What exactly is wrong with eugenics?

What exactly is wrong with eugenics?

Eugenics was widely accepted at one time.

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It's racyis because all preferable genes happen to be Nordic and Germanic.

Because using an algorithm to determine your genetic future is an insult to the living system that is DNA.

>Eugenics was widely accepted at one time
So were lobotomies

Thank you for your honesty han-bro

eugenics enthusiasts want to create a society of high IQ autists like themselves which would be a living hell

Do you think that (((they))) are willing to allow an abundance of smart, handsome and fit people?
They need dumb, ugly, lardasses to rule over and to constantly fill their massive wallets with.

It would have been the end of Sup Forums.

Even if the majority of Sup Forums claims to be white only half of them would be allowed to live and procreate so not everyone will go along with it or just kill themselves for the common good of mankind.

For you maybe but not for them.

>only half of them would be allowed to live and procreate

It destroy your gene pool, look at Sweden for example

>gene editing
Meh will giving a shitty car a paint job the same as a sports car make both equal to each other?
You are what you're born, altering your body won't make you a different person or change your nature.

Eugenics used to be the hard kind based on the personal preferences of a few people rather than soft eugenics that targets physical, mental and genetic deformities in the womb.

It has a negative view because in the past it was associated with discrimination and even elimination of least desirable people.

However, it is very possible to apply eugenics without hurting anyone's rights. And that is actually a good thing since more intelligence, fit, and healthy humans would make the society better.

Politics that promotes eugenics:
-Legal and easy access to abortion (especially in poor areas);
-No welfare state (or possible benefits foor recipients that don't have kids);
-No/strict immigration from low iq countries;
-Child benefits for productive citizens

who is this and does she have feet pics

DNA evolves new features to exploit new opportunities. Bees use royal honey to control caste. For humans to evolve the capacity to redesign life would be very adaptive.

What if DNA wants us to mess with it?

Abortion is the modern version of eugenics, and China currently has the longest running eugenics program in history.

We will have designer babies becoming common place shortly.

Eugenics is the only intelligent and practical option and is overdue

I have a cousin named Eugene

That people should have the freedom to choose their partner. Also no one likes to get spermjacked.

who is that girl

no, it would be a living hell for them



Nordic and Germanic are the same things.

Eugenics is till being practiced you know ?
Genetic screening, aborting babies with defect's like down syndrome, Preimplantation genetic diagnosis etc. is already being practiced

Nobody is stopping you from taking a IQ test or Genetic screening before getting married.

>Eugenics was widely accepted at one time.
Especially by the left.
Herberg George Wells was one of the most outspoken leftists in Britain at his time and he was completely supportive of eugenics. The novel "The Time Machine" is more or less a dystopia that arises because a lack of evolutionary pressure.


eugenics forces people to admit that whites are superior

Finnland and Estonia seem to be very good material though. They always get out on top of the PISA studies and have a great amount of social trust and stability in their country.
Similar for Japan/Korea: very intelligent people, highly civilized.

The CEO of Yahoo Marissa Mayer is a German-Finnish Mischling and seems to be good racial material. She's also pretty hot.

Latin Italians (from the south) have on average very high IQs. But overall Europeans are the best.

The only problem I see with it is it's effect on a society if adopted on a large scale. Imagine living in a world where no amount of lifting will allow you to compete with Chad's scientifically proven superior genetics.
It would be like state sponsored enforcement of hypergamy.
That being said, I wouldn't have a problem with a private group of individuals engaging in it voluntarily.
The furthest I would want to see it go in a government is to outlaw racemixing and to encourage DNA testing to discourage two people from mating that are carriers for a genetic disease.

Not exactly. the preferable genes, if sold as a commodity, are ultimately chosen amongst the more publicized ones by the companies and hypothetic trend setters.
If the general perception is that of a burgerliberal, it will result in nigger genes injected in that fetus like there's no tomorrow.
In the case of asians or jews, probably a selection of their respective races genepool bordering inbreeding similar to the selection of dog traits, in order to maximize specialization.