Net Neutrality getting jewd


Other urls found in this thread:

>net neutrality
>implying government regulatory agencies are in any way neutral arbiters
Such a worthless meme.

>Sup Forums will defend Trump after he signs this

Net neutrality is good in theory, but in practice the federal fucking government has no business regulating the internet like that.

An actual free market would have companies that throttle certain traffic outcompeted naturally.

this but the problem is that you americucks get cucked by other regulations effectively granting your ISPs monopolies over certain regions

the US is so fucking corrupt. Literal oligarchy and it wont get better under Drumpf.

But the internet is great.
Why should I want to be un-neutralized?

I like how Sup Forums is ignoring this shit. I wouldn't have voted at all if I would've known they were planning on removing restrictions on this shit. I'll livestream my suicide if companies start setting examples after regulations are removed.

Sup Forums will defend daddy Trump to the death even after being kicked off since Sup Forums and other "dirty" sites will be part of the special package with only an added cost of $70/month.


Came here to post either of these.

>our system is failing because it's not a *real* free market
>proper free markets wouldn't have those problems

>the USSR failed because it wasn't *real* communism
>proper communism wouldn't have those problems

(a) the things you're panicking about did not happen before there was legislation
(b) much of the FCC legislation that supposedly "protects" internet users isn't even in effect yet

what the fuck does the government know about the fucking internet. the whole government is populated by illiterate niggers and kikes

here's a fucking regulation for you, for every law that is passed in regards to the internet the government must execute ten thousand federal employees at random

>literal oligarchy
this is proven. we live in a thinly-veiled communist state, ruled by corporations.

this is so fucking dumb. in a 'real' free market there is nothing to stop companies from making a cartel like with lightbulbs in the 1930s

there will never ever be a free market that just magically manages itself. humans and corps dont act rationally all the time which is why economic theory is constantly disproved by economic practice.

>l-look guys those evil companies tried to maximize their profit
>how dare they make light bulbs at a profit that everyone voluntarily bought
>oh my god the cartel was so bad one company in scandanavia broke it easily

better just try communism again right faggot?

why haven't there been any advances in internet infrastructure in like 15 years?

how come once google fiber came out the companies started competing BUT ONLY IN THOSE SPECIFIC CITIES?

newsflash: the internet and cable companies want to jew every last cent they can get.
more fees, slower service, selling speedlane rights, whatever it takes

literally the only way to stop these assholes is the threat of armed force which is ultimately what backs up government regulation

>net neutrality has anything to do with breaking up cartels
But that's wrong you FUCKING LEAF!

The cable companies were the ones backing net neutrality you dumb leaf.

>muh free market is best for consumers

dem trips
