I hate Swedes

I hate Swedes.


You're the fucking worst. You act like your country is actually STILL better than all of ours and you still call us words like Paki and shitskin.

Your country is the literal fucking experiment. Your country tortures your own people legally.

Fuck you, subhuman cuck faggots.

Other urls found in this thread:


>t. Paki shitskin

Yeah our goverment really do

And your people, you're doing it again. Fuck off you blind piece of shit.

>taking the bantz seriously
anglo pls

Did paki just piss on your tea?

You've had Pakis since the war.

I like when euros fight because I know I'm better off than any of them.

the feeling is mutual, the british people are the dumbest and ugliest people on the continent

there are lots of faults with sweden but at least we dont go to prison for making facebook jokes, we dont live in toasters, our capitol is not 60% nonwhite, we dont have a police state that send 5 cops to your house if your late on the tv-license payment

It's legal to rape a Swedish little girl if you're muslim lmao

You're all nothing but weak beta faggots that your ancestors would be spitting on you for.

It's legal to rape a British little girl if you're muslim lmao

Imagine a Swedish guy asking for a fight hahahaha

Little faggot your country is the first experiment of Europe to see how quickly your country collapses. We're all waiting and watching. Hurry up!


haha paki shitskin

The funny thing is, I expected it. That one newspaper clipping, you want us to go find everything for Sweden? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Is this what you think? That we are all jealous of you? No fucking way Swedes actually think this and are this delusional.

Actually, you're obviously delusional look at this posts hahah.


Swedes are more than happy to post one autistic infographic (like the Germans), but imagine if we could be assed. We would be here all day posting images hahahaha

Stop ignoring your own problems and going "HURR SWEDEN". It's pathetic and unhealthy.

Imagine being Swedish


>t. butthurt paki shitskin from Londonistan

>British people are the dumbest on continent

>Using English to convey this message to us


This is because sweden is huge but we have small population so those who talk big dont actually live in problem areas.
Sweden does a lot of sweeping problems under carpet by isolation and denial.


That's rich.


>only 2% of its men aged 18-24 feel masculine

But anglo, at least out officers have guns.

the only reason english is lingua franca is because of the united states, the united cuckdom has no relevance anymore

No thats you Bongistan, the swedes just have far left white people than you thays why its worse for them.

20 May 2016 k den


Who even are you lmfao shut the fuck up subhuman

based bahamas, check'd

Yes, Sweden. Based Bahamas! Truly greatest ally!

I feel humiliated now that Bahamas posted in this thread

You sure have the best allies

Wait they actually went to jail? I just assumed Sweden gave them medals like at the end of Star Wars or something.

>tfw your perspectives are more myopic than someone from the bahamas

Confirmed. Now, here's an ally, Sweden.



Im American tiny islamic island.

Fuck off man.

>i am amerika

>number one! usa!

the united cuckdom created israel so it is automatically the most cucked country ever

Sweden may be pretty cucked but at least they did something about it. They didn't let them form giant rape factories while the police whistled and calmly ignored it.

>worshipping foreign royalty


>at least they did something about it.
What is Brexit? You absolute stupid fucking dumbass lmao, what the fuck are Swedes doing other than not sweeping their roads because they are MEN-DOMINANT ROADS or whatever the fuck bullshit lmao

Wait, what? You joined here just to give both Britain and Sweden shit? lol what a man of conviction

Such power to not be speaking german were it not for the USA.


>worshipping foreign men


It takes a nigger to understand nigger speak, not surprised KEK

I pretty much ignore all Swede flag posts.
Had to spend years listening to people crow about Sweden being some liberal utopian paradise and so much better than here, now it's biting them in the shithole and they're still acting high and mighty, they can fuck right off for all I care.

Well the swedes have been for a long time nothing more than a bunch of slack-jawed faggots so it certainly is not a surprise that they are overrun by trucks of peace etc.

ITT Swedes suck up to Caribbean niggers and American niggers because they're the only ones not calling them a failed-state

Bongistan actually thinks its multiculturalism is caused hy the EU and not the jews in their government. Brexit will change nothing Ahmed.

Did a Swede steal your girlfriend and cuck you? British "women" cannot resist scandinavian men, it makes them reminisce back to when vikings pillaged and raped them.

OP, you're probably a viking rapebaby, how does it feel?

Imagine only having to serve 90 days of that three year sentence, because the highest court in the land declared you could be released because you didn't understand the concept of consent and how it could be refused.


This thread lasted this long with me being the only Brit posting. What does that tell you HAHA

You have a whole nigger alliance

I'm not actually going to respond to your posts anymore lmao you're from the bahamas like anyone apart from the Swedes give a fuck what you have to say?

>UK is falling appart.
>Blames Sweden!

>? British "women" cannot resist scandinavian men

The absolute delusion among your people. Do you think like this in real life?

Your country is literally less than 50% white

Bahamas is vacation spot, this is nigger level stupidity Im talking to.

>I wanna be empire again

I'm blaming you for being in the boat with the rest of us, but 1000x worse and the fact that you still after all of this time claim your superiority over every other Euro country.

It's just non fucking sensical lol

You're obviously a nigger though lol

wtf I want to convert now

Oh and by the way, Swedes love posting our own tabloids on here (as if we can't read them), I suppose it must be envy coming from a country whose own media whites out niggers and refuses to even report on shitskin child rape. Burn in hell you useless faggots.

Oh yeah, we are almost as bad as the United Cuckdom. Almost.

But we ARE ubermensch!
Why is that so hard to accept?!
Just because you look like Rowan Atkinson we will not send you to concentration camp.

>As of 2016, Statistics Sweden reported that around 2,320,000 or 23.2% of the inhabitants of Sweden were from a foreign background:

>(7.7 percent) were born outside the EU


23% vs 7.7% nonwhite.

YES SWEDEN, keep calling yourselves more white than us. You're fucking delusional ignoring all reason and this is the whole point of the thread lol

The Vikings weren't Swedish, nice try though. Swedish girls sure love some big alpha anglo cock however, I can personally attest to this after my trip to Stockholm.

No but you are the nigger as you do nothing but make short sighted insults based on nothing then act like they are fact just as any nigger that goes HURRR REDNECK does.

I boy I hope I'm ready to respond to a photo of a Tabloid.


Good thing you did your part to save the joos and get rid of Hitler.
You brought Europe to her knees, and now she's sucking paki cock all day while you masturbate to cartoons.

You must be proud Nigel.



wow lol

>hey, if I change the topic then i'll have something to use against them!

You are retarded, thanks for showing the subhuman british IQ for everyone to see.

You're comparing foreign born to foreign background, two different statistics, now show us the foreign background statistics for the united cuckdom if you dare


There is no fucking way this post is not satire

Everybody, look at this guy

>make a deal with the jews in ww1 to give them israel
>go to war with hitler over jews
>literally create the state of israel

good fucking goyim cucks

Did you expect me to defend Sweden?
I wouldn't defend even my own country against the allegations you made, if you think yours is different you're a fool.

I'm telling you, if you hadn't chosen to throw away your empire for a whiff of jew gold, the kikes and commies would have been kicked out of Europe.

Your nation cucked all of Europe, and now we're ALL paying for it. Not to mention the burgers, but they're even more deluded, they're the true Argentinians of this board.

The shitskins have dragged our IQ down. So we have higher IQ than you.

I usually like you brits, but you're something else

Stop it you look completely fucking neurotic and desperate lmao

Give it a few minutes before each post you crazy faggot

Sweden has one of the highest tax rates in Europe whilst Britain has the lowest, so your point is moot. TV licencing is easily meme-able but at the end of the day who is getting more jewed?




being this kind of poster

Kek Swedish women love us though

Sweden is dying from the symptoms of the disease you inflicted on Europe when you chose to support Jews over Europe.

Pretty soon the EU kikes will have an army of their own, granted it will mostly be slavs. But you are losing your value as a strategic ally. Not even the burgers will save you when Schulz jews you like you've never been jewed before.

Look forward to that, you asked for it. You paid for it. Now eat it.

>Sweden is dying from the symptoms of the disease you inflicted on Europe


just look at how fucking ugly that mutt is

Norway, Denmark, and Sweden are still the some of the best countries to live in by most metrics. People act like sweden is on fire, but in reality, our problems are not much more than any other european country. People just love pointing at sweden because of the socialism boogieman.

kek you cant be this delusional

>Wont join the fight against jews
> Bitches about other side winning in 2k17
> Sucks somali cock
Could your Country fall already so that we Finns can fix it for you


this kind of shit only happens in the united cuckdom, literally no freedom of speech at all

10/10 in britain

4/10 everywhere else, and thats being generous