Be me 6/10

>Be me 6/10
>Find 8.5/10 qt
>Have sex with her
>She tells me shes been with over 10 guys

What the fuck do i do Sup Forums she's really fucking hot

keep fucking her?

>shes hot
>the only good thing you have to say about her
Do you really want to stay with some used-goods degenerate?

Rub one out, then think about her. You have your answer.

So long as they were all white who cares. Don't give up on our women.

Keep fucking her like a man.

>She tells me shes been with over 10 guys

You really insecure fatty cuz you got tiny penis.

Are you retarded? Should have made it clear from the start that you didn't want to know anything about her sexual history.

Stop being a bitch. Get married and father some children.

Which is normal for people who have lives.

Keep fucking her, it'll help with your autism. Also not every relationship is meant to end in marriage, don't go full NEET mode and automatically expect that.


You're that high, but can still write semi-coherent sentences. That's pretty impressive.

You may be surprised, but we're on the same wavelength and I can perfectly understand and see what happened

She's a good girl, give her a chance. You might be surprised of how well it gets

But dump her immediately if she behaves in a slutty way or cheats on you. REALLY.

It depends. Are you okay with your waifu being used as a cum towel by 10 other dudes? She will probably scream their names out during sex once or twice. Just saying.

Get an STD test.

Keep fucking her but don't ever consider her for something serious

t. cucks

it's not normal to be O.K. with the idea of your GF being fucked by 10 other dudes

if you lived in medieval europe, would you tolerate it? why tolerate it now? because you live in degenerate times? you disgust me

keep fucking her aslong as the sex is worth the other shit you have to put up with.

use her to find another gf if you so choose (girls love guys who arent single).


don't worry op, she will leave you for Jamal soon enough.

>not finding that out beforehand and telling her to take a hike

OP never said the girl was his gf you illiterate moron. Nothing wrong with fucking sluts.

Does she have a nice personality and is she a good person in general? If you just want to fuck her, go for it but she isn't wife material.

keep fucking till a better girl comes along. Hypergamy is not only for women.

>t. cucks
audibly lol'd. He found a good looking girl to fuck, and if he's a 6/10 for real I am guessing she is in love. If she's loyal to him, stay with her. All I'm saying. Besides that's the normality, sadly, today

Depends, how old is she? Having fucked 10 guys at 18 is a lot different than having fucked 10 guys at 30.

>shes been with over 10 guys
thats really not so bad also you shouldnt have asked if 10 is already high for you..


Ive been married for 6 years and me and my wife never talk about our past. It was a little loose in her hole but she tore her pussy giving birth to our first kid. The doctor sewed it up and it was as good as a virgin pussy


t. khv

You are low status male, the biggest lie pol tells people is that every male gets to choose.You already won in free market competition, be a strong mang, devalue her status by being strong and let her carry your children, be evolutionary winner and improve your gene pool.

I hope you get a wife who dated only niggers in the past and discloses that with you right after marriage.

>thinking medieval Europe was not degenerate

This is the advice stupid people give. Don't base your own actions on what others deem popular unless you want to regret things.

I hate christians.

Let's hold ourselves to medieval standards of society, but screech when muslims do the same thing.

Dump immediately
Think about your future kids not your dick
Sluts are not mother material

Sleep with her a few more times and avoid any commitment and expenses for as long as possible.

This is the best post ITT,the rest are massive faggots.

You simply have to settle these days.
If a woman is attractive enough, it outweighs the fact that she's a whore. Unless of course she's cheating on you, or suggesting some bullshit like "open relationship" then you need to dump her ass right then.

That's not a matter of popularity. Stop being paranoid, if they're happy like this and she behaves like a good girl there's nothing wrong in what happened 6 or 7 years ago

Sadly, 10 guys is damned near virgin territory these days.
It's still fucking disgusting.
But 10 is low....

Cry me a fucking river

Fuck that, woman "fall in love" every 6 months.
If you aren't her first love you won't be her last.

You belong in a death camp



That's a good point I am willing to argue. I sort of agree with you tbpf

Always assume double the amount she tells you, user.

I go with x3 for women, /3 for men.

Women were whores then and they're whores now.

>Rub one out, think about her [getting run in by her big black bull] You have your answer.
Never fucking change, leaf.

>>shit advice.
>bases marriage on a woman's looks and fuck all else

Your wanker attitude is exactly why women have degenerated and believe they don't need to bring fuck all to the table other than pussy. Get it yet you dumb cunt.

>cuck is unable to fuck sluts
Y-you too.

Fuck that shit. If the bitch isn't a virgin she needs to be ostracized, shamed, and told to her face that she's a filthy slut. We need to start fighting back.

You're the one who added big black bull. You fucking leaf cuck.

>Yes, go ahead and settle for some whore who had demonstrated her tendency to be unloyal
>She certainly won't divorce you in a few years when she gets bored, taking half of your hard earned possessions with her

I get that most people on Sup Forums should be happy for whatever they get, but damn, don't you sound like a cuck.

>Having pre-marital sex
>Being sexual promiscuous
Degenerate. Oh, and sage this crappy slide thread because this isn't politics. Reddit would suit you better.

whoa hold up.. you mean.. my wife of 20yrs has been in love 40 times since we first met?

Rape her

At least

enjoy it, but don't marry

t. Fat virgin

lol dude over 10 guys? that's like all the bitches in florida. You don't even want to know my number dude.

well of course she had sex before, she is attractive. youd have just as many partners if you were 9/10. just dont commit and develop feelings for her. dont spend much on her, a dinner every now and then is cool. but jewelry and trips to other countries is off limits

Fucking sluts is degenerate, civilization-wrecking nigger behavior. Just wait till you have a daughter and some asshole comes along to "fuck that slut XDD".

Then you'll realize why you do, in fact, belong in a death camp.

>Have only had 2 relationships
>One was 19 and the other 23 respectively
>Both were virgins
>Still managed to fuck it up

Wow, very good quality for a leaf.