Fuck Bill Nye. I'm not calling myself an atheist anymore

Millions of "I fucking love science" facebook hipsters, lazy fat new atheist youtubers, and pseudo-intellectual leftists are praising Bill Nye as the face of science itself.

I'm done. I'd rather be a theist.

I don't care about evidence or no evidence, I just want to have some goddamn standards and quality of life. Even if theism turns out to be false, the belief itself is a heuristic for a better life.

I've never met anyone who seriously believes they are made in the image of god himself and is NOT a strong and confident person as a result. I'm now a proud, staunch theist.

I now see why if there is a god, he saw fit to create a hell. I used to think it was cruel and unjust, but I now realize it is a necessity for people like Nye who are turning our culture into a putrid festering cesspool of filth.

I'm going to the gym now, I'm going to train like an animal and then I'm going to sit down and accept Christ into my heart as my savior. Done with this shit.

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The concept of hell as a place of eternal torment is cruel and unjust, which is why our loving God created no such thing.


sick argument bro

I know what you feel, atheists have become the new moralfags these days.

Literally on the same path, man. Once a chubby atheist. Now I got sick of all the liberal bullshit in the world that I rather be a Catholic. Started hitting the gym too.

SCIENCE!™ is going to curse us all fucking year

Atheists are garbage. Pagans have it right.

God bless you, user

(1:6.2) God is to science a cause, to philosophy an idea, to religion a person, even the loving heavenly Father. God is to the scientist a primal force, to the philosopher a hypothesis of unity, to the religionist a living spiritual experience. Man's inadequate concept of the personality of the Universal Father can be improved only by man's spiritual progress in the universe and will become truly adequate only when the pilgrims of time and space finally attain the divine embrace of the living God on Paradise.

same mate

im culturally christian now

i still dont believe but im not siding with the ccks

I disagree. I would love nothing more than for all those who've ever wronged me to suffer the same in an eternal feedback loop.

It's not unjust if they've earned it. And it's not cruel by their standards if they've done it.

Bill Nye is a Jewish Puppet. The singer that sang sex junk, Was Rachael Bloom who was born to TWO Jewish Parents. She got married in a Jewish Ceremony, and her cousin is a Rabbi. One of the develpors of his show is called Gil Goldstein. This shows that Bill is a jewish lapdog, and wants to brainwash our children, and the generations after them.

Bill kike is a stupid faggot cunt.

Good job. You're taking the ultimate red pill

God of this world favors the Strong!


Good on you OP.

It's also kind of funny how the people shouting about bill nye most likely never even watched his program growing up. It ended in fucking 98.

I was at this point years ago when the SJW takeover attempt of atheism happened.

It's too fucking tiresome watching people you appreciated abandon all that reason and skepticism they were promoting to spew lefty dogma instead. Half the speaker list on TAM is infected with this shit. And the ones that don't turn to their side, like Sam Harris, they help paint as an unreasonable warmongering neocon. Even though he's a lefty on most topics, he's just not pure enough.

Modern "I love science" atheists spend more time defending Islam by regurgitating talking points straight from Imams. Can't take a single one of these fucks seriously. Where was all this "balance" and "sensitivity" when it was Christians we were taking down?

101:6.7.Revelation teaches mortal man that, to start such a magnificent and intriguing adventure through space by means of the progression of time, he should begin by the organization of knowledge into idea-decisions; next, mandate wisdom to labor unremittingly at its noble task of transforming self-possessed ideas into increasingly practical but nonetheless supernal ideals, even those concepts which are so reasonable as ideas and so logical as ideals that the Adjuster dares so to combine and spiritize them as to render them available for such association in the finite mind as will constitute them the actual human complement thus made ready for the action of the Truth Spirit of the Sons, the time-space manifestations of Paradise truth—universal truth. The co-ordination of idea-decisions, logical ideals, and divine truth constitutes the possession of a righteous character, the prerequisite for mortal admission to the ever-expanding and increasingly spiritual realities of the morontia worlds.


This girl is doing it better than almost any youtuber out there. She diserves more, she is definetly /ourgirl/.

Embrace the tradition, OP.

Catholicism is pretty much a schmodgasborg of European paganism.

who would win in a fight, thousands of years of pagan culture, or a cult out of the middle east?

Good on you for realizing that the cult of atheism was everything (((media))) told you religion was.

paganism is just fuckyoudad: the "religion"

Fuck off. You were never an atheist to begin with if this "converted" you to theism. Say that you are a culturally Christian agnostic if you don't want to be seen as a retard or a degenerate liberal.

I am an atheist who hates Atheists, I have not called myself an atheist in probably a decade. I even attend the local church
Because atheists are complete dicks nearly every single one of them is an insufferable faggot who does nothing but talk about how much smarter they are than Christians.

Can you explain this point more?

Reminder that Revelation is a trash book and should be ignored. Made by some literally who named John.

Yeah, I'm about done with this shit. I'm an atheist but will endorse religion publicly from now on.

remember the old bill

im an unironic young earth creationist biblical literalist fundamentalist christian

nice to meet you

Yeah i've been talking with Christians about using Hitler to make Christianity stronger. Could you imagine all our people trying to become as great as he was? Nothing could stop us! Hitler was influence by both.

Good on you m8, I've gone through a similar change. After rejecting my religion as an edgy youth, I realized most of the religious people I knew were genuinely good people, while most secular I met were usually scumbags in their won way, and that was enough for me to return to my church.

Read this shit too, it's sort of a fanfic, but it has excellent Western/Christian philosophy and morals as it's backbone. It will make you a better person.

Join the Church of Evangelion my friend

Praise Ramiel


t. 95 IQ

>I'm not calling myself an atheist anymore.
A completely normal reaction.

Now you are judging them by their fruits, if you noticed that.

Good on you. I'm an agnostic christian myself. I understand that I cannot know either way, but also understand that the christian way of life, even if there is no God, is the best way of life for humans. Common Filth is a good podcast to listen to if you're right leaning and want to understand Christianity as a philosophy. Also try reading some Greek stoic philosophy like Cicero in order to understand what is natural and how it results in a better way of life, Christianity basically is an update of Greek stoic philosophy.

Wow what the fuck OP. Why don't you just convert to Islam and sacrifice yourself already.

Seriously giving up your core beliefs because a bunch of retards believe in the same thing you do doesn't mean that you're wrong, it just means that there are stupid people. There's stupid people everywhere in every side of the spectrum, get used to it.

>"wtf i love god now": the thread

>be me, old fag chem major
>no one doing actual science ever discussed religion
You see, I spend all my time studying. I care about shit that happens within ~20 Angstroms of space, keep science and religion fucking seperate

This is a natural step in the right direction OP. More and more people are treating intelligence as important and desirable.

The people pretending to be clever would be pretending to be whatever used to be cool.

This development bodes well for humanity.

>Pagans have it right
There are none anymore. You're following comic book paganism. Good luck.

look up what syncretism
the ancient christian church implemented pagan traditions into its structure

God is real. Don't let the kikes push you away from him. There is a reason why they are all Luciferians in secret.

Jesus was a jew killed by his own people because he went against their agenda.

>"Christ is the genius of love and as such the most diametric antipole to Jewry, which is the incarnation of hate. … Christ was the first anti-Jewish opponent of stature. … The Jew is the lie that became flesh. He nailed Christ to the cross, and thus for the first time in history nailed the eternal truth to the cross." - Joseph Goebbels

Don't let (((them))) keep fooling you.

>I don't care about evidence or no evidence

Then kill yourself and quit pretending like what you say means anything

I've always considered myself a cultural Christian, even when my faith was shaken.

But now, having realized absolute truth is ultimately unknowable in the absence of absolute omniscience, I'm perfectly fine with choosing whatever lies serve my possibly imaginary maker best.

im proud of my 120 iq internet test score actually

i also believe in the flat earth unironically

everyone is in the dark, never gone down the rabbit hole deep enough to learn all the red pills, too busy with life

To further add,

Allah (the deity that Islam follows) is actually just another one of the many names of Moloch, which you can read about in the old testament.

They will try to push Islam onto the world a lie, while forcing them out of Christianity, the truth.

I understand now. This is probably why catholicism spread so quickly throughout Europe, because Catholics were willing to take the good bits of their culture and not burn it all.

>I've always considered myself a cultural Christian, even when my faith was shaken.
We are living in the Iron Age, or if you're more interested in other philosophy, the Kaliyuga. Aka, the End Times.

Expect your faith to be shaken a lot more. Just as it was pre-ordained. Just as the prophecies say.

Atheism is becoming the new world religion

Pagans are a huge joke

>Allah (the deity that Islam follows) is actually just another one of the many names of Moloch, which you can read about in the old testament.
Google Tervagant.

You will realize that "Allah" is a very mdoern concept. Probably just Taqiya.

God bless you. Fucking kikes trying to kill us all will go to hell

You did well user.

Who even is this faggot? He keeps getting spammed here lately and looks like hes got one foot in the grave, but I never heard of him before.

Pretty much this. Catholics implemented many pagan holidays and beliefs in order to make converting the population easier, as the new faith had similarities to the old.

Example: Christmas (to a degree) existed when Europe was pagan.

we are all atheists
jesus said if you have faith you can tell a mountain to move and it will move thus none of us have faith in jesus
Walk in Christs statutes and do his work and faith will slowly follow
the idea that faith is the sole standard for a christian is a protestant myth

It's the fucking Humanists man. They are ruining non-believers. I was always in the Penn and Teller side of it... Libertarian mixed with Atheism. I hate the SJW takeover.

It's about following the laws of Nature. Hitler would be considered a God to us. He's immortalize and one of the greatest men to ever live.

Is that a bad thing though? In the christmas example, we aren't celebrating a pagan holiday. We kind of stole the idea, but we're still celebrating the birth of Jesus.

>atheism is too mainstream

lol the irony is that you're a hipster faggot yourself.

the only good things Catholicism created was christmas and the mc donalds fish sandwich

>keep science and religion fucking seperate
science is a product of christianity
the scientific method could only have come forth from a christian culture

Remember, you must find Jesus to stay safe from the many demons that can possess you and lead you down the wrong path through bad choices.

It's because of these fucks are the reason why I became an orthodox Christian. America along with the rest of the world needs a fucking crusade and a wake up call. I believe in god and as a result I started working out. Was 300 pounds before and I am not at 270. I going to keep going further until I am around 230 pounds and improve my bulk.


>I don't care about evidence or no evidence

Sounds like you are ready.

Welcome to the club. I stopped being an atheist a while ago after I understood that christianity is the main reason for countries to have formed, and most of them are still here after hundreds of years.

Can't say I believe in God, but I'm now a strong supporter of catholics/christianity.

Not a bad thing. Very clever and effective actually for the church. I was just pointing out earlier that if you think paganism>atheism, you may as well look into Catholicism, as they have thrown together many beliefs and holidays, making the religion a sort of melting pot of European (and middle eastern) faiths

Thanks for posting your pic and letting us know about your condition, does your handler know you're on Sup Forums?

>god is a lie
so is your fucking claims top kek, "sience guy" my ass

Not completely.

I bet on a mixture of atheism and buddhism for the future. Next Dalai Lama will be a woman to attract liberals.

sorry its faith alone in jeebus

we dont have enough faith TO DO THINGS through the power of god

but having faith by believing in god is a different thing than moving mountains faith

totally diff.

John 6:28-29
Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?

Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.
oh shiiiiiiiiii get cucked

>treating your intellect, opinions like fashion

kill yourself you kneejerk faggot

Speak for yourself, we celebrate Yule

tfw christcucks have been celebrating a pagan holiday all this time

FINALLY someone who gets it

I see. I wasn't sure if you were saying the idea was bad, so I wanted clarification.
I'm a practicing Catholic, and while I had heard about Catholicism 'absorbing' local culture and integrating it, I never had a term for it. Thanks for that.

>Even if theism turns out to be false, the belief itself is a heuristic for a better life.

Last I checked, the bible belt is about on par with 3rd world (developing countries at best) as far as quality of life.

Head on down there, no one will miss you. And make sure to stay in your containment zone. Just be sure to thank our yankee tax dollars for keeping you afloat.

ever hear of vodou masses?

Belief in God can often lead to spiritual healing.

A lot of edgy atheists may notice that their life started going to shit the moment they pushed God out of it. They made room for the demons.

The jew like to take advantage of these people by telling them they are (((sick))) and giving them ((((((medication))))).

Anybody who thinks he's cool after deserves to be jewfucked all to hell. Rachael Bloom performance is like somebody driving a icepick into yer brain and making you retarded in the form of a song n dance.

>Example: Christmas (to a degree) existed when Europe was pagan.
That's a protestant invention from 1750.

I am culturally christian but do not believe in God. These last few years have taken me from being a militant antitheist to a self loathing atheist. The world truly needs Christianity. I consider this the hardest redpill I ever swallowed.

or just become a apatheist and declare i dont give a fuck about any belief system

Deus Vult

No. Can you explain it or give me a link to read up on?

“Because you have so little faith. He answered. “For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

my faith is smaller than that of a mustard seed
im a terrible protestant


>I'm a practicing Catholic, and while I had heard about Catholicism 'absorbing' local culture and integrating it, I never had a term for it. Thanks for that.
You can forget it again, it's all bullshit made up by Protestants who have a hardon for pagan practices.

Shill Nye the Science goy should commit suicide

or you could just have standards without being told by god like you have being culturally christian dont convert just because its cool

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't here strong similarities between Christmas and Yule?

>terrible protestant
you didnt have to say the same thing twice :^)

boy the blackmail material (((they))) have on Bill Nye must be pretty sordid stuff
