When did you realise that the USA was the root of all evil?

When did you realise that the USA was the root of all evil?

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stfu abo
No one cares go blow an emu or something

your banks and shit trade deals have fucked this country worse than us fucking convicts ever did
eat a dick

Cry about it petrol thief

Are you implying evil has only existed for ~200 years?

I thought emus were supposed to be the root of all evil

Ask arabia who the real petrol thieves are man boy


Guess again.

You misspelt Israel

when your mother sucked off some aids nigger in the back alley.

When you realise only niggers of this world complain about US because they are jealous cucks.
get based emu fag

When you realise only niggers of this world complain about US because they are jealous cucks.
get based emu fag

The Americans, the British and the French started WWII.

when white people voted in Drumpf

The root of all awesome.

How did the Americans? This is idiotic. We exacerbated things, yes, but Britain and France started WWII. Germany provoked it. I am open to Germany being in the right at the beginning of the war, but provocation is the right term.

Is pig meat with various fruits just a meme or does it actually taste good? I've seen pork with mango, pork with cherries, pork with apples, and I've actually tried pork with pear at a fancy restaurant. It just tasted like pork with pear; the combination was frivolous to me.

When i learned who really controls the world

I used to hate American culture and therefore Americans. But then I learned that "American" culture is actually Jewish culture. Now I have respect for real Americans and I just hate the Jews.

usa are based
slut culture, the internet, etc etc
love them so much

Not sure about the root of all evil but just fucking stupid. How many countries are you burgers going to rain freedom fries down onto before you realize you are just making thing worse not better?

How many wars post WW2 has the US actually won?

All of them

USA was the greatest country in the world till it was captured and debased by jews. Hopefully we are on track to returning to our former awesomeness. Even corrupted by jews a world dominated by America is better than by chinks or any other option.



When they bombed my village in Afghanistan 15 years ago

America truly is a cancer on the world, my only wish is to be alive while it collapses. History will not look back on them or their (((masters))) kindly

In 1999. Confirmed it this morning

thats what you dont get, wars are not fought like back in the days, they are fought in strategic points for strategic wins, all economical in the end. Welcome to the NWO

freedom was worth destroying the world

>How many countries are you burgers going to rain freedom fries down onto before you realize you are just making thing worse not better?

That's like liberals asking how many children have to be shot dead before you start banning guns. Protip: The answer is all of them. But I suppose leafs are naturally born into the liberal mindset.

You think they don't know that?

Wrong, wars in the 21st century are fought to topple governments that don't fall in line with the Jewish globalist NWO.

A jutros se desilo...?

>When did you realise that the USA was the root of all evil?
Same as when you did. When we accept Allah as our personal savior.

When I went to college.

Based Aussies know the score.

How can you call this evil?


Procitaj nase vesti. Covek je roknuo 19 svedoka u hagu

Never hated the US. I have family there. They come to visit every two summers aprox. Sometimes they bring their white friends. All laid back people.

Plan is to visit next year for a month or so.
Family lives in Chicago.
What to expect?

You talking about that dirty shiptar monkey not being prosecuted?

More black people than you've ever seen. Probably a bigger city than you've ever seen, too.

Don't blame the American citizens.

They're just as degenerate as every other nation right now. We're all to blame.

If this guy had lived in the 13th century, he'd probably have thought Genghis Khan was "punishment for our sins" as well.

He's right.

A jew cannot thrive in a society of whites who refuse it's money and bribes.


America is amazing.
We will conquer the world and reduce it's to ash. The world belongs only to us. And yes, we all feel this way deep down.

Fuck you leafbro, grow a pair and fight like a frog against anglo-imperialism. At this point we have a good commonn ennemy the mudshiet. Let's all unite againt the niggers.

Around when this happened

>he's totally worth thousands of dead American soldiers goyim. OY VEY

there is no root of evil
evil isn't objective, nor well defined
usa currently are the most evil entity because they have the most power and the urge to project this power on others

The jews must be exterminated. There is no other way.

When I was 12

>T. Israeli operative in Syria

When I learned in history that US soldiers were responsible for introducing milk bars/violating Sabbath laws prohibiting Sunday trading in NZ

Boohoo, cry more you fucking soft cunt

yeah check the flag again


god he makes us look so bad I wish i didn't live among these morons.

When an american created this shithole called Sup Forums. Now no matter how much I try I can't leave it.

if you don't think it's da joos
you have to go back

God dammit m8, that's all part of the secret plan. No really were run by them and you know our population are such normies they will swallow anything those shill jews spit in their mouth.

pic related

stop fucking all them kangaroos, they are impacting your ability to process information on an intellectual level. you are coming across as a fecal flinging primate.

Objectively speaking USA is a cancer upon the world and is generally the source of all bad things. Wars? Terrorists? USA wants oil. Poverty? Failing economy? Thanks to USAs meddling in foreign markets. Your culture and country is being subverted? Thanks again USA and Hollywood.

Hopefully in a century or so, people will look back and think "why didnt those fucking retarded cunts stop USA from doing all this evil shit"

(((American))) genocide when?

It is our fault those children in africa are hungry too huh? Just blame us for everything kangaroo jack

USA is literally the most cucked and Jew'd Western nation. They are the source of degeneracy in Western culture. They are the source of the majority of SJW bullshit.

Fuck America, they fucked up the Western world.

Recently.. I thought it was just bad judgement. This time we elected a bully.

Who does not attack our enemies but our allies.

When I bought into the idea and realized there isn't a fucking thing you can do to stop us.

>fat retarded Americans and their fake altruism are the main source of food aid in Africa. Food aid that encourages its recipients not seek alternative supplies but to reply on a weekly drop off

Literally your fault

>wish I didnt live


Stop. You threatened Japan with a fuel Embargo. You started the war. Your president allowed Pearl Harbor to happen. Jews must be in the holy land for your fucking Christ to return.

Religious retards

You spelled jews wrong

>tfw you realize USA have been defending all europe and oceanics since wwII
>defendant dont pay jack shit except ''we maintain alliance with you bros''

It's a fucking shame people from australia dare critisize US like tyrants, you ungratefull cunts, get invade by china see how it feeels like. Because you barely have any armed force to resist GET REKT you progressive emu. gratz kek.

It's far beyond capable at this point.
It couldn't be done before and now the cockroaches will be protected forever.

you sound really angry that you are not one of us, is that a bit of jealousy i detect? cant say i blame you, literally everything in australlia can kill you, and the women, with the exception of margot robbie, are hideous. no wonder yall prefer slippin it to the ol roos on the regular eh?

we dropped two bombs and they have been drawing hello kitty ever since. operation samarai castration

Says the Canadian with a PM that lowered our defence spending to the lowest level ever 0.85

Picks a fight with Trump; loses 1b in revenue for already small lumber industry.

You need to shutup we're fucking cucked.

naw man, we love you guys

Good thing that isnt an American Flag.


not an argument

But thats the thing, europe and the rest of the west would pick up the slack its just that we dont need to because Americans want to play empire, if they want to play they have to pay

well, without america they'd end up a chang colony. i'd be pissed too if my country had barely any self-autonomy....

what if one day we picked up our toys and just went home, would you like that? dont come crying when the chinks colonize you, hell north korea would fuck you guys up the ass, and that is north korea we are talking about. they are like the mongoloid cousin of the chinks that their family keeps locked in the basement. they would fuck you up man. but by all means enjoy your independence from freedom. that should play out just fine.

>picks a fight with trump
>we're fucking cucked

seems pretty much like a cuck mentallity to me.

I never said I was with our PM you shill poster, get real and vote CPC in 2019.
From a fuckinG FROG (we are not niggers, we want niggers out)
See the funny thing is 40 years ago the frogs were called racist by anglo-can for limiting the amout of immigrant. Look at the world now you fucking imbecile, continue ti hate on canadian frogs but we were based from the beginning, and we remain. I will die before I see brown skin prevail here. Peace leaf.

>12 stripes
What fucking country is that flag from?

What are we now? The tree of all evil?



When i was a comie leftist.
I was also 12

When they genocide us after Spain


When they bend down to Israel after JFK