Tim Heidecker

what did he mean by this

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it means he's a giant faggot who can't handle the bantz

They are scared. They can feel their time is running out.

Post link you autistic burger

Fuck that's embarrassing.

Every fucking thread now
It's like no one knows how to make a thread with links or actually explain their topic they wish to discuss


post link or it didnt happen

Its called cancer. We will die of it eventually or Snacks will come back.


What the fuck is /pol?

>goes somewhere we've never been
"Where'd you go?!"

LINK: mobile.twitter.com/timheidecker/status/857525710193213440/video/1

shit, what are we going to do. im scared

Who is he and why we care?

Tim, you just missed me! I'll be back there tomorrow if you want to talk though :)

Literally who?

The implication is we're trolls, he was looking under a bridge.
>by acknowledging the trolling, we already won



He goes under a bridge to look for the trolls.

How will we ever recover?

Who is Tim and why does he think Sup Forums lives under a bridge?

Is this a declaration of war?

He should be in bed. It's 2:30 in the morning.

Who is this chubby twink?

he called us trolls! omg!! it's time to Sup Forumsand up Sup Forumsrothers, he shall feel the wrath of our EPIC WINS

Who is this asshole again?

Who is this fat baby man?

>mfw when walks off and autistically acts cool

>trolls live under bridges
>he is implying we are trolls

Stating this corrner of the internet exist at all is a sweeping victory.
It just means this board is living rent free in that sad little uncomedic head of his.

Sup Forums was right behind you this whole time.

>feed the trolls

Woah boy, that'll make them stop.

You can only embrace or ignore the troll.

This is good publicity thanks Tim

I love Tim's stuff.

But this wasn't funny.. I bet they had the idea in the middle of the night, tired and on various drugs, and thought it was hilarious.


So which is it? Under a bridge or in my mom's basement?
Still KEK.

LITTERALY WHOOO!!!!!!???????


Why aren't you faggots raiding his twatter with scat porn?

Some dude from a show called Tim & Eric or something, that went full libtard or something, and had a hand in getting Sam Hyde's show cancelled or something.

>he called us trolls!
So what. I won't participate in a raid against him. He is obviously asking for it, which makes me question why?

Oh Sup Forums made DJT popular. Could a spat with the infamous hacker known as Sup Forums give his failing career a boost?

He is nobody. Sure he has names on credits of shows....shows that take place at 3 am. We are the competition for his shows.

If his alimony paperwork is correct, he is essentially poor. He lives in California, and makes a bit more than I do. But he is paying 1/4th of his income in alimony, and god only knows if child support is involved also.

Bottom line. He needs this to help possibly make him relevant for a short time.

Deny him his request. It will only infuriate him. He wants us to attack. DON'T DO IT. it will be worse if we ignore him....because he will go away.

Is that the guy that wasted millions making Hillary hollywood propaganda or is was someone else?

Probably because no one cares about him?

Lots more going on ATM that's taking up the weaponized autism (ANTIFA/BAMN and whatnot)

Would have been much funnier if the camera panned to him searching a dumpster. This didn't even have a punchline.

Fuck, twitters going to have my ass soon enough.

>>he is implying we are trolls
Shit, that's why i'm here. He might as well be pointing at the ocean and calling it wet.
i don't see the humor there.

>those hips
Does this guy have klinefelters or something?

isnt this the guy who secretly sucked Elton johns cock during candle in the wind by hiding under the piano



Tim, what are you doing under the 4th St. Viaduct at this time of night?

>He should be in bed. It's 2:30 in the morning.
come on now. You do realize that there are time zones?


Tim was always the stronger member of T&E and you know it

doesn't mean he's not a cuck tho

He seems like a smart enough guy to know what he's provoking. You're probably right about his motivation.

Why? No one is going to see it.


hahahahahahahahahaha, he went under the bridge because trolls live under bridges. Sup Forums ABSO LOUTELY btfo

Why do retards take the autistic satire here as sincere truth?

Are we so autistic that they in response seem autistic to us? Are we both autists?

I can't even tell what's going on anymore.

say that to my face not online and see what happens

Asian moot should ban you, because starting threads without links while posting picture of link should be bannable. That's just baiting to be asked for link.


looks like he got one of those craft services gigs or w/e and is showing pol he's employed?

He's just really fat. There's a prom picture of him where he was a skinny guy somewhere on the internet.

>naming /po/


He needs to cut the carbs as well



What a comedic genius!

You get the joke guys?!

He is looking for trolls .........

Under the bridge!



>drawing more attention to us
>not diverting newfags and shareblue to leddit
stupid goy

i get it.

he's looking for the 'trolls who live under the bridge' who are apparently cowards once they're confronted in real life, that's us

>Tim does shit videos on youtube, has been carrying on a "troll", MDE style, for YEARS that isnt funny.

>Eric rubs shoulders with rappers and video models, directs a music video every once in a while and gets paid.

>Turkingtons "Anti-humor" predates TaE by years, ones of the OG Bob and David alums, even predates Tenacious D.

Yeah, and Timmy boy bitches at Sam Hyde and calls out Sup Forums like its one person.

I wonder who is happier right now?

I hate Tim's stuff, post Tom Goes to the Mayor. I loved that though. Everything he made after that is LUL SO RANDUM garbage. If I ever see him IRL I'm going to punch him for funsies

Agreed. He wants us to attack him, therefor I won't. Maybe if he actually makes something that resembles humor again I will

Each eye here is one more soul for the hurt box.
Its a slow process but it always works and once you post, you can never leave.

Who is this man, and why should I care?

I actually thought it was lighthearted and cute. A lot like his old stuff when he was just goofing off and not playing a meta-humor character.

Maybe he's going under a bridge to live there and not have to pay alimony,

literally who

As long as Sam Hyde is getting crushed by the media kikes, I know Trump isn't doing shit for America or white people.

Some guy who thinks he's funny.

Why does he care about us? Are his feelings really hurt? Or does he worry he lost fans and therefore money?

Made me laugh more than this idiot ever did.


Haha symbolism i get it very nice

His face looked like dough, man that's terrifying.

/po/ btfo, time for all nine of their active posters them to team up with us.

Its the way everyone starts to hate Sup Forums.
We poke their ego and they kick the hornets nest.
Then it continues until one is destoried and Sup Forums ususally comes back in a few days.

I'll concede that basically everything Tim did after Awesome Show was garbage (Billion Dollar Movie, The Comedy, that cooking shit, Heidecker & Wood, Decker / On Cinema). Maybe Awesome Show was garbage too and I just remember it fondly.

Tbh he seems genuinely sad and rattled


angery reacts


He's probably reading this thread right now lmao

Awesome show was fucking awful. I remember when it first started, it's always been bad.

/po/ are violent extremists don't compare us to them. Sup Forums is a board of peace

Awesome Show is still great but it really is the only decent thing he did.

never forget


wasn't he a formula 1 driver? he has obviously lost his mind..


I have no idea who this is...and I don't care.

Hey Tim

Go fuck yourself faggot...for your health

-Steve Brule-


>Tim Heidecker
Who is he and what do he has against Sup Forums ?

Who the fuck is him though?

Isn't it amazing that we can fuck with celebrities from the comfort of our basements?


Tim and Eric show