Do you think this is ubermench behavior or he just won cuck of the year reward?
Do you think this is ubermench behavior or he just won cuck of the year reward?
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The pillows were RIGHT THERE!!!!!
As long as he divorces her and uses this as evidence to totally fuck her in court then it's okay
If he forgives her and metaphorically licks the cum out of her snatch then he deserves his lot in life
>getting cucked
I think his facebook was crawling with sympathetic pussy afterwards, so he probably did the right thing
lol, they didn't do anything.
they're just drinking buddies!
She were Blacked.
>she already did this to him before
>that's her step brother
I reckon they're both trash
>Ywn have a stepsister for weekend sleepovers
Why does everyone else get cool shit in life :(
Basically he did the right thing as anything else would have him ending up in court or bitch would crocodile tear him
Now everyone on media sees the girl and the guy will get attention from girls
>Now everyone on media sees
The only thing everyone sees is a reason to further the cuck agenda.
>sympathetic pussy
>the guy will get attention from girls
Yeah because women are so turned on by fucking cucks lmao
True wisdom right here.
Do American girls actually wear shirts/bras while having sex? I thought it was just a puritan/hollywood meme so they didn't have to show boobs in movies.
Found a way to get revenge and fuck her over without going to jail, clever lad.
Idk about bras, but I have had girlfriends wear cutoff tops to sex.
I didnt care because I still had access either way.
Maybe they didn't had sex
I know right? Maybe just benis in the mouth only.
>gf cheats you with a nigger
There is absolutely no way in hell I wouldn't have stabbed them both to death. I don't even know if it's possible to commit a betrayal more grotesque and disgusting than this.
he's chill af dude and respect to him for not flipping out, shows how much discipline he has.
ofc it's not even worth mentioning that his and his gf's relationship is over, but still it's smart af to be that chill.
It depends on what country or State he lives in. In Texas he could have killed them both and gotten off. In Germany and sweden I'm pretty sure they are excited and required to share their white lady with any shitskin that asks
>how to not lose half your shit in a divorce 101
i mean it doesn't have the charles bronson quality of just murdering both of them but of all your choices this was an ok one
Whats the name of the bitch?
He publically shamed her, has nice evidence for the divorce, and has gained some social media fame for himself. Hes a hero in my book.
Depends on his penis size
5-6 cuck
6.5-7 cuck only if he was cling and showed too much emotion
7.5-8~ not his fault girl is just a slut that needs bbc daily
You'd be surprised actually.
What the guy did was a bit of a power play, because he managed to show himself in a situation where he could have taken loads of different actions but he chose the one that both shamed his ex for her actions but also showed a ton of restraint as well for not kicking them out on the spot.
She's made to look like the cheating cunt she is while he actually saves face by taking control of the situation.
Time for sauce.
Glad I'm not the only one who made OC when I saw that comic.