CIA & Government Pedophila: Franklin Scandal General

>Former Larry King supporter here, it's was fun watching him abuse children and exploit them for sex, but we can't let him harass gran juries.. I mean get the nuclear codes!

Requesting more information on the Franklin Scandal
Very short summary: kids were allegedly taken from Boys Town in Nebraska and transported to Washington D.C. for parties involving sex and drugs with prominent politicians. The case was said to reach "the highest levels of the Republican party". A documentary about the scandal, Conspiracy of Silence, was listed in the TV guide to air on the Discovery Channel in May of 1993 but was mysteriously pulled without notice at the last minute.

While the courts ruled that the entire case was a "carefully crafted hoax," there's plenty evidence to suggest otherwise. Two of the plaintiffs (Alisha Owen and Paul Bonacci) served time in prison because they refused to recant their testimonies while two other plaintiffs (Troy Boner and Danny King) recanted, supposedly under FBI pressure. Another victim, Eulice Washington, refused to recant but served no time. Paul Bonacci was later awarded $1 million dollars in civil court by a judge who believed his allegations of abuse.

The victims were able to describe rooms of the White House in great detail and matched alleged travel dates with airline receipts. There were several mysterious deaths of key players, such as the explosion of a plane carrying Gary Caradori, private investigator for the plaintiffs. All of his records were promptly impounded by the FBI.

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There was a great thread last night but I don't have the link

you need memes my dude

I know! I requested a meme ball in the meme ball thread.. just need to get the verbiage right... any tips?


Thank you

my 2 cents, fellow autist

Hmmm, well I'm no meme master myself but I'll offer some tips? Definitely start with a HQ image source and scale down to your end result. Keep images mostly clean not covered in text. Short and sweet. The image should be really impactful on its own and your text should be making it a super crazypowerful image macro.

Photoshop has lots of fun tools you can play with to make more complex things. Have you tried cutting people out of images with the pen tool and adding them into other images? This can make for some pretty dank memeage, I find. I also like that meme where you use the negative filter on a thing and make the text all spooky and red.

I like memes but I'm a pretty simple man my dude. Sorry I can't be more help than another bump.

John Podesta is an (((alleged))) child rapist.


Been going on a long time.

Way too horrible for normies to deal with.

It hides in plain sight by being too horrible to believe.

This shit is the real fucking Matrix. make matters worse every agency you see fighting this shit is really managing it.

Limited prosecutions to cover the worst crimes.

Exactly. They are the heads of agencies involved in child abuse, trafficking, schools, police departments, adoption centers, disaster relief agencies, finance, government, media outlets..
Question is how can a whistleblower come out when anyone they divulge info to will silence them?

Thanks for sharing this... shows who we are dealing with.
What's the best way for a whistleblower to come out with evidence? Everything is compromised including Wikileaks

Appreciate the hearty bump friendo

I fear that the 1-1,000,000,000,000 chance this gets national attention, it will completely collapse governments around to world and (((they))) will no doubt launch nukes for mutually assured destruction. They will hide in the bunkers, flood the earth, whathaveyou, and begin again.. wonder how many times they have wiped us out?


Conspiracy of Silence.

John Decamp's book The Franklin Coverup.

Four interviews dealing with the pedophocracy and mkultra shit. Check out the interview of Nick Bryant. Peter Levenda is the host.

Thank you for sharing this... so much information. Wish there was a way to meme just the tip of the iceberg to help get others involved but like Shared it's too horrible..

And how would a whistleblower come out without getting silenced and buried?

Actually; its worse, The Matrix; you had chars, and one of those, was "the one" the one prophesized to bring peace and unity - there was a chance of hope.

What we're having to live with in the real world; there is no hope. None. I can completely understand why people are murdered over it; its spanned decades, included 10s of 1000s of people, across the whole political, wealthy, prominent, influential spectrum; it truly begs belief

Watching that Ashton Kutcher shit after learning of all of this and Pizzagate of late, and after Haut De Le Garenne - i truly realize, there is no hope for the future.

People are so consumed with bullshit; and blinded by so much too, that this will always go on, and the ordinary folk, like "we", will always be powerless to do shit about it

The truth? There is no way.

The Luciferians (Revelations 2:9 jews, who are not Jews, but are of the Synagogue of Satan) are a part of almost everything; watching that Ted Gunderson vidya - he states; someone had the photos and went to blab and got wiped out, and it isnt the first time people connected with Government, Science, Bio-weapons etc has died; with an obvious "fake" suicide about it, Seth Rich, David Kelly, Michael Hasting etc

Once you "sell your soul" and go that way - its literally; blood in, and blood out. But if you're on the other side, and you're drawing too much attention their way, you'll go the same way.

They have "agents" or "members" in everything, FBI, CIA, Police forces, media etc there literally isnt many places safe; Wikileaks seemed like the place to goto with stuff like that, but what with Vault7, i just, dont know anymore.

These people have orchestrated wars, financed terror, murders, assassinations, political/social/religious sciences/ideologies poisoning peoples minds etc and to have a normie comprehend any of it let alone all of it?!

We're fucked. Humanity, is fucked.

>tfw the flood in the bible was man made and god is just pedophile elite with just better technology and knowledge


Daily Dose:

Since we are fucked... maybe we can do something... either way we die, one way sooner than the other... just need to get something on video...that seems to reach the masses... but it would never play, would it . . . All this infighting in this world, wars, politics... just a guise so they can continue

Thank you for sharing

Got you covered pham

Yeah the internet still needs to be utilized by whistleblowers, but also nobody should kid themselves that they are in any way safe online, even with the best protective tools. We need to network and create a true anonymous info flow using every conceivable medium for whistleblowers to disseminate knoweldge. The shit has to be organized and explained easily, and it needs to be visible. Even if one cell is taken out, another would still hold true.


/Human Trafficking General/?

Good points

Would it be possible to crowdfund this film to show it in the USA? Maybe stage a large gathering and show it? I dunno

>this hoax again

>Ashton Kutcher

you have a point there. . .

Human Trafficking is Fake News.

>the courts ruled that the entire case was a "carefully crafted hoax,"

Where are your dank memes?

This is getting tiresome.

Yes a movie on the franklin scandal would be great to see and that is an awesome idea. You would probably see the crowdfunding sites not allow you to gain any money.

I'm sure you can throw darts and see what sticks.

In production
Too much text

Eggs! Hah


Very laconic

I don't know what you're talking about.

Sadly . . . I wouldn't want to put my name on the funding page or be connected to it in any way


>mfw first to be thrown under the bus


Thread Theme:

So was Silsby fake news?

I had to laugh; what else would you eat when you're trying to pork a low-class who're?!

Haut De Le Garenne happened in the 70s, The Finders/Franklin Scandal, 80/90s, and now Pizzagate in the 00s?!

Child abuse, Child abuse never changes.

We just hear more and more about it each time

>"Childrens rape facility high profile people connected" 70s

>"children being abused and sacrificed high profile people connected" 80s/90s

>"children being abused, sacrificed, many high profile people indulging in satanic
>practices and rituals; but to assume they too are abusing children is "conspiratorial lunacy"

You got me. I now believe in human trafficking.

Thanks for this... anything in the aughts or does pizza cover 00-17'




Anyone else sleepy? I'm going to sleep




Do you get paid by the (You) like MM/SB/CTR?


Just a newfag seeking truth also NEET who should probably get back to sending out resumes

>Troy Boner

Thank you


I wouldnt expect you too, nor do i care personally; even if you accepted it happened - what would it matter? Would it stop it? Would it help?

I havent looked to be honest; i dont doubt there would be more stuff around, especially regarding HRC connected charities, or Obama connected charities, Western Charities in warzones, or natural disasters; Haiti was the perfect example with Silsby and i dont doubt the Charity still does work there, even if, under a different name.

Jesus Christ - reminds me of "40 nights of Sodom" - another, wtf thing of "elite" abusing people in a French Chateau

..I cant wait for the Nuclear fallout to cleanse this world.


We can't let them win

Thank you

Interesting thread

I wonder if the Nazis knew about something similar in the Wiemer republic, but it's all been covered up.

Thanks I will have to look into that

It seems like everytime its bought to the publics attention; its quickly buried - or theres actually not "much outrage"

Consider, that people felt more sympathy; for those staged pics of the Syrian Children "after airstrikes", more felt sorrow for that dead kid on the beech, more outrage when Family Guy killed Brian - yet adults later claiming they were sexual abuse victims of VIPs or stories regarding it - no ones got time for it.

Then, theres getting an agency to act accordingly - but if the FBI were refusing to investigate because the Franklin Cover up not to mention "rogue agents" could "suppress" informants; how would anyone ever even get arrested?

You see, Hitler did it the right way - gained public affection, power, money, respect; then he rounded up those filthy commie fucks

More people gave a shit about this little cunt; than the 800,000+ missing children per year in America.

Digest that a moment.

Guys its just too much redpill for me right now.. I feel sick. I want to take the bluepill but is it even possible anymore? I mean this shit is going on worldwide and has been for years and its making me sick

Obligatory finders documents

Any y'all niggas read "programmed to kill" 10/10 must read. Find a pdf for it. Its worth the read and absolutely related to weird pizza related maps and sheeeeit

You are absolutely correct maybe we can write opinion editorials and get them submitted to newspapers and media websites start at the community level and gain traction or just write to your newspaper and say what's with the cover-up of 800,000 children Missing every year

What Ashton kutcher shit?

I'm not convinced that missing 411 is necessarily connected. Read 2 of the books, interesting stuff.

800,000? That seems impossible. Do you hear of reports every day down there?

I guess it's 800,000 reported. 203,000 by family members, does this mean ex-wives calling in on the fathers to fuck them over?

Progress? Its encouraging that the arrest was made by the army or will that keep him safe?

rgr that senpai; and just that infograph there reinforces my belief; there is literally no agency you could trust or any hope.

and i made a boo-boo in i said 800,000; but meant 80k (outstanding) but there are as many as 800,000 total reports; they could be anything from got lost of the way home, or ran away to later come back; but 80k missing each year, is still more to be concerned by, than some foreign lands problems.

This > Hes playing it smart; he knows where the most abuse lies, but he knows he has to tread lightly; but the fact hes talking about the trafficking like its become a wholesale operation - thats beyond fucked
