Jews account for less than 0.2% of the Earth's ≈7.5 billion population

Jews account for less than 0.2% of the Earth's ≈7.5 billion population
And the so-called "elite Jews" that you incessantly ramble on about account for a minuscule fraction of that.

If they control everything like you claim they do, then doesn't make them the real master race? If they're that intelligent and skillful, then don't they have a rightful claim to rule over you? If fewer than >0.1% of the world's population is smart enough to manipulate the entire planet, then what does that say about the white race as a whole? Don't you realize that you sound exactly like the blacks that constantly blame white people for all of their failures?


It's the joos is an argument ive never understood.

Shill thread

Hi Newfag, here is a (you)

You must not be paying attention then Shitpostralia ..
Don't you have some birds to lose a war to, or something



Australia is 2.2% black and has a minimum wage of $16.50 USD

I wonder (((who))) could be behind this post
