in blood.

Srsly, just get a shitbin and problem solved. 1st worlders are too lazy to operate one?

Why not just shit in the bin then to keep from contaminating the water? Those hippies who compost their shit to use on their vegetable garden do.

>his country doesn't have water treatment plants

>Instead of flushing your paper with shit and contaminating the water that the local community drinks
you what?

Blood stains? What in the goddamn fuck are you talking about? Do you often bleed when you shit, Brazil?

goddamn you live in a fucking shithole.
i thought only mexicans did this

toilet paper dissolves in water... are you people using normal paper to wipe your asses?

>day of the Diet

I'm Brazilian and I still throw my toilet paper in the toilet

your shit still goes to the water with or without the toilet paper you silly goose

After Carnaval, Gonorrhea becomes widespread in Brazil and men starting pooping blood and shit and white stains everywhere.

Anyone who uses public toilets frequently knows this,

We don't shit in anywhere BUT water.

We are not India.

According to your thoughts, I should just shit on the street to spare money spent on the shitbin.

You must live in a really poor place mate. Stop posting

Portugal needs to apologize for making this wretched swamp of a country possible.

how about each time you shit, you put a new bag in the trash can, then shit on it, then clean up, close up the bag and dispose of turd and papers in the main garbage can.

This is comedy GOLD

>overrides the sewage systems, ruins pipes and blocks water for everyone
LMFAO, that's because you live in a third world country you stupid fucking monkey.

Seriously, it's not so hard to operate the Shitbin.

a) Shit.

b) Pull toilet paper or clothes to clean your shit. Preferrably not thin veiled paper. Newspaper-width is the best one.

c) Clean your shit and then pull the paper from between your legs.

d) Stretch your right leg and press the shitbin's foot.

e) The shitbin's head should open immediately allowing you to throw the shitstained paper into the shitbin.

f) It is important to keep the shitbin open once you've opened for the first time. You should shit and keep the shitbin open so you can quickly throw more paper in the shitbin.

g) Should the shitbin's head not open, you need to open the shitbin with the back of your hand that is holding the toilet paper. Be careful to do not stain the shitbin because they are often white and made of metal sometimes, which means the shit wil slide and reach the floor.

h) After you're done shitting and binning, you should stand up and wear your clothes back. FInally you get to close the shitbin so the bad smell is kept there.

That is not economically feasible.

But as a child, I've shat inside springles cans and other metallic vases.

It is very hard and you'll often accidentaly shit on the street.

> shitting like a dog

>ITT: Brazilian from favela unaware of water treatment plants, shits in garbage can to keep designated shitting river clean

>Not using a rag then washing the rag

Have fun wasting money

This is a slide thread. OP is purposely acting retarded to slide the board. Stop replying.

> Brazilians wipe themselves with their clothes
I now don't feel bad about humping my bathrobe.

>like a dawg!!!

I don't know how it is in HUEHUEland, but here we have robust plumbing that can handle toilet paper.

You don't understand how bad you have it in your third world shithole do you?

Stop trying to tell civilized people how to live when you haven't even got reliable flush toilet plumbing.

>trusting the sewage system jew

Do you really believe people clean your water in those, user?

I study chemistry in university and we have done checks on water in the sewage system.

Basically, you were safer drinking water in the street than from the sewage.

We don't clean ourselves with clothes, only when there is no paper.

Americans also do that.


What is so bad about a Shitbin?

It's elegant and actually pretty comfy. Much better than throwing the shitstained paper with your shit in the water.

>pic related shitbin comes with pirate to help children clean the shit

>Instead of flushing your paper with shit and contaminating the water that the local community drinks
> flushing
> the water that the local community drinks

I think we found the real problem here.

Kek top quality b8 posting

You contaminate the water with your shit already.
Why not directly shit in your bin?

Are you an Indian trying to get Brazil to become the new butt of poo in loo designated shitting street jokes?

Why would you shit in the bin when we have a toilet?

Besides, some shitbins are really cheap like pic related.

They do not insulate the bad smell.

I'd shit in a metallic shitbin with no problem, though.

Portugal wins this round. Damn.

So you don't contaminate your community water with your shit, obviously.

>day of the diet

Also, some shitbins are transparent like pic related.

People have these transparent elegant shitbins so we can inspect if people are properly using it or flushing paper in toilet.

If you took a shit in one, everyone would see.

>shit in toilet
>wipe ass and put paper in shitbin so it wont contaminate water
>flush shit down toilet and contaminate water

That is a crock pot sir

Who the fuck inspects it? The shitbin police?


The paper contaminates drinking water, but shit doesn't? Here, in the first world, we seperate water and sanitary lines. You fellas ought to try it.

Wtf, you live in a hell hole. Nothing like that

>takes a shit and flushes it down toliet into sewer system
>wont flush down toliet paper because it might contaminate the sewer that you already shit into your entire life.

Or you know, throw paper in toilet like a human and forget about it? Throwing in a bin accomplishes only 1 thing, we now have a gross bin with shit that needs to be emptied. There is no advantage.


So just to be clear, you just want to throw shit in the trash.

Ok, yeah this is a slide thread, he's pretending to be retarded. SAGE

What part of you not understanding that paper will fill the sewage system, contaminate the loocal populace (animals like pigs will eat your shit because of paper) and break your toilet too.

Foreigners are savages.

No, he wants you to throw shit in the trash.
Which isn't a bad idea, I doubt you toilets can fluch your pants.

Is that a roll of cardboard?

My sides have left me! Top kek

What part of I know what your doing and it isn't working don't you understand?

White devil

I'm not retarded. LOOK UP.

Brazilians are advised not to throw paper in the toilet. It is culturally rude and it damages the entire infrastructure.

I live in a city called Poços de Caudas where paper broke the sewage system and everyone had no water in toilet for a week because piece of shit tourists are too dumb for the shitbin.

>pic related looks just like my shitbin

hey my (((white))) friend, we already have a shitbin. its called every other country in the western hemisphere.

This is a great post. Best one today. Our toilet paper is made to break down easily in water nevermind in waste water. Two our drainage system and toilets handle it easily. You can keep your basket of feces covered paper.

Nobody gives a fuck about brazil, it's already a toilet. You're a bad troll. Sage

Also, nobody visits brazil, are you dumb?

>americans actually believe water solves paper

Top kek.

You could just upgrade your shitty plumbing so it could handle shitty TP. Fucking hate Mexicans who do that shit here.



If your shit has diseases you'll contaminate water anyway.


sorry i come from a country where people arent taking DISEASED SHITS 24/7

The animals won't eat your shit and then get eaten and spread the diseases.

Don't you have a local swarm of pigs cleaning the streets?

Those assholes eat everything they see. Including paper with shit.

That was how swine flu got in Brazil.

I'd rather see uni-person facilities marked outside as Man or Woman.

So fucking sick of guessing how many shitters are behind the door.

>day of the Diet


fuck that shit, OP
i throw everything in my toilet, dead fish, toenail clippings, hair, dead bugs, used condoms, food i'm too lazy to throw in the trash, all kinds of stuff.
once i flushed a book down the toilet

we have overall great public works here you faggot...go look it up. we put good resource into our communities.ços_de_Caldas

He can't even spell the name of his own city right.

>or clothes

Could I interest you in a revolutionary piece of technology?

Good post