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AntiCom is a great name.

This makes me anxious to see battle of Berkely round 2

Play stupid games...

Fucking beautiful.

ITT: Cringeworthy LARPers


>Women still thinking they can take part in street fighting


>wife w/ nosering
no YOU are the antifa

>nose piercing

to the gas chamber

Maybe antifa is so bad that they have defectors


LARPing is for FAGS

>Anti-Communist action
>Looks like an degenerate antifa with that ring in her nose

What did she mean by this?


Communism is inevitable.

Deal with it :^)


more oc

>Communism has never been tried
>Communism is inevitable
How is a retarded idealology that is impossible to achieve since humans are naturally greedy bastards inevitable?

Superglue MAGA hats onto ANTIFA.


>put glue in hats
>put hats on Antifa faggots
>can't get hats off so they have to shave their hideous colored hair

good filename bro

Thanks breh

>put clip in gun
>point it at yourself
>pull trigger




>All these idiots doing with forearm strapped shields instead of center boss

It triggers me. Learn some fucking history. Don't try to reinvent the wheel.

holy shit, fucking casino royale bad guy! is, ourguy?!




At least we have allies an in this world of uncertainty, you take what you can get.

It has too many small details. Simplify the man being tossed out and increase the size of the circle drastically.

Is (((SHE))) going?

who is this godess?

>be walking down the st
>see blue haired beggar with red bandana across his neck
>"excuse me sir, would you like to donate to our neighborhood community pool, we're planning activities for chi-"
>Open the McAmazon app
>3 seconds later a drone the size of a small bicycle appears, thanks to the free market
>A small hook at the bottom attaches itself to the Commie's bandana
>flies 200 meters into the sky
>splats right in front of me
>splats so hard some blood droplets land on my $965,597 Dollar moccasins
>tfw dead commie violates your NAD
what do? To whom do I retaliate to? The commie is dead... There is no government or establishment to sue to get reparations for my damaged moccasins.
>tfw the free market will never work

For fuck's sake, faggot, call him by his name. That's MADS MIKKELSEN. A fantastic fucking Dane that is reason alone to give the Danes a pass. Some of the batshit stories from his time on Hannibal are just A-grade living memes.

this is just as bad as the opposition

>nose ring

Have fun having your shit-tier piercing ripped out tomorrow bitch.




>Communism is inevitable.

This is sophistry. There is no proof that it is inevitable. One man just decided that communism is the next stage in economic development. There was never a reason to believe it in the first place. Assholes just started believing it.

getting real cringe here Tbh

>not posting delicious rogue ass

Vanilla pride worldwide

cringe as fuck

You're embarrassing us you nu-Sup Forums r/the_donald filth

>Some of the batshit stories from his time on Hannibal are just A-grade living memes.
tell me more

It's called a magazine, faggot.

You can't put a flag in a flag.
There are rules!

Yep. That "Based Stickman" guy and his little Army is pretty cringe. He put out some gay ass post the other day about starting a militia.

I'm all for kicking the shit out of ANTIFA niggers, but LARPing as an Army is just pure faggotry

When did pol become a bigger lar thread than /x/?

HAHAH Faggot

So in the course of Hannibal, you probably end up with at least a full hour of food porn. Some of the most sumptuous meals created with an artist's perfection. Well, it turns out, everytime you see cooking, that's just Mads having a grand ole time. He showed up to the show's food stylist's studio, basically just said, 'I'll do this job for you, just teach me' and learned to become an artistic master of culinary preparation and presentation in about a week. Perhaps the best example is the ole egg trick.

>There's this Benihana egg trick that the writers tried to put it in once before and we got around it because it could be a mess. The idea is you throw an egg up in the air, you put your spatula out and it breaks on the spatula and you twist the spatula just slightly and the egg falls down on the griddle. They do this at Benihana, you know the Japanese chefs with their little tricks, and I've seen them screw it up.

>So I called my Japanese food guy and asked for a Benihana chef to bring in for a potential hand double. The next morning, there were two Japanese guys, me, six dozen eggs, and Mads wanders on to the set and asks 'Ok, What are we doing?' ... I tell him we're doing the Benihana egg trick today, but don't worry because we have these chefs from the Sushi shop, and we're gonna handle it. So Mads asks what he has to do, and I tell him - you throw the egg up in the air, you stick the spatula out, it breaks slightly, you twist your wrist, then the egg falls down into the pan. He says, OK, let me try it....he goes on set, and he actually did it, first try. I accused him of practicing, but that's when he told me he used to be a juggler.

says the faggots who do nothing but post on uzbek hawk training board

lol faggot internet larper

Man, fuck you for reminding me about Hannibal food porn. I swear, the only thing that might beat that show in that regard are Redwall books, and that's a fucking achievement to only be beaten by Brian Jacques.


Also, there's the levels that he went with fucking with his costars, but goddamn, Mads is a monster. I will legitimately go see a film in theaters I might've otherwise passed up just because that fucker's in it.

Pretty cool. Not crazy like you made it seem, but he definitely does appear to be intelligent.

The one on the left is LARPing as an alt-right women because they get attention?

>buttchin bitch with a nose ring


I can't stop watching.

Have you seen A Royal Affair?

>nose piercings
we have been infiltrated, buds.

Australia? New Zealand? Every other commonwealth?

Remember to chant;


Those are symbols in a flag, but the shape of a flag is not in the flag.

You guys do realize that fascism is fucking awful and Chile was completely fucked over by Pinochet.

Pinochet destroyed the economy and reduced life expectancy, he also was supported by the CIA doing a Coup.

Like, how the fuck do you fucking bigots hate socialism so much that you would want a democratically elected leader to be overthrown by military?

Long chants are gay.
It also doesn't sound that nice together.

>HURRR we'll use total state control to create no state!

That's never going to work, because:

1. no one gives up total power, especially people that want to enforce beliefs
2. the end stage can only be made through a gradual reduction of state control, i.e., libertarianism to anarchy; the leaders dislike the state and want it gone; socialist leaders LOVE the state and want it around, so see: 1

>Fuck you bigots!
Hypocrisy thy name is baiter

I hope you guys get beaten to death by antifa and fucking guillotined.

Fuck you. Get beaten up and eat shit fascist.

It's California. Enjoy the force of ten thousand antifa destroying you fascists.

Thank you very much. Totally on point about this fascist thread.

>wanting fascism when fascists ALWAYS destroy the economy, drastically increase wealth inequality and kill gays?





>Green skin
>Shoving metal into your nose.

I don't understand why nobody has burned Lenin, Trotsky or Castro in effigy yet. What gives? Is it illegal in California?

10/10 helicopter shield

This LARPfest shit is starting to get annoying

>You guys do realize that fascism is fucking awful and Chile was completely fucked over by Pinochet.

Commies would have made it worse.

Socialism = leaders thinks they know best for EVERYONE
Fascism = leaders think they know what's best for the country
Liberalism/right = leaders thinks the people know best for each other

Socialism is no different to a military coup; all powerful leaders dictating everything based on their beliefs (not yours, theirs).

a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
synonyms: leftism, Fabianism, syndicalism, consumer socialism, utopian socialism, welfarism; More
policy or practice based on the political and economic theory of socialism.
synonyms: leftism, Fabianism, syndicalism, consumer socialism, utopian socialism, welfarism; More
(in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.

Why are little brothers always such fuckin faggots?

Fall of communism is inevitable. Its unsustainable antiutopia that kills itself every damn time.

Jordan deffinetly hates commies, dumbass.

quite the bone structure too

>a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

It's lacking the "state enforced" bit

It's gunpoint politics. If you don't want in on it, you're forced or throw in jail.

No different to a military coup.

It is, but its better this way. The silent majority has never achieved anything, or prevented anything. So let the ones who want to LARP, LARP and you keep posting memes

how did you like your transition from state capitalist corruption into a capitalist state corruption run by the mob?

well yeah, if you are an employer class and socialism becomes the majority view then you will have to live with losing your leaching off workers.

Here is some stuff to put up on any campus around the nation and the world.

Fuck off Abocreature

>New Zealand
>Claiming to know something about the South American protectorate states
Pinochet was the savior of Chile, I was literally talking about this with a friend of mine from Chile yesterday. Him and I convinced about six people that every death that happened under him was justified because the suffering he caused was less than what the Commies he usurped already had caused.

I appreciate how the "miracle of chile", namely creating the only stable and mildly successful economy in south america, constitutes being fucked over to a socialist. You degenerates really do want shared misery don't you

> bhuuuuhh not tried yet huurrrrr duhhhh
Pol Pot is perfect example of pure communism and supporting any form of communism/socialism means supporting Pol Pot policies and thus proof of mental illness.

And employee class

>education and jobs forced upon you, based on variables of the leaders
>you have no say over what you receive for your work; your pay is what your leaders decide, and it's material based so you yourself can't decide on what you want to buy

You kids are fucking cringy as shit.
>spending time making sad as shit hats and fucking shields when you should be lifting.

Sad cunts.

> sub-70-IQ-LARP

Rock bottom.