Berkeley Professor's Nebulous Ramblings about Whiteness

It costs $38 to access the article unfortunately, so I decided to read through it with my friend, and it is absolutely hilarious. Can you believe universities/colleges are spending up to $1500 a year on this trash?
Here is the video of me going through this:

I'll attach some images below, do you know any other professors who are this full of woo?

Other urls found in this thread:

Here is an extract

This is such a mindfuck, such flowery language, how can this cost universities/colleges so much? How can it be peer-reviewed?

crazy. need to cut the (((goverment funding))) of these snowflakes.

Is this a journal article? What the fuck lol.

Don't pay for this tripe, user. Search for it on sci-hub dot io or dot ac instead

>whites are diverse, creative, beautiful, and full of potential like nebula
>blacks are static, destructive, all consuming, and the result of the collapse of something much greater like black holes

We wuz stars n shit.

What is this garbage?


I didn't pay for it, my university did, they spent $1500 a year on it. And as a student I have access.

Its from the peer-reviewed journal whiteness and education.
Its called "The Tropics of Whiteness"

This guy must be on a bad high

Reads like someone who is insecure about their intelligence. They need to shoehorn in every long word they know so they sound smart.

archive it, or screen cap

Confirm "sci-hub dot io" is best website, only second to Sup Forums.

Exactly my thoughts, it was hilarious introducing this to my friend whilst drunk. Made for a good stream.

Good lord how horrible it must be to be a nigger. Too stupid to think as critically as whites, but smart enough to know you are inferior to them.

So this is a black professor?

Not really. no. He is a bald midget, asian ethnicity as far as I know.

Why doe leftists love science even though it destroys everything they believe in?

I used to think that philosophy's biggest problem is exactly this kind of exaggerated language. But then I discovered sociology..

if they'd stop killing each other maybe they'd get somewhere.... niggers gonna nig though.

Sci-hub link
