I'm a kike, as me anything


Other urls found in this thread:


How do I convert?

Do you pronounce it like Nike? Kai kee

2lazy to explain lmao



oy vey :^((((((((

Can I come to Israel and become a jew? I've taken the final red pill that jews are the master race.

Come to India. We are the actual master race + we are Aryans too

How does zyklon-b taste?



I am 1/4 jew. can I come over and find a wife?

fukkin traitor globalist shill injun pooinloo

B-but i am fascist

Fug off Buddhist cunt. Go burn yourself, ugly

How many foreskins have you eaten today, Rabbi?

When are you leaving from Palestine?

Hindu-Zionist alliance when?

Why hasn't my Jewish friend talked to me in like a year


Christian-Muslim alliance sooner

idk lmao

How much is a reasonable tip for 4 persons eating on a mediumrange restaurant?

Total cost of meal is about $200

You can't count niggers as Christians tho


If I want to talk to a smelly turd I'll just shit one out and start asking it questions.

this thread is fucking awful and you should feel bad.

>Are you a native or did you make aliyah?
>If so, from where, when?
>Are you ashkenazi or subhuman?
>Are you religious? How would you characterize yourself using American denominations (Reformed, Conservative, Modern Orthodox)
>Do you reccomend Americans make aliyah? Are there advantages to living in Israel?
>Do you see the QoL/Economy of Israel going in a positive direction in the coming years?
>Are all the start-ups in Tel Aviv going anywhere or is it a giant tech bubble?
>Have you been to the US? What do you think of American Jews?
t. american jew

very complicated and long process (at least 2 years, mostly studying) that involves drawing blood from your dick if you're not already circumcised
one syllable, rhymes with the name Mike
In America, $40, in Israel $20

Nice picture, saved!

Shutup teabag

>In USA $40
>In Israel $20

In Norway, $0

tfw you realize you got cryptojewish dna


did the holohaux rly happen desu

As much as you are happy to give otherwise you are being jewed. Waiters only get payed below min. Wage because of good goys like you.

Tipping is bluepilled

I loved my time in training with and instructing Yahalom and several other Units. Israel is beautiful, especially during a HAHO Jump.

When is Israel going to take a harder stance on Turkey and their bullshit? The EU has already condemned them.

I'm not OP but I'll still answer cause why not

>Are you a native or did you make aliyah?

>>Are you ashkenazi or subhuman?

Ashkenazi with a bit of slav

>>Are you religious? How would you characterize yourself using American denominations (Reformed, Conservative, Modern Orthodox)

I am religious, but not a full blown fanatic about it. I'll say I'm conservative.

>Do you reccomend Americans make aliyah? Are there advantages to living in Israel?

Only to Jews, and politically even our left is more right than the west's left. Nobody here likes Arabs but Arabs themselves.

>>Do you see the QoL/Economy of Israel going in a positive direction in the coming years?

Yes. Our economics are stronger than ever.

>Are all the start-ups in Tel Aviv going anywhere or is it a giant tech bubble?

Dunno, but they never left.

>Have you been to the US? What do you think of American Jews?

No, but planning to.
And I heard you are globalist scum.

Do you or other kikes you know considered yourselves white? Also are Ashkenazi or Sephardic?

Do you experience sexual satisfaction when a white person dies?

Why leave when you can expend?

Will you post a pic of your nose?

Depends. Whether Jews are white or not is too complicated to even care about it.

>Not adding Cyprus

I like how you trademarked Anonymous

It is just the first stage.

I like how that even when India is huge and it's economy skyrockets you will always be better than they could ever be when it comes to infrastructure, health and quality of living.

>>And I heard you are globalist scum.
only some of us

I'll take this one from the American perspective.

So I'd say most Jews in American consider themselves white and are mostly unaware of the "jews aren't white" argument.
At least in the US, when applying for jobs or college there is no box for "jewish americans" and we are expected the check "white." `

>Commandment #6

>wanting niggers

Hahahahha a fuckin kyke trying to pander to pol.

Nobody likes you, rat faggot. Every single nation on this planet condemns you, hates you and sees you as a rat faced slithering deceiving kyke faggot.

Your clay is pathetic sand, your genetics are LMFAO-tier, the way you slither your way to beg Jew.S.A. for money is also pathetic, basically, once the tit dries up, the visuals of dead kykes...oh what a glorious sight it will be.

>And still not adding Cyprus

Cheap workforce

>not going the distance

fuck off kike

When it becomes a religious state, we'll need a place for divorcees to get married

Don't worry about it

Isn't this an actual politcal map of today?

Because it worked so well for America?

Most consider themselves white compared to other races/ethnicities, but choose Jewish between Jew and white,

how did you achieve roundness? was it overeating or was your mother a circle?


We already banned race-mixing and same sex marriage that isn't civil (thus not recognized by the state), And Haredim outbreed literally everyone combined, so Ill guess soon?

Doesn't seem so soon if you look at Tel Aviv

thnx senpai, you get it!

I have a question for you; what is the main opponent of Zionism within the Jewish world? How many Jewish sects compete for world domination?

But the good thing is they don't do kids. They will be out-bred easily. And Gen Z will come and basically end all of the degeneracy.

>And Haredim outbreed literally everyone combined
How do we deal with the penguin problem

The biggest enemies are globalism and Islam.
Islam is obvious, while globalism is raising Islam's influence in the west.

And dunno about the second part

Force them to follow law and suppress riots with army

stfu we helped your ass during the Sri Lankan Civil War and removed those nigger tamils from your country you ungrateful buddhist.

Did you just make another thread with the same question? The way you post is very similar. You're a fucking disgrace cunt.

>Force them to follow law
You know that's not happening
They'll slit their own throats first

I have some questions myself.
>Do you believe in a god?
>What part of Israel you live in.
>Is there Indian Jews
>What is your view on the Illegial Jewish Settlements.

So you're saying that Zionism and Globalism aren't two sides of the same coin? Interesting.

Uh, actually your weak ass nation gave a platform for LTTE terrorists to shit all over our nation and still do.

I know.. but still worth trying.

>>Do you believe in a god?
>>What part of Israel you live in.
In a village west to Jerusalem

>>Is there Indian Jews

Maybe, never met one in my life.

>>What is your view on the Illegial Jewish Settlements.

I think that we should just conquer the west bank and Gaza strip and deport the Arabs, instead of paying millions of dollars to maintain the settlements and for their security

Post pov images from israel

Oh really? We had to save your crippling us because those tamils kept fucking suicide bombing your shit. Your military was fucking ass, so we had to save your weak ass. Hell we were going to destroy your pathetic country by training these nigger tamils to destroy your country, and make a movement out of it. Good thing we changed our mind or we would destroy your country. Here is a photo of a dead buddhist monks

Why is there no afterlife in Judaism?

One more quick question regarding God.
Since jews have a lot of different views of god and such. Like Spinoza, and Einstein they had Pantheistic views. What about you? Do you have a theistic view of god so god is like your personal god or a different view of it?

>Is there Indian Jews
>Maybe, never met one in my life.

Pretty easy to find in Ashdod or Dimona.

t.Slav who might be converting soon.

Jesus Christ, I forgot Israel has a shit ton of fucking Slavs.

>Traditional Judaism firmly believes that death is not the end of human existence. However, because Judaism is primarily focused on life here and now rather than on the afterlife, Judaism does not have much dogma about the afterlife, and leaves a great deal of room for personal opinion.

Unlike Islam, which is all about death and the afterlife, Judaism is all about life, so there isn't much said about the afterlife and we tend to focus on this life.

which explains the many islamic suicide bombers

Sitting on a park bench.

how many jews get gassed in ww2?

The next coming war, how many jews will be gassed in ww3?

I believe there is a g-d. But I also believe the previous sentence is completely useless because for me belief is values and traditions that our people maintained to keep our community from degeneracy and wrongdoing, and still is.

>that op pic
i dont really know whats more kikery, mdern russian government or possible nato occupaton t b h

can you answer my questions from

stop making shit up, delusional leaf

still waiting for an answer habibi

i know an indian cochin jew, they are descended from ancient jewish migrants but have been indianized. there is also a community of originally iraqi jews who settled there like 200 years ago.

and in israel there are some chinese looking jews who are from a sort of tibetan-type minority in northeast india. some old israeli dude told me they are very based but idk anything about them.

How many governments do (((you))) own?

Thought it was rhetorical.
Zionism canters on nationalism and patriotism, while globalism wants to destroy both.

Wew no touchy on my peepee

Read this fucking shit you fucking Buddhist cuck.

it's just a little prick desu :^)

I heard of Cochin Jews in South India, and I heard of some jews in North East India like Tribal Jews.

Fuck off rakshas I am coming for you, dirty heathen you need to master degeneracy to live in the kali yug so my question

Why do Jews worry about
>muh anti semitism

If they dindu nuffin wrong

I mean it's not like the more blatantly obvious ethic groups, who actually are identifiable as ethnic groups, worry excessively about (((racism))) is it.

>and before you talk bollocks about muh holocaust and Hitler. Hitler gassed the Gypsies too and they still live in squalor and are easy to identify as an ethnic group as most of them have fucking brown skin from their Indian origins..UNLIKE those Jews with white skin who claim to be Semites and are disproportionately stinking rich compared to ALL other ethnicities.

Russian, came at the age of 3, 25 now.
Min wage has been on the rise, government is still corrupt though.
I don't think it's a bubble. A lot of those startups actually produce valuable products.
I don't think American Jews can be compared to Israeli Jews, two completely different mindsets. Your average Jew in Israel is much more right leaning.

Different id

where from kikebro?


Bnei Menashe

So technically, northern Indians are a lost Jewish tribe?

its a nightmare
find your country offical rabbinate that is approved by Israel's rabbinate if your country has one and follow the 1 to 3 year long torah study course.

Stinky Dravidian Epsilons LARPing again

Like 1.5mil slavs